[web2py] Re: custom form web2py not work when i use selectpicker

2018-08-21 Thread Anthony
It seems selectpicker is causing a change in what gets sent to web2py. In 
the browser developer tools, can you check what form data gets sent to the 
server with and without selectpicker enabled? Maybe that will provide a 


On Tuesday, August 21, 2018 at 4:42:30 PM UTC-4, Rodrigo Gomes wrote:
> jim, thank you for you time,  what is causing the error is, if i use 
> {{=form}} my code works, but if i use the form.custom as you suggested, my 
> code not work, if i 
> remove form.element(_id='no_table_cities').update(_class='selectpicker') in 
> my controller, form custom work again, so i have not idea about what is 
> goin on here, 
> iam using my own custom html, because, form custom, and form, generate 
> much bootstrap classes betwen my code, and iam using a custom theme, This 
> is a bit of a problem, I like to have control in my hands, since I 
> identified that web2py identifies my inputs by the id and name of the 
> element, I have not used it the old way.
> I think it is well related to selectpicker, because if I use any other 
> class besides this, it does not interfere with the capture of my select data
> terça-feira, 21 de Agosto de 2018 às 17:07:23 UTC-3, Jim S escreveu:
>> Ok, now that we know the problem isn't with SQLFORM.factory lets look 
>> closer at the generated html when using {{=form}} vs the html you typed in.
>> Specifically:
>> > name="address_type" data-style="btn-info btn-outline-info">
>> {{for t in address_type_list:}}
>> {{=t.type}}
>> {{pass}}
>> I'm curious why you're using your own custom html instead of using the 
>> custom form technique.
>> http://web2py.com/books/default/chapter/29/07/forms-and-validators#Custom-forms
>> {{=form.custom.begin}}
>> {{=form.custom.widget.name}}
>> {{=form.custom.widget.cpf}}
>> {{=form.custom.widget.email}}
>> {{=form.custom.widget.address_type}}
>> {{=form.custom.widget.cities}}
>> {{=form.custom.widget.person}}
>> {{=form.custom.submit}}
>> {{=form.custom.end}}
>> Good luck
>> -Jim
>> On Tuesday, August 21, 2018 at 2:57:33 PM UTC-5, Rodrigo Gomes wrote:
>>> I just tested with {{= form}} and it really worked, so the problem is 
>>> between
>>> >> method="post">
>>> >> >> >> >>
>>> {{=form.hidden_fields()}}
>>> terça-feira, 21 de Agosto de 2018 às 13:46:55 UTC-3, Jim S escreveu:

 Have you tried just displaying the form in your view using {{=form}}.  
 Then add a requires=IS_IN_DB to the fields in your model.  I'd do this 
 to make sure that SQLFORM.factory is working as expected.  Make sense?



 On Tuesday, August 21, 2018 at 11:34:23 AM UTC-5, Rodrigo Gomes wrote:
> i really think its a bug in form.factory, i tried modify by the 
> controller too, like 
> form.element(_id=no_table_cities).update(_class="selectpicker")
> and no sucess.
> terça-feira, 21 de Agosto de 2018 às 13:31:38 UTC-3, Rodrigo Gomes 
> escreveu:
>> @auth.requires_login()
>> def students():
>> form = form=SQLFORM.factory(db.person, db.address)
>> cities_list = db(db.cities.id>0).select(db.cities.ALL)
>> address_type_list = db(db.address_type.id>0
>> ).select(db.address_type.ALL)
>> person_list = db(db.person.id>0).select(db.person.ALL)
>> if form.process().accepted:
>> id = db.person.insert(**db.person._filter_fields(form.vars))
>> form.vars.person=id
>> id = db.address.insert(**db.address._filter_fields(form.vars))
>> redirect(URL('default','students'))
>> response.flash='Form Submetido com sucesso!' 
>> elif form.errors:
>> print(form.errors)
>> print(form.vars)
>> else:
>> print('please fill out the form')
>> return dict(form=form, cities_list=cities_list, 
>> address_type_list=address_type_list, 
>> person_list=person_list)
>> terça-feira, 21 de Agosto de 2018 às 10:10:39 UTC-3, Peng Wang 
>> escreveu:
>>> How did you define your cities_list?
>>> On Thursday, August 16, 2018 at 4:39:35 PM UTC-7, Rodrigo Gomes 
>>> wrote:

 Good evening, folks, I've come here to unveil a mystery, I'm 
 developing an application with web2py, (framework that I use about 3 

 I am using sqlform.factory, passing 2 tables, being that I do this 
 to fill in a single form, table, person and address, for better 
 understanding follows my controller, 

 def students():
 form = form=SQLFORM.factory(db.person, db.address)
 if form.process().accepted:

[web2py] Re: custom form web2py not work when i use selectpicker

2018-08-21 Thread Peng Wang
Did you include all the necessary files?

.selectpicker() is a function defined under bootstrap-select lib and not in 
core bootstrap library,hence you need to include that library as well







