Hello I have a custom form from SQLFORM.grid. After clicking the submit button onvalidation or oncreate funciton are not triggered - although some fields are validated, but that is even before the my_processing_form function there is no redirect after submit and the record is not inserted/updated in the database. I used the same principle with some other functions and views and there it works fine, but I have no idea why at this one the on validate is not triggered. If anyone sees the error please let me know
Here is my function def shifts(): user = auth.user_id org = db(db.auth_user.id == user).select(db.auth_user.organization)[0]["organization"] db.workers.w_user.default = user db.workers.w_organization.default = org #####Naredimo še grid za šifrant turnusov db.shifts.sh_organization.default = org query_shifts = ((db.shifts.sh_organization == org) & (db.shifts.sh_status == 1)) query_inactive = db((db.shifts.sh_organization == org) & (db.shifts.sh_status == 100)).select().as_list() # print query_inactive ###V kolikor uporabnik naredi turnus ki je že ampak je arhiviran/deaktiviran ga je potrebno na to opozorit ##Določimo da ne more bit za istga userja dvakrat isti turnus # db.shifts.sh_code.requires=IS_NOT_IN_DB(db(db.shifts.sh_organization == org),'shifts.sh_code') # najprej popravmo definicijo tabele fields_shifts = ( db.shifts.sh_code, db.shifts.sh_name, db.shifts.sh_color, db.shifts.sh_category, db.shifts.sh_start1, db.shifts.sh_end1, db.shifts.sh_length1, db.shifts.sh_start2, db.shifts.sh_end2, db.shifts.sh_length2, db.shifts.sh_duration1, # db.shifts.sh_start3, # db.shifts.sh_end3, # db.shifts.sh_start4, # db.shifts.sh_end4, # db.shifts.sh_start5, # db.shifts.sh_end5, db.shifts.sh_note) db.shifts.sh_organization.readable = False db.shifts.sh_organization.writable = False db.shifts.sh_organization.editable = False # db.shifts.sh_code.editable = db.shifts.sh_code.writable = False # db.shifts.sh_duration.writable = False db.shifts.sh_duration1.readable = db.shifts.sh_duration1.writable = False db.shifts.sh_start3.readable = db.shifts.sh_start3.writable = False db.shifts.sh_end3.readable = db.shifts.sh_end3.writable = False db.shifts.sh_length3.readable = db.shifts.sh_length3.writable = False db.shifts.sh_start4.readable = db.shifts.sh_start4.writable = False db.shifts.sh_length4.readable = db.shifts.sh_length4.writable = False db.shifts.sh_end4.readable = db.shifts.sh_end4.writable = False db.shifts.sh_start5.readable = db.shifts.sh_start5.writable = False db.shifts.sh_length5.readable = db.shifts.sh_length5.writable = False db.shifts.sh_end5.readable = db.shifts.sh_end5.writable = False db.shifts.sh_code.widget = SQLFORM.widgets.string.widget db.shifts.sh_name.widget = SQLFORM.widgets.string.widget db.shifts.sh_note.widget = SQLFORM.widgets.string.widget db.shifts.partner_id.widget = SQLFORM.widgets.integer.widget #db.shifts.sh_category.widget = SQLFORM.widgets.integer.widget #db.shifts.sh_start1 = SQLFORM.widgets.time.widget #db.shifts.sh_start1 = SQLFORM.widgets.timewidget.widget db.shifts.sh_code.requires = [IS_NOT_IN_DB(db((db.shifts.sh_organization == org)&(db.shifts.sh_status != 250)), 'shifts.sh_code', error_message=T('Shift with this code already exist. Follow the link in upper right corner'))] db.shifts.sh_name.requires = [IS_NOT_EMPTY(error_message=T('Missing shift name'))] db.shifts.sh_color.requires = [IS_NOT_EMPTY(error_message=T('Missing shift color'))] db.shifts.sh_start1.requires = [IS_NOT_EMPTY(error_message=T('Missing start time of the shift'))] db.shifts.sh_end1.requires = [IS_NOT_EMPTY(error_message=T('Missing end time of the shift'))] # db.shifts.sh_category.requires = [IS_NOT_EMPTY(error_message=T("""Missing shift category.1 – Morning, 11- Afternoon, 21 – Night # 101 – All day,121 – All night,201 – Day split"""))] db.shifts.partner_id.requires = IS_EMPTY_OR(IS_NOT_IN_DB(db((db.shifts.sh_organization == org) & (db.shifts.sh_status != 250) & (db.shifts.partner_id == request.vars.partner_id) & (db.shifts.partner_id >= 0)), db.shifts.partner_id, error_message=T('There is a shift with the same partned ID.'))) links = [lambda row: A('', _class='glyphicon glyphicon glyphicon-remove-sign', callback=URL('settings', 'deactivate', vars=dict(table='shifts', field='sh_status', value=row.id)))] #Tole je funcija ki preverja če je ok zta deljen delovni čas """Turnus je deljen lahko samo v enem dnevu. Zato ni dovoljen zapis 0600-1400&1800-1300 """ def my_form_processing_new_shifts(form): shift_name = form.vars.sh_name shifts = db((db.shifts.sh_organization == org) & (db.shifts.sh_name == shift_name) & (db.shifts.sh_status != 250)).select() partner_id = form.vars.partner_id if shifts: form.errors.sh_name = T('Shift with this nick name already exists!') if not partner_id or partner_id == '': form.vars.partner_id = -1 redirect(URL('settings', 'shifts')) def my_form_processing_edit_shifts(form): partner_id = form.vars.partner_id sh_category = form.vars.sh_category # if not partner_id or partner_id == '': # form.vars.partner_id = -1 # print # print form.vars # print start1 = form.vars.sh_start1 end1 = form.vars.sh_end1 #start2 že pride kot datetime - Do not ask me why start2 = form.vars.sh_start2 end2 = form.vars.sh_end2 # print "start1 ",start1 # print "end1 ",end1 # print "start2 ",start2 # print "end2 ", end2 if start1: start1 = start1.split(":") start1 = start1[0] + ":" + start1[1] start1 = datetime.datetime.strptime(start1,'%H:%M').time() if end1: end1 = end1.split(":") end1 = end1[0] + ":" + end1[1] end1 = datetime.datetime.strptime(end1,'%H:%M').time() #ker mi vrača čas end1 00:00 kot string ostalo pa kot time #vsah en člas more bit if start1 and end1 is None: form.errors.sh_end1 = T('Please insert end time') #če je neki vnešen v start2 pol more bit tut v end2 if start1 and end1 and start2 and end2 is None and end2 != datetime.datetime.strptime('00:00', '%H:%M').time(): form.errors.sh_end2 = T('Please insert end time') if start1 and end1 and start2 == datetime.datetime.strptime('00:00', '%H:%M').time() and end2 is None: form.errors.sh_end2 = T('Please insert end time') if start1 and end1 and start2 is None and end2: form.errors.sh_start2 = T('Please insert start time') if start1 and end1 and start2 is None and end2 == datetime.datetime.strptime('00:00', '%H:%M').time(): form.errors.sh_start2 = T('Please insert start time') if start1 and end1 and start2 == datetime.datetime.strptime('00:00', '%H:%M').time() and end2 == datetime.datetime.strptime('00:00', '%H:%M').time(): form.errors.sh_start2 = T('Second part of the shift cannot last 24hours') form.errors.sh_end2 = T('Second part of the shift cannot last 24hours') #Če so vsi časi morjo bit vsak večji od drucga, razen zadn je lahko 0:00 if (start1 and end1 and start2 and end2) or \ start1 and end1 and start2 and end2 == datetime.datetime.strptime('00:00', '%H:%M').time() or \ (start1 == datetime.datetime.strptime('00:00', '%H:%M').time() and end1 and start2 and end2 == datetime.datetime.strptime('00:00', '%H:%M').time()) or\ (start1 == datetime.datetime.strptime('00:00', '%H:%M').time() and end1 and start2 and end2): if end1 <= start1: form.errors.sh_end1 = T('End time 1 cannot be before Start time 1') if end1 >= start2: form.errors.sh_start2 = T('Start time 2 cannot be before End time 1') if end1 >= start2: form.errors.sh_start2 = T('Start time 2 cannot be before End time 1') if end2 <= start2 and end2 != datetime.datetime.strptime('00:00', '%H:%M').time(): form.errors.sh_end2 = T('End time must be later than Start time') """Če user izbere kategorijo NA- 0, mu jo mi izračunamo glede na to kdaj se je time_start1 SET sh_category = 0 --> tole spremeniti --- če se začne od 00-11:59 je 10 --- če se začne od 12-18:59 je 20 --- če se začne od 19-23:59 je 30 """ if int(sh_category) == 0: if datetime.datetime.strptime('00:00', '%H:%M').time() <= start1 <= datetime.datetime.strptime('11:59', '%H:%M').time(): form.vars.sh_category = 10 elif datetime.datetime.strptime('12:00', '%H:%M').time() <= start1 <= datetime.datetime.strptime('18:59', '%H:%M').time(): form.vars.sh_category = 20 elif datetime.datetime.strptime('19:00', '%H:%M').time() <= start1 <= datetime.datetime.strptime('23:59', '%H:%M').time(): form.vars.sh_category = 30 # redirect(URL('settings', 'shifts')) grid_shifts = SQLFORM.grid(query=query_shifts, fields=fields_shifts,orderby=db.shifts.sh_code, searchable=False, create=True, deletable=False, editable=True, paginate=100, buttons_placement='right', user_signature=True, showbuttontext=False, formname='shiftTable', onvalidation=my_form_processing_edit_shifts, oncreate=my_form_processing_new_shifts, formargs=dict(message_onsuccess=T('New record inserted'), message_onfailure=T('Form has errors')), links=links, # oncreate=myfunction, ui=dict(widget='', header='', content='', default='', cornerall='', cornertop='', cornerbottom='', button='button btn btn-default', buttontext='buttontext button', buttonadd='icon plus icon-plus glyphicon glyphicon-plus', buttonback='icon leftarrow icon-arrow-left glyphicon glyphicon-arrow-left', buttonexport='icon downarrow icon-download glyphicon glyphicon-download', buttondelete='icon trash icon-trash glyphicon glyphicon-trash', buttonedit='icon pen icon-pencil glyphicon glyphicon-pencil', buttontable='icon rightarrow icon-arrow-right glyphicon glyphicon-arrow-right', buttonview='icon magnifier icon-zoom-in glyphicon glyphicon-eye-open', buttonvidov='icon glyphicon glyphicon-euro' ), exportclasses=dict(csv=False, csv_with_hidden_cols=False, html=False, tsv_with_hidden_cols=False,json=False, tsv= False, xml = False)) # for input in grid_shifts.elements('input', _class='string'): # input['_class'] = 'testniKlass' if request.args and request.args[0] in ['edit', 'new']: # dolocamo sirino polj form = grid_shifts.create_form or grid_shifts.update_form #grid_shifts.element('input[name=sh_color]')['_style'] = 'width:30%' "PReverjanje polj za čase" # form = grid_shifts.element('.web2py_form') # form = grid_shifts.create_form or grid_shifts.update_form if form.errors["sh_code"] == "Shift with this code already exist. Follow the link in upