
I have an application that is using ldap+kerberose for authentication.

models/db.py has the following code to configure the login method:

from gluon.tools import *
mail = Mail()                                  # mailer
auth = Auth(globals(),db)                      # 
crud = Crud(globals(),db)                      # for CRUD helpers using auth
plugins = PluginManager()

from gluon.contrib.login_methods.pam_auth import pam_auth
auth.settings.allow_basic_login = True  #for CLI access
crud.settings.auth = None                      # =auth to enforce 
authorization on crud

I am unable to understand the flow from login to authentication. Need help 
with that.
I want to change the authentication process. I want the application to 
authenticate users from the db instead ldap+kerberos.
Please guide me how to do that?


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