On Tuesday, August 21, 2018 at 1:42:30 PM UTC-7, Rodrigo Gomes wrote:
> jim, thank you for you time,  what is causing the error is, if i use 
> {{=form}} my code works, but if i use the form.custom as you suggested, my 
> code not work, if i 
> remove form.element(_id='no_table_cities').update(_class='selectpicker') in 
> my controller, form custom work again, so i have not idea about what is 
> goin on here, 
> iam using my own custom html, because, form custom, and form, generate 
> much bootstrap classes betwen my code, and iam using a custom theme, This 
> is a bit of a problem, I like to have control in my hands, since I 
> identified that web2py identifies my inputs by the id and name of the 
> element, I have not used it the old way.
> I think it is well related to selectpicker, because if I use any other 
> class besides this, it does not interfere with the capture of my select data
> terça-feira, 21 de Agosto de 2018 às 17:07:23 UTC-3, Jim S escreveu:
>> Ok, now that we know the problem isn't with SQLFORM.factory lets look 
>> closer at the generated html when using {{=form}} vs the html you typed in.
>> Specifically:
>> > name="address_type" data-style="btn-info btn-outline-info">
>> {{for t in address_type_list:}}
>> {{=t.type}}
>> {{pass}}
>> I'm curious why you're using your own custom html instead of using the 
>> custom form technique.
>> http://web2py.com/books/default/chapter/29/07/forms-and-validators#Custom-forms
>> {{=form.custom.begin}}
>> {{=form.custom.widget.name}}
>> {{=form.custom.widget.cpf}}
>> {{=form.custom.widget.email}}
>> {{=form.custom.widget.address_type}}
>> {{=form.custom.widget.cities}}
>> {{=form.custom.widget.person}}
>> {{=form.custom.submit}}
>> {{=form.custom.end}}
>> Good luck
>> -Jim
>> On Tuesday, August 21, 2018 at 2:57:33 PM UTC-5, Rodrigo Gomes wrote:
>>> I just tested with {{= form}} and it really worked, so the problem is 
>>> between
>>> >> method="post">
>>> >> >> >> >>
>>> {{=form.hidden_fields()}}
>>> terça-feira, 21 de Agosto de 2018 às 13:46:55 UTC-3, Jim S escreveu:

 Have you tried just displaying the form in your view using {{=form}}.  
 Then add a requires=IS_IN_DB to the fields in your model.  I'd do this 
 to make sure that SQLFORM.factory is working as expected.  Make sense?



 On Tuesday, August 21, 2018 at 11:34:23 AM UTC-5, Rodrigo Gomes wrote:
> i really think its a bug in form.factory, i tried modify by the 
> controller too, like 
> form.element(_id=no_table_cities).update(_class="selectpicker")
> and no sucess.
> terça-feira, 21 de Agosto de 2018 às 13:31:38 UTC-3, Rodrigo Gomes 
> escreveu:
>> @auth.requires_login()
>> def students():
>> form = form=SQLFORM.factory(db.person, db.address)
>> cities_list = db(db.cities.id>0).select(db.cities.ALL)
>> address_type_list = db(db.address_type.id>0
>> ).select(db.address_type.ALL)
>> person_list = db(db.person.id>0).select(db.person.ALL)
>> if form.process().accepted:
>> id = db.person.insert(**db.person._filter_fields(form.vars))
>> form.vars.person=id
>> id = db.address.insert(**db.address._filter_fields(form.vars))
>> redirect(URL('default','students'))
>> response.flash='Form Submetido com sucesso!' 
>> elif form.errors:
>> print(form.errors)
>> print(form.vars)
>> else:
>> print('please fill out the form')
>> return dict(form=form, cities_list=cities_list, 
>> address_type_list=address_type_list, 
>> person_list=person_list)
>> terça-feira, 21 de Agosto de 2018 às 10:10:39 UTC-3, Peng Wang 
>> escreveu:
>>> How did you define your cities_list?
>>> On Thursday, August 16, 2018 at 4:39:35 PM UTC-7, Rodrigo Gomes 
>>> wrote:

 Good evening, folks, I've come here to unveil a mystery, I'm 
 developing an application with web2py, (framework that I use about 3 

 I am using sqlform.factory, passing 2 tables, being that I do this 
 to fill in a single form, table, person and address, for better 
 understanding follows my 

[web2py] Re: custom form web2py not work when i use selectpicker

2018-08-21 Thread Jim S
I'm not aware of 'selectpicker'.  What does it offer that the default 
select widget doesn't?

I'm guessing you're also aware that you can override all of that bootstrap 
form style by creating your own formstyle and specifying it on 
SQLFORM.factory(formstyle=my_formstyle) call.

I'm not sure if this helps but just thought I'd mention it.


On Tuesday, August 21, 2018 at 3:42:30 PM UTC-5, Rodrigo Gomes wrote:
> jim, thank you for you time,  what is causing the error is, if i use 
> {{=form}} my code works, but if i use the form.custom as you suggested, my 
> code not work, if i 
> remove form.element(_id='no_table_cities').update(_class='selectpicker') in 
> my controller, form custom work again, so i have not idea about what is 
> goin on here, 
> iam using my own custom html, because, form custom, and form, generate 
> much bootstrap classes betwen my code, and iam using a custom theme, This 
> is a bit of a problem, I like to have control in my hands, since I 
> identified that web2py identifies my inputs by the id and name of the 
> element, I have not used it the old way.
> I think it is well related to selectpicker, because if I use any other 
> class besides this, it does not interfere with the capture of my select data
> terça-feira, 21 de Agosto de 2018 às 17:07:23 UTC-3, Jim S escreveu:
>> Ok, now that we know the problem isn't with SQLFORM.factory lets look 
>> closer at the generated html when using {{=form}} vs the html you typed in.
>> Specifically:
>> > name="address_type" data-style="btn-info btn-outline-info">
>> {{for t in address_type_list:}}
>> {{=t.type}}
>> {{pass}}
>> I'm curious why you're using your own custom html instead of using the 
>> custom form technique.
>> http://web2py.com/books/default/chapter/29/07/forms-and-validators#Custom-forms
>> {{=form.custom.begin}}
>> {{=form.custom.widget.name}}
>> {{=form.custom.widget.cpf}}
>> {{=form.custom.widget.email}}
>> {{=form.custom.widget.address_type}}
>> {{=form.custom.widget.cities}}
>> {{=form.custom.widget.person}}
>> {{=form.custom.submit}}
>> {{=form.custom.end}}
>> Good luck
>> -Jim
>> On Tuesday, August 21, 2018 at 2:57:33 PM UTC-5, Rodrigo Gomes wrote:
>>> I just tested with {{= form}} and it really worked, so the problem is 
>>> between
>>> >> method="post">
>>> >> >> >> >>
>>> {{=form.hidden_fields()}}
>>> terça-feira, 21 de Agosto de 2018 às 13:46:55 UTC-3, Jim S escreveu:

 Have you tried just displaying the form in your view using {{=form}}.  
 Then add a requires=IS_IN_DB to the fields in your model.  I'd do this 
 to make sure that SQLFORM.factory is working as expected.  Make sense?



