os.path.join takes into account the path separation character - UNIX = '/' 
Windows = '\' which is why you should use it for when you want to run on 
both system types even if you don't expect to right now.

os.path.exists internally does a stat() of the file to determine if it 
exists. There are cases listed in the docs where it returns false such as 
broken symbolic links. If another thread removes the file right after you 
get a true return then your next operation will fail. The best option is to 
use try except blocks and gracefully handle the file went away errors in the 
except section and re-raise errors you can't handle there. On UNIX once you 
get the file open the file will remain accessible through that open file 
descriptor even if another thread removes the file which is actually 
completed by just removing the directory name-inode pair. No other process 
will ever open the file again once all the directory links are gone and the 
final close will clean up the contents and release the resources back to the 
free pool on the file system. Conversely, on Windows you can't remove a file 
open to a process is my understanding from using that system.

I digress but one of the hardest things to find on a UNIX system is a 
process writing blocks to a file which has been already removed from all 
directories. That file will continue to grow as long as the process writes 
to it and the blocks remain allocated as long as the process stays alive. 
The sys admin can see the file system free space disappearing but will have 
trouble finding out why because this file won't show up on du reports. In 
this case your friend is lsof. This isn't a bash of UNIX, I much prefer that 
system type, just one of the things that many people using it don't realize.

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