[web2py] Re: Oracle: long text inserting

2012-10-30 Thread Bill Thayer
Hi Massimo,

Came along this group post while searching heare and dal.py to see if the 
fix for class 'cx_Oracle.DatabaseError' ORA-01704: string literal too long

I am not finding it in a searc of gluon and subdirectories produces no 
results for the above fix. Is there a status update? I am getting that 
error now.


It's not the length of your statement, it's the length (as the error 
 message says) of your literal.
 Oracle does not support character literals with more than 8000 characters. 
 You need to use e.g. a prepared statement (with bind variables) in your 
 programming language.-


[web2py] Re: Oracle: long text inserting

2012-10-30 Thread Bill Thayer
I guess in SergyPo's example db has changed since then because I cannot get 
a db._connection object and 

cursor = db._adapter.cursor
cursor.setinputsizes(value = cx_Oracle.CLOB) 

produces another error.

I would like to perhaps put these lines after db=DAL(...

Is there a way to get to the cursor object?