 On Tuesday, August 21, 2018 at 11:34:23 AM UTC-5, Rodrigo Gomes wrote:
> i really think its a bug in form.factory, i tried modify by the 
> controller too, like 
> form.element(_id=no_table_cities).update(_class="selectpicker")
> and no sucess.
> terça-feira, 21 de Agosto de 2018 às 13:31:38 UTC-3, Rodrigo Gomes 
> escreveu:
>> @auth.requires_login()
>> def students():
>> form = form=SQLFORM.factory(db.person, db.address)
>> cities_list = db(db.cities.id>0).select(db.cities.ALL)
>> address_type_list = db(db.address_type.id>0
>> ).select(db.address_type.ALL)
>> person_list = db(db.person.id>0).select(db.person.ALL)
>> if form.process().accepted:
>> id = db.person.insert(**db.person._filter_fields(form.vars))
>> form.vars.person=id
>> id = db.address.insert(**db.address._filter_fields(form.vars))
>> redirect(URL('default','students'))
>> response.flash='Form Submetido com sucesso!' 
>> elif form.errors:
>> print(form.errors)
>> print(form.vars)
>> else:
>> print('please fill out the form')
>> return dict(form=form, cities_list=cities_list, 
>> address_type_list=address_type_list, 
>> person_list=person_list)
>> terça-feira, 21 de Agosto de 2018 às 10:10:39 UTC-3, Peng Wang 
>> escreveu:
>>> How did you define your cities_list?
>>> On Thursday, August 16, 2018 at 4:39:35 PM UTC-7, Rodrigo Gomes 
>>> wrote:

 Good evening, folks, I've come here to unveil a mystery, I'm 
 developing an application with web2py, (framework that I use about 3 

 I am using sqlform.factory, passing 2 tables, being that I do this 
 to fill in a single form, table, person and address, for better 
 understanding follows my controller, 

 def students():
 form = 

[web2py] Re: custom form web2py not work when i use selectpicker

2018-08-21 Thread Rodrigo Gomes
jim, thank you for you time,  what is causing the error is, if i use 
{{=form}} my code works, but if i use the form.custom, my code not work, if 
i remove form.element(_id='no_table_cities').update(_class='selectpicker') 
in my controller, form custom work again, so i have not idea about what is 
goin on here, 

iam using my own custom html, because, form custom, and form, generate much 
bootstrap classes betwen my code, and iam using a custom theme, This is a 
bit of a problem, I like to have control in my hands, since I identified 
that web2py identifies my inputs by the id and name of the element, I have 
not used it the old way.

I think it is well related to selectpicker, because if I use any other 
class besides this, it does not interfere with the capture of my select data

terça-feira, 21 de Agosto de 2018 às 17:07:23 UTC-3, Jim S escreveu:
> Ok, now that we know the problem isn't with SQLFORM.factory lets look 
> closer at the generated html when using {{=form}} vs the html you typed in.
> Specifically:
>  name="address_type" data-style="btn-info btn-outline-info">
> {{for t in address_type_list:}}
> {{=t.type}}
> {{pass}}
> I'm curious why you're using your own custom html instead of using the 
> custom form technique.
> http://web2py.com/books/default/chapter/29/07/forms-and-validators#Custom-forms
> {{=form.custom.begin}}
> {{=form.custom.widget.name}}
> {{=form.custom.widget.cpf}}
> {{=form.custom.widget.email}}
> {{=form.custom.widget.address_type}}
> {{=form.custom.widget.cities}}
> {{=form.custom.widget.person}}
> {{=form.custom.submit}}
> {{=form.custom.end}}
> Good luck
> -Jim
> On Tuesday, August 21, 2018 at 2:57:33 PM UTC-5, Rodrigo Gomes wrote:
>> I just tested with {{= form}} and it really worked, so the problem is 
>> between
>> > method="post">
>> > > > >
>> {{=form.hidden_fields()}}
>> terça-feira, 21 de Agosto de 2018 às 13:46:55 UTC-3, Jim S escreveu:
>>> Have you tried just displaying the form in your view using {{=form}}.  
>>> Then add a requires=IS_IN_DB to the fields in your model.  I'd do this just 
>>> to make sure that SQLFORM.factory is working as expected.  Make sense?
>>> http://web2py.com/books/default/chapter/29/07/forms-and-validators#Database-validators
>>> -Jim
>>> On Tuesday, August 21, 2018 at 11:34:23 AM UTC-5, Rodrigo Gomes wrote:

 i really think its a bug in form.factory, i tried modify by the 
 controller too, like 

 and no sucess.

