Re: [web2py] Re: please help: owned by windows way of doing things

2011-04-28 Thread Ross Peoples
I just got around to responding...I was going to suggest PySerial, as I use 
that to communicate with an attached piece of hardware. Seems to work well 

Re: [web2py] Re: please help: owned by windows way of doing things

2011-04-27 Thread danto
for the record, I solved this using PySerial

[web2py] Re: please help: owned by windows way of doing things

2011-04-10 Thread ron_m
In UNIX for text mode output the default setting in the serial driver is to 
map the standard UNIX EOL which is \n to \r\n
Unix input also maps \r to \n
The Linux man page is 
man 4 tty_ioctl
for more than you will likely will want to know

In Windows the file must contain the \r\n which is the standard EOL sequence 
for that system.

This is why programs such as ftp in ascii transfer mode do the conversion 
for you.

The Linux mcopy program from Mtools might help you otherwise (part of my 
Ubuntu install)

[web2py] Re: please help: owned by windows way of doing things

2011-04-09 Thread Anthony
I think in Linux, line breaks are just a single \n character, but in 
windows, it's supposed to be \r\n. You might need to replace all \n's with 

On Saturday, April 9, 2011 1:15:55 PM UTC-4, w2padawan wrote:

 hello everybody, 

  sorry if this a too basic question, but have not found anything about how 
 to solve this.
 I'm trying to print some text to a serial printer directly from my 
 controller just pushing the text to /dev/ttyS0 with Popen. that works in 
 gnulinux but in win32 it doesn't work if the text has line breaks.
 even, if I write a text with line breaks, doing a type asdf.txt  com1 
 print all the text in one line.

 in short, how could I [format the text to] print new lines in windows to a 
 serial printer?

 best regards,