This would be fantastic.
'plugins' and 'applications' are obviously well-defined, but I wonder if
'snippets', 'tips', and 'recipes' are sufficiently distinct to warrant
separate categories (i.e., it might be difficult to decide if something is a
snippet, tip, or recipe, and the user looking for help on a given topic
probably doesn't care anyway).
It might be helpful to allow older entries to be marked out-of-date or
obsolete (and filtered out of listings/searches). At least sorting by date
last modified would be a step in that direction.
Also, I wonder if it's worth trying to incorporate the stuff at and -- those materials are largely
snippets/tips/recipes also.
On Monday, January 17, 2011 3:17:08 PM UTC-5, rochacbruno wrote:
> 2011/1/17 Massimo Di Pierro
>> It would be great is somebody could improve the appliance app to
>> handle plugin. Here is the source:
> I am working on a new *web2pyslices* my idea besides the new layout is to
> index every kind of slice related do web2py.
> I am planning a new layout and main areas of the site
> ['snippets','plugins','applications','tips','recipes'], everything on the
> same site.
> Nathan Freeze gave me the app + database dump, and I am already working on
> it.
> any ideas?
> Bruno Rocha