 terça-feira, 21 de Agosto de 2018 às 13:31:38 UTC-3, Rodrigo Gomes 
> @auth.requires_login()
> def students():
> form = form=SQLFORM.factory(db.person, db.address)
> cities_list = db(db.cities.id>0).select(db.cities.ALL)
> address_type_list = db(db.address_type.id>0
> ).select(db.address_type.ALL)
> person_list = db(db.person.id>0).select(db.person.ALL)
> if form.process().accepted:
> id = db.person.insert(**db.person._filter_fields(form.vars))
> form.vars.person=id
> id = db.address.insert(**db.address._filter_fields(form.vars))
> redirect(URL('default','students'))
> response.flash='Form Submetido com sucesso!' 
> elif form.errors:
> print(form.errors)
> print(form.vars)
> else:
> print('please fill out the form')
> return dict(form=form, cities_list=cities_list, 
> address_type_list=address_type_list, 
> person_list=person_list)
> terça-feira, 21 de Agosto de 2018 às 10:10:39 UTC-3, Peng Wang 
> escreveu:
>> How did you define your cities_list?
>> On Thursday, August 16, 2018 at 4:39:35 PM UTC-7, Rodrigo Gomes wrote:
>>> Good evening, folks, I've come here to unveil a mystery, I'm 
>>> developing an application with web2py, (framework that I use about 3 
>>> years 
>>> ago)
>>> I am using sqlform.factory, passing 2 tables, being that I do this 
>>> to fill in a single form, table, person and address, for better 
>>> understanding follows my controller, 
>>> @auth.requires_login()
>>> def students():
>>> form = form=SQLFORM.factory(db.person, db.address)
>>> if form.process().accepted:
>>>id = db.person.insert(**db.person._filter_fields(form.vars))
>>>id = db.address.insert(**db.address._filter_fields(form.vars))
>>>response.flash='Form Submetido com sucesso!' 
>>> elif form.errors:
>>> else:
>>>print('please fill out the form')
>>> if it helps, this is my model, the tables and their relationships, 

[web2py] Re: custom form web2py not work when i use selectpicker

2018-08-21 Thread Jim S
Ok, now that we know the problem isn't with SQLFORM.factory lets look 
closer at the generated html when using {{=form}} vs the html you typed in.


{{for t in address_type_list:}}

I'm curious why you're using your own custom html instead of using the 
custom form technique.  


Good luck


On Tuesday, August 21, 2018 at 2:57:33 PM UTC-5, Rodrigo Gomes wrote:
> I just tested with {{= form}} and it really worked, so the problem is 
> between
>  method="post">
> {{=form.hidden_fields()}}
> terça-feira, 21 de Agosto de 2018 às 13:46:55 UTC-3, Jim S escreveu:
>> Have you tried just displaying the form in your view using {{=form}}.  
>> Then add a requires=IS_IN_DB to the fields in your model.  I'd do this just 
>> to make sure that SQLFORM.factory is working as expected.  Make sense?
>> http://web2py.com/books/default/chapter/29/07/forms-and-validators#Database-validators
>> -Jim
>> On Tuesday, August 21, 2018 at 11:34:23 AM UTC-5, Rodrigo Gomes wrote:
>>> i really think its a bug in form.factory, i tried modify by the 
>>> controller too, like 
>>> form.element(_id=no_table_cities).update(_class="selectpicker")
>>> and no sucess.
>>> terça-feira, 21 de Agosto de 2018 às 13:31:38 UTC-3, Rodrigo Gomes 
>>> escreveu:

 def students():
 form = form=SQLFORM.factory(db.person, db.address)

 cities_list = db(db.cities.id>0).select(db.cities.ALL)
 address_type_list = db(db.address_type.id>0
 person_list = db(db.person.id>0).select(db.person.ALL)

 if form.process().accepted:
 id = db.person.insert(**db.person._filter_fields(form.vars))
 id = db.address.insert(**db.address._filter_fields(form.vars))
 response.flash='Form Submetido com sucesso!' 
 elif form.errors:
 print('please fill out the form')
 return dict(form=form, cities_list=cities_list, 

 terça-feira, 21 de Agosto de 2018 às 10:10:39 UTC-3, Peng Wang escreveu:
> How did you define your cities_list?
> On Thursday, August 16, 2018 at 4:39:35 PM UTC-7, Rodrigo Gomes wrote:
>> Good evening, folks, I've come here to unveil a mystery, I'm 
>> developing an application with web2py, (framework that I use about 3 
>> years 
>> ago)
>> I am using sqlform.factory, passing 2 tables, being that I do this to 
>> fill in a single form, table, person and address, for better 
>> understanding 
>> follows my controller, 
>> @auth.requires_login()
>> def students():
>> form = form=SQLFORM.factory(db.person, db.address)
>> if form.process().accepted:
>>id = db.person.insert(**db.person._filter_fields(form.vars))
>>id = db.address.insert(**db.address._filter_fields(form.vars))
>>response.flash='Form Submetido com sucesso!' 
>> elif form.errors:
>> else:
>>print('please fill out the form')
>> if it helps, this is my model, the tables and their relationships, 
>> db.define_table("person",
>> Field("name", "string", length=50),
>> Field("cpf", "string", length=11),
>> Field("birthday", "date", length=11),
>> Field("email","string", length=40),
>> Field("registration_date","date", length=40)
>> )
>> db.define_table("cities",
>> Field("name", "string"),
>> Field("state","reference state")
>> )
>> db.define_table("address_type",
>> Field("type","string",length=100),
>> )
>> db.define_table("address",
>> Field("number","integer"),
>> Field("public_place","string"),
>> Field("cep","string",length=15),
>> Field("complement","string"),
>> Field("cities",'reference cities'),
>> Field("address_type",'reference address_type'),
>> Field("person",'reference person', writable=False,readable=False)
>> )
>> This is my view 
>> > method="post">

