I am parsing data out of files and inputting this data into a sqlite db. 
 One file may have multiple username entries.  The data looks something 
like this:

[['tom', 324],['dick', 246],['harry', 112]]

The first item in each list is obviously the name.  The second line is the 
line number (i used enumerate) from my parsed file.

I want to be able to display html like follows:

Line: 324 - tom
Line: 246 - dick
Line: 112 - harry

I'd like to be able to access items in my lists by index; however, 
everything inside my individual lists are strings.  Do I have to convert 
the strings back to a list?


The following returns ['tom', 324]

Field('username', represent = lambda x, row: x[0]),

While this returns '['

Field('username', represent = lambda x, row: x[0][0]),

I'd rather not have to convert every line back into a list....is there a 
better way to do this?

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