this is the model
2010/11/10 Martin.Mulone
> I decided to start to make my own implementation of table maker. The
> diference with sqltable or TABLE(), it use div (more flexible), accept
> web2py helpers as values and is very simple to use.
> Example:
> Code:
> table =
> SIMPLE_TABLE_DIV(fixedwidth=True,maxwidth=500,name="simplet1",number_list=True)
> table.add_header([{'caption':'Header 1', 'width': 200},
> {'caption':'Header 2', 'width': 100},
> {'caption':'Header 3', 'width':
> 100},
> ])
> table.add_row(['Value 1','Value 2', 'Value 3'])
> table.add_row(['Value 4','Value 5', 'Value 6'])
> table.add_row(['Value 7','Value 8', 'Value 9'])
> If anyone is interested in this or want to contribute, i will put in
> bitbucket.
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Build tables, without using table, this use divs
# Coldef and rowdef is not working now,
#def index():
##Sample table
#table = SIMPLE_TABLE_DIV(fixedwidth=True,maxwidth=500,name="simplet1",number_list=True)
#table.add_header([{'caption':'Header 1', 'width': 200},
# {'caption':'Header 2', 'width': 100},
# {'caption':'Header 3', 'width': 100},
# ])
#table.add_row(['Value 1','Value 2', 'Value 3'])
#table.add_row(['Value 4','Value 5', 'Value 6'])
#table.add_row(['Value 7','Value 8', 'Value 9'])
##Sample table with HTML HELPERS
#table2 = SIMPLE_TABLE_DIV(fixedwidth=True,maxwidth=530,name="simplet2")
#table2.add_header([{'caption':'Name', 'width': 200},
# {'caption':'Surname', 'width': 200},
# {'caption':'Tel.', 'width': 100},
# ])
#table2.add_row(['Michael', A('Douglas',_href="#douglas"), '22-33'])
#table2.add_row(['Bill', A('Kid',_href="#kid"), '33--333'],highlight=True)
#table2.add_row(['Von',A('Durssen',_href="#durssen"), '-'])
#table2.add_row(['Don',A('Jhonson',_href="#durssen"), '-'])
#table2.add_row(['Brad',A('Pitt',_href="#durssen"), '-'])
##Sample table with HTML HELPERS AND ICONS
#url_edit = URL(request.application,'static','images/edit.png')
#url_apply = URL(request.application,'static','images/apply.png')
#url_disable = URL(request.application,'static','images/disable.png')
#table3 = SIMPLE_TABLE_DIV(fixedwidth=True,maxwidth=550,name="simplet3")
#table3.add_header([{'caption':'Name', 'width': 200},
# {'caption':'Email', 'width': 200},
# {'caption':'Edit', 'width': 30},
# {'caption':'Appl.', 'width': 30},
# {'caption':'Disa.', 'width': 30},
# ])
#table3.add_row(['Michael Douglas', A('',_href="#"), IMG(_src=url_edit), IMG(_src=url_apply), IMG(_src=url_disable)])
#table3.add_row(['Paul Simon', A('',_href="#"), IMG(_src=url_edit), IMG(_src=url_apply), IMG(_src=url_disable)])
#table3.add_row(['James Hetfield', A('',_href="#"), IMG(_src=url_edit), IMG(_src=url_apply), IMG(_src=url_disable)])
#return dict(table=table, table2=table2, table3=table3)
class SIMPLE_TABLE_COLUMN(object):
def __init__(self, name="", caption="", width=100, highlight=False ): = name
self.caption = caption
self.width = width
self.highlight = highlight
class SIMPLE_TABLE_ROW(object):
def __init__(self, values=[], header=None, highlight=False ):
self.values = values
self.header = header
self.highlight = highlight
class SIMPLE_TABLE_HEADER(object):
def __init__(self, coldef=[], default_width=100):
if not isinstance(coldef, list):
raise SyntaxError, 'something wrong in headers must be a list type'
if coldef != []:
for col in coldef:
caption = col['caption']
except KeyError:
raise KeyError, "Not a valid column caption, must contain a caption"
name = col['name']
except KeyError:
name = caption #if there no name use caption
width = int(col['width'])
width = default_width #if there no name use caption