[web2py] Re: custom form web2py not work when i use selectpicker

2018-08-21 Thread Rodrigo Gomes
I just tested with {{= form}} and it really worked, so the problem is 



terça-feira, 21 de Agosto de 2018 às 13:46:55 UTC-3, Jim S escreveu:
> Have you tried just displaying the form in your view using {{=form}}.  
> Then add a requires=IS_IN_DB to the fields in your model.  I'd do this just 
> to make sure that SQLFORM.factory is working as expected.  Make sense?
> http://web2py.com/books/default/chapter/29/07/forms-and-validators#Database-validators
> -Jim
> On Tuesday, August 21, 2018 at 11:34:23 AM UTC-5, Rodrigo Gomes wrote:
>> i really think its a bug in form.factory, i tried modify by the 
>> controller too, like 
>> form.element(_id=no_table_cities).update(_class="selectpicker")
>> and no sucess.
>> terça-feira, 21 de Agosto de 2018 às 13:31:38 UTC-3, Rodrigo Gomes 
>> escreveu:
>>> @auth.requires_login()
>>> def students():
>>> form = form=SQLFORM.factory(db.person, db.address)
>>> cities_list = db(db.cities.id>0).select(db.cities.ALL)
>>> address_type_list = db(db.address_type.id>0).select(db.address_type.ALL)
>>> person_list = db(db.person.id>0).select(db.person.ALL)
>>> if form.process().accepted:
>>> id = db.person.insert(**db.person._filter_fields(form.vars))
>>> form.vars.person=id
>>> id = db.address.insert(**db.address._filter_fields(form.vars))
>>> redirect(URL('default','students'))
>>> response.flash='Form Submetido com sucesso!' 
>>> elif form.errors:
>>> print(form.errors)
>>> print(form.vars)
>>> else:
>>> print('please fill out the form')
>>> return dict(form=form, cities_list=cities_list, 
>>> address_type_list=address_type_list, 
>>> person_list=person_list)
>>> terça-feira, 21 de Agosto de 2018 às 10:10:39 UTC-3, Peng Wang escreveu:

 How did you define your cities_list?

 On Thursday, August 16, 2018 at 4:39:35 PM UTC-7, Rodrigo Gomes wrote:
> Good evening, folks, I've come here to unveil a mystery, I'm 
> developing an application with web2py, (framework that I use about 3 
> years 
> ago)
> I am using sqlform.factory, passing 2 tables, being that I do this to 
> fill in a single form, table, person and address, for better 
> understanding 
> follows my controller, 
> @auth.requires_login()
> def students():
> form = form=SQLFORM.factory(db.person, db.address)
> if form.process().accepted:
>id = db.person.insert(**db.person._filter_fields(form.vars))
>id = db.address.insert(**db.address._filter_fields(form.vars))
>response.flash='Form Submetido com sucesso!' 
> elif form.errors:
> else:
>print('please fill out the form')
> if it helps, this is my model, the tables and their relationships, 
> db.define_table("person",
> Field("name", "string", length=50),
> Field("cpf", "string", length=11),
> Field("birthday", "date", length=11),
> Field("email","string", length=40),
> Field("registration_date","date", length=40)
> )
> db.define_table("cities",
> Field("name", "string"),
> Field("state","reference state")
> )
> db.define_table("address_type",
> Field("type","string",length=100),
> )
> db.define_table("address",
> Field("number","integer"),
> Field("public_place","string"),
> Field("cep","string",length=15),
> Field("complement","string"),
> Field("cities",'reference cities'),
> Field("address_type",'reference address_type'),
> Field("person",'reference person', writable=False,readable=False)
> )
> This is my view 
>  method="post">
>  name="name" type="text" placeholder="nome">
>  type="text" placeholder="cpf">
>  name="email" type="text" placeholder="email">
>  id="no_table_address_type" name="address_type" data-style="btn-info 
> btn-outline-info">
> {{for t in address_type_list:}}
> {{=t.type}}
> {{pass}}
>  data-style="btn-info btn-outline-info" required>
> {{for city in 

[web2py] Re: custom form web2py not work when i use selectpicker

2018-08-21 Thread Jim S
Have you tried just displaying the form in your view using {{=form}}.  Then 
add a requires=IS_IN_DB to the fields in your model.  I'd do this just to 
make sure that SQLFORM.factory is working as expected.  Make sense?



On Tuesday, August 21, 2018 at 11:34:23 AM UTC-5, Rodrigo Gomes wrote:
> i really think its a bug in form.factory, i tried modify by the controller 
> too, like 
> form.element(_id=no_table_cities).update(_class="selectpicker")
> and no sucess.
> terça-feira, 21 de Agosto de 2018 às 13:31:38 UTC-3, Rodrigo Gomes 
> escreveu:
>> @auth.requires_login()
>> def students():
>> form = form=SQLFORM.factory(db.person, db.address)
>> cities_list = db(db.cities.id>0).select(db.cities.ALL)
>> address_type_list = db(db.address_type.id>0).select(db.address_type.ALL)
>> person_list = db(db.person.id>0).select(db.person.ALL)
>> if form.process().accepted:
>> id = db.person.insert(**db.person._filter_fields(form.vars))
>> form.vars.person=id
>> id = db.address.insert(**db.address._filter_fields(form.vars))
>> redirect(URL('default','students'))
>> response.flash='Form Submetido com sucesso!' 
>> elif form.errors:
>> print(form.errors)
>> print(form.vars)
>> else:
>> print('please fill out the form')
>> return dict(form=form, cities_list=cities_list, 
>> address_type_list=address_type_list, 
>> person_list=person_list)
>> terça-feira, 21 de Agosto de 2018 às 10:10:39 UTC-3, Peng Wang escreveu:
>>> How did you define your cities_list?
>>> On Thursday, August 16, 2018 at 4:39:35 PM UTC-7, Rodrigo Gomes wrote:

 Good evening, folks, I've come here to unveil a mystery, I'm developing 
 an application with web2py, (framework that I use about 3 years ago)

 I am using sqlform.factory, passing 2 tables, being that I do this to 
 fill in a single form, table, person and address, for better understanding 
 follows my controller, 

 def students():
 form = form=SQLFORM.factory(db.person, db.address)
 if form.process().accepted:
id = db.person.insert(**db.person._filter_fields(form.vars))
id = db.address.insert(**db.address._filter_fields(form.vars))
response.flash='Form Submetido com sucesso!' 
 elif form.errors:
print('please fill out the form')

 if it helps, this is my model, the tables and their relationships, 

 Field("name", "string", length=50),
 Field("cpf", "string", length=11),
 Field("birthday", "date", length=11),
 Field("email","string", length=40),
 Field("registration_date","date", length=40)

