Suppose I have an model like:

    Field('vaccinated', 'boolean', default=False),
    Field('picture', 'upload', default=''),
    format = '%(name)s')

and a controller like:

def dogtest():

    theId = None

        Field('dogid', label='Name',
              requires=IS_IN_DB(db(, '', '%(name)s')),

    if form.process().accepted:
        theId = form.vars.dogid

        if not isinstance(theId, int):
            response.flash = 'datatype test fail'
            form.errors.dogid = 'wrong datatype for id'

    return dict(form=form)

I would expect that due to the validation rule for 'dogid' being 
constrained to be a that its datatype should match (i.e int). 
However the code above triggers the 'wrong datatype for id' error (it is in 
fact a str).

Is this expected? I was blithely thinking that it would be typed to match 
the corresponding validation field.


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