I'm creating a form with drop down boxes like this: SELECT(*options, _name='q%d' % (q_num), requires=IS_IN_SET(['1', '2', '3', '4', '5'], error_message="Oops, looks like you missed this one.")
When options looks like this: options = ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5'] everything is fine. In particular, if there is a form validation error, the form remembers which options was selected for each item. However, if options looks like this: options = [OPTION('', _value='0'), OPTION('Never have the thought', _value='1'), OPTION('Rarely have the thought ', _value='2'), OPTION('Sometimes have the thought', _value='3'), OPTION('Often have the thought', _value='4'), OPTION('Always have the thought', _value='5')] The form initially displays correctly, but when there is a validation error, it forgets which option was previously selected. In particular, it always says selected="0". Is this a bug, or am I doing something wrong? Is there a workaround? Neil