 Field("name", "string"),
 Field("state","reference state")


 Field("cities",'reference cities'),
 Field("address_type",'reference address_type'),
 Field("person",'reference person', writable=False,readable=False)

 This is my view 

 >>> method="post">
 >>> type="text" placeholder="nome">
 >>> type="text" placeholder="cpf">
 >>> name="email" type="text" placeholder="email">

 >>> id="no_table_address_type" name="address_type" data-style="btn-info 

 {{for t in address_type_list:}}
 >>> data-style="btn-info btn-outline-info" required>
 {{for city in cities_list:}}
 >>> data-dismiss="modal">Cancelar

[web2py] Re: custom form web2py not work when i use selectpicker

2018-08-21 Thread Rodrigo Gomes
i really think its a bug in form.factory, i tried modify by the controller 
too, like 

and no sucess.

terça-feira, 21 de Agosto de 2018 às 13:31:38 UTC-3, Rodrigo Gomes escreveu:
> @auth.requires_login()
> def students():
> form = form=SQLFORM.factory(db.person, db.address)
> cities_list = db(db.cities.id>0).select(db.cities.ALL)
> address_type_list = db(db.address_type.id>0).select(db.address_type.ALL)
> person_list = db(db.person.id>0).select(db.person.ALL)
> if form.process().accepted:
> id = db.person.insert(**db.person._filter_fields(form.vars))
> form.vars.person=id
> id = db.address.insert(**db.address._filter_fields(form.vars))
> redirect(URL('default','students'))
> response.flash='Form Submetido com sucesso!' 
> elif form.errors:
> print(form.errors)
> print(form.vars)
> else:
> print('please fill out the form')
> return dict(form=form, cities_list=cities_list, 
> address_type_list=address_type_list, 
> person_list=person_list)
> terça-feira, 21 de Agosto de 2018 às 10:10:39 UTC-3, Peng Wang escreveu:
>> How did you define your cities_list?
>> On Thursday, August 16, 2018 at 4:39:35 PM UTC-7, Rodrigo Gomes wrote:
>>> Good evening, folks, I've come here to unveil a mystery, I'm developing 
>>> an application with web2py, (framework that I use about 3 years ago)
>>> I am using sqlform.factory, passing 2 tables, being that I do this to 
>>> fill in a single form, table, person and address, for better understanding 
>>> follows my controller, 
>>> @auth.requires_login()
>>> def students():
>>> form = form=SQLFORM.factory(db.person, db.address)
>>> if form.process().accepted:
>>>id = db.person.insert(**db.person._filter_fields(form.vars))
>>>id = db.address.insert(**db.address._filter_fields(form.vars))
>>>response.flash='Form Submetido com sucesso!' 
>>> elif form.errors:
>>> else:
>>>print('please fill out the form')
>>> if it helps, this is my model, the tables and their relationships, 
>>> db.define_table("person",
>>> Field("name", "string", length=50),
>>> Field("cpf", "string", length=11),
>>> Field("birthday", "date", length=11),
>>> Field("email","string", length=40),
>>> Field("registration_date","date", length=40)
>>> )
>>> db.define_table("cities",
>>> Field("name", "string"),
>>> Field("state","reference state")
>>> )
>>> db.define_table("address_type",
>>> Field("type","string",length=100),
>>> )
>>> db.define_table("address",
>>> Field("number","integer"),
>>> Field("public_place","string"),
>>> Field("cep","string",length=15),
>>> Field("complement","string"),
>>> Field("cities",'reference cities'),
>>> Field("address_type",'reference address_type'),
>>> Field("person",'reference person', writable=False,readable=False)
>>> )
>>> This is my view 
>>> >> method="post">
>>> >> type="text" placeholder="nome">
>>> >> type="text" placeholder="cpf">
>>> >> name="email" type="text" placeholder="email">
>>> >> id="no_table_address_type" name="address_type" data-style="btn-info 
>>> btn-outline-info">  
>>> {{for t in address_type_list:}}
>>> {{=t.type}}
>>> {{pass}}
>>> >> data-style="btn-info btn-outline-info" required>
>>> {{for city in cities_list:}}
>>> {{=city.name}}
>>> {{pass}}
>>> {{=form.hidden_fields()}}
>>> >> data-dismiss="modal">Cancelar
>>> now the problem: this selectpicker, simply my form can not store the 
>>> value of select, when I add this class, I needed it, I do not need it that 
>>> much, but it became a mission to understand what's happening here, I gave a 
>>> print em form. vars.cities and she's just like None, help please
>>> >> 'rodg...@gmail.com', 'registration_date' public_place ':' ',' '' '' '' 
>>> '' '' '' '' '' '' 'cities': None, 'address_type': None, 'person': 4}>

- http://web2py.com
- http://web2py.com/book 

[web2py] Re: custom form web2py not work when i use selectpicker

2018-08-21 Thread Rodrigo Gomes
def students():
form = form=SQLFORM.factory(db.person, db.address)

cities_list = db(db.cities.id>0).select(db.cities.ALL)
address_type_list = db(db.address_type.id>0).select(db.address_type.ALL)
person_list = db(db.person.id>0).select(db.person.ALL)

if form.process().accepted:
id = db.person.insert(**db.person._filter_fields(form.vars))
id = db.address.insert(**db.address._filter_fields(form.vars))
response.flash='Form Submetido com sucesso!' 
elif form.errors:
print('please fill out the form')
return dict(form=form, cities_list=cities_list, 

