On Oct 10, 5:09 am, Saurabh S <> wrote:
> hi , i am developing the configurable system for four clients . i want
> the code should be deployed on the single instance and should support
> the diffrent features depending upon who is logged in...also there
> should be a single database for all the order to impliment
> multi tenecy i tried to use "request.tenent" in web2py...but as this
> will store only the first part of URL into the database and will
> create the namespace by same to have this solved i had to
> deploy the code on diffrent instances but this is voilating my systems
> there any solution by which i can have the code
> deployed on single version and have diffrent namespaces in database
> depending upon who is logged in ...also a client should not be able to
> view other clients data for security purpose.....

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