terça-feira, 21 de Agosto de 2018 às 10:10:39 UTC-3, Peng Wang escreveu:
> How did you define your cities_list?
> On Thursday, August 16, 2018 at 4:39:35 PM UTC-7, Rodrigo Gomes wrote:
>> Good evening, folks, I've come here to unveil a mystery, I'm developing 
>> an application with web2py, (framework that I use about 3 years ago)
>> I am using sqlform.factory, passing 2 tables, being that I do this to 
>> fill in a single form, table, person and address, for better understanding 
>> follows my controller, 
>> @auth.requires_login()
>> def students():
>> form = form=SQLFORM.factory(db.person, db.address)
>> if form.process().accepted:
>>id = db.person.insert(**db.person._filter_fields(form.vars))
>>id = db.address.insert(**db.address._filter_fields(form.vars))
>>response.flash='Form Submetido com sucesso!' 
>> elif form.errors:
>> else:
>>print('please fill out the form')
>> if it helps, this is my model, the tables and their relationships, 
>> db.define_table("person",
>> Field("name", "string", length=50),
>> Field("cpf", "string", length=11),
>> Field("birthday", "date", length=11),
>> Field("email","string", length=40),
>> Field("registration_date","date", length=40)
>> )
>> db.define_table("cities",
>> Field("name", "string"),
>> Field("state","reference state")
>> )
>> db.define_table("address_type",
>> Field("type","string",length=100),
>> )
>> db.define_table("address",
>> Field("number","integer"),
>> Field("public_place","string"),
>> Field("cep","string",length=15),
>> Field("complement","string"),
>> Field("cities",'reference cities'),
>> Field("address_type",'reference address_type'),
>> Field("person",'reference person', writable=False,readable=False)
>> )
>> This is my view 
>> > method="post">
>> > type="text" placeholder="nome">
>> > type="text" placeholder="cpf">
>> > type="text" placeholder="email">
>> > id="no_table_address_type" name="address_type" data-style="btn-info 
>> btn-outline-info">   
>> {{for t in address_type_list:}}
>> {{=t.type}}
>> {{pass}}
>> > data-style="btn-info btn-outline-info" required>
>> {{for city in cities_list:}}
>> {{=city.name}}
>> {{pass}}
>> {{=form.hidden_fields()}}
>> > data-dismiss="modal">Cancelar
>> now the problem: this selectpicker, simply my form can not store the 
>> value of select, when I add this class, I needed it, I do not need it that 
>> much, but it became a mission to understand what's happening here, I gave a 
>> print em form. vars.cities and she's just like None, help please
>> > rodg...@gmail.com', 'registration_date' public_place ':' ',' '' '' '' '' 
>> '' '' '' '' '' 'cities': None, 'address_type': None, 'person': 4}>

- http://web2py.com
- http://web2py.com/book (Documentation)
- http://github.com/web2py/web2py (Source code)
- https://code.google.com/p/web2py/issues/list (Report Issues)
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"web2py-users" group.
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to web2py+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/d/optout.

[web2py] Re: custom form web2py not work when i use selectpicker

2018-08-21 Thread Rodrigo Gomes
def students():
   form = form=SQLFORM.factory(db.person, db.address)

cities_list = db(db.cities.id>0).select(db.cities.ALL)
   address_type_list = db(db.address_type.id>0).select(db.address_type.ALL)
   person_list = db(db.person.id>0).select(db.person.ALL)

if form.process().accepted:
  id = db.person.insert(**db.person._filter_fields(form.vars))
  id = db.address.insert(**db.address._filter_fields(form.vars))
  response.flash='Form Submetido com sucesso!' 
elif form.errors:
   print('please fill out the form')
   return dict(form=form, cities_list=cities_list, address_type_list=
address_type_list, person_list=person_list)

terça-feira, 21 de Agosto de 2018 às 10:10:39 UTC-3, Peng Wang escreveu:
> How did you define your cities_list?
> On Thursday, August 16, 2018 at 4:39:35 PM UTC-7, Rodrigo Gomes wrote:
>> Good evening, folks, I've come here to unveil a mystery, I'm developing 
>> an application with web2py, (framework that I use about 3 years ago)
>> I am using sqlform.factory, passing 2 tables, being that I do this to 
>> fill in a single form, table, person and address, for better understanding 
>> follows my controller, 
>> @auth.requires_login()
>> def students():
>> form = form=SQLFORM.factory(db.person, db.address)
>> if form.process().accepted:
>>id = db.person.insert(**db.person._filter_fields(form.vars))
>>id = db.address.insert(**db.address._filter_fields(form.vars))
>>response.flash='Form Submetido com sucesso!' 
>> elif form.errors:
>> else:
>>print('please fill out the form')
>> if it helps, this is my model, the tables and their relationships, 
>> db.define_table("person",
>> Field("name", "string", length=50),
>> Field("cpf", "string", length=11),
>> Field("birthday", "date", length=11),
>> Field("email","string", length=40),
>> Field("registration_date","date", length=40)
>> )
>> db.define_table("cities",
>> Field("name", "string"),
>> Field("state","reference state")
>> )
>> db.define_table("address_type",
>> Field("type","string",length=100),
>> )
>> db.define_table("address",
>> Field("number","integer"),
>> Field("public_place","string"),
>> Field("cep","string",length=15),
>> Field("complement","string"),
>> Field("cities",'reference cities'),
>> Field("address_type",'reference address_type'),
>> Field("person",'reference person', writable=False,readable=False)
>> )
>> This is my view 
>> > method="post">
>> > type="text" placeholder="nome">
>> > type="text" placeholder="cpf">
>> > type="text" placeholder="email">
>> > id="no_table_address_type" name="address_type" data-style="btn-info 
>> btn-outline-info">   
>> {{for t in address_type_list:}}
>> {{=t.type}}
>> {{pass}}
>> > data-style="btn-info btn-outline-info" required>
>> {{for city in cities_list:}}
>> {{=city.name}}
>> {{pass}}
>> {{=form.hidden_fields()}}
>> > data-dismiss="modal">Cancelar
>> now the problem: this selectpicker, simply my form can not store the 
>> value of select, when I add this class, I needed it, I do not need it that 
>> much, but it became a mission to understand what's happening here, I gave a 
>> print em form. vars.cities and she's just like None, help please
>> > rodg...@gmail.com', 'registration_date' public_place ':' ',' '' '' '' '' 
>> '' '' '' '' '' 'cities': None, 'address_type': None, 'person': 4}>

- http://web2py.com
- http://web2py.com/book (Documentation)
- http://github.com/web2py/web2py (Source code)
- https://code.google.com/p/web2py/issues/list (Report Issues)
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[web2py] Re: custom form web2py not work when i use selectpicker

2018-08-21 Thread Peng Wang
How did you define your cities_list?

On Thursday, August 16, 2018 at 4:39:35 PM UTC-7, Rodrigo Gomes wrote:
> Good evening, folks, I've come here to unveil a mystery, I'm developing an 
> application with web2py, (framework that I use about 3 years ago)
> I am using sqlform.factory, passing 2 tables, being that I do this to fill 
> in a single form, table, person and address, for better understanding 
> follows my controller, 
> @auth.requires_login()
> def students():
> form = form=SQLFORM.factory(db.person, db.address)
> if form.process().accepted:
>id = db.person.insert(**db.person._filter_fields(form.vars))
>id = db.address.insert(**db.address._filter_fields(form.vars))
>response.flash='Form Submetido com sucesso!' 
> elif form.errors:
> else:
>print('please fill out the form')
> if it helps, this is my model, the tables and their relationships, 
> db.define_table("person",
> Field("name", "string", length=50),
> Field("cpf", "string", length=11),
> Field("birthday", "date", length=11),
> Field("email","string", length=40),
> Field("registration_date","date", length=40)
> )
> db.define_table("cities",
> Field("name", "string"),
> Field("state","reference state")
> )
> db.define_table("address_type",
> Field("type","string",length=100),
> )
> db.define_table("address",
> Field("number","integer"),
> Field("public_place","string"),
> Field("cep","string",length=15),
> Field("complement","string"),
> Field("cities",'reference cities'),
> Field("address_type",'reference address_type'),
> Field("person",'reference person', writable=False,readable=False)
> )
> This is my view 
>  method="post">
>  type="text" placeholder="nome">
>  type="text" placeholder="cpf">
>  type="text" placeholder="email">
>  id="no_table_address_type" name="address_type" data-style="btn-info 
> btn-outline-info">
> {{for t in address_type_list:}}
> {{=t.type}}
> {{pass}}
>  data-style="btn-info btn-outline-info" required>
> {{for city in cities_list:}}
> {{=city.name}}
> {{pass}}
> {{=form.hidden_fields()}}
>  data-dismiss="modal">Cancelar
> now the problem: this selectpicker, simply my form can not store the value 
> of select, when I add this class, I needed it, I do not need it that much, 
> but it became a mission to understand what's happening here, I gave a print 
> em form. vars.cities and she's just like None, help please
>  rodg...@gmail.com ', 'registration_date' public_place ':' 
> ',' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' 'cities': None, 'address_type': None, 
> 'person': 4}>

- http://web2py.com
- http://web2py.com/book (Documentation)
- http://github.com/web2py/web2py (Source code)
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For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/d/optout.

[web2py] Re: custom form web2py not work when i use selectpicker

2018-08-20 Thread Rodrigo Gomes
some one help me pleas

quinta-feira, 16 de Agosto de 2018 às 20:39:35 UTC-3, Rodrigo Gomes 
> Good evening, folks, I've come here to unveil a mystery, I'm developing an 
> application with web2py, (framework that I use about 3 years ago)
> I am using sqlform.factory, passing 2 tables, being that I do this to fill 
> in a single form, table, person and address, for better understanding 
> follows my controller, 
> @auth.requires_login()
> def students():
> form = form=SQLFORM.factory(db.person, db.address)
> if form.process().accepted:
>id = db.person.insert(**db.person._filter_fields(form.vars))
>id = db.address.insert(**db.address._filter_fields(form.vars))
>response.flash='Form Submetido com sucesso!' 
> elif form.errors:
> else:
>print('please fill out the form')
> if it helps, this is my model, the tables and their relationships, 
> db.define_table("person",
> Field("name", "string", length=50),
> Field("cpf", "string", length=11),
> Field("birthday", "date", length=11),
> Field("email","string", length=40),
> Field("registration_date","date", length=40)
> )
> db.define_table("cities",
> Field("name", "string"),
> Field("state","reference state")
> )
> db.define_table("address_type",
> Field("type","string",length=100),
> )
> db.define_table("address",
> Field("number","integer"),
> Field("public_place","string"),
> Field("cep","string",length=15),
> Field("complement","string"),
> Field("cities",'reference cities'),
> Field("address_type",'reference address_type'),
> Field("person",'reference person', writable=False,readable=False)
> )
> This is my view 
>  method="post">
>  type="text" placeholder="nome">
>  type="text" placeholder="cpf">
>  type="text" placeholder="email">
>  id="no_table_address_type" name="address_type" data-style="btn-info 
> btn-outline-info">
> {{for t in address_type_list:}}
> {{=t.type}}
> {{pass}}
>  data-style="btn-info btn-outline-info" required>
> {{for city in cities_list:}}
> {{=city.name}}
> {{pass}}
> {{=form.hidden_fields()}}
>  data-dismiss="modal">Cancelar
> now the problem: this selectpicker, simply my form can not store the value 
> of select, when I add this class, I needed it, I do not need it that much, 
> but it became a mission to understand what's happening here, I gave a print 
> em form. vars.cities and she's just like None, help please
>  rodgom...@gmail.com', 'registration_date' public_place ':' ',' '' '' '' 
> '' '' '' '' '' '' 'cities': None, 'address_type': None, 'person': 4}>

- http://web2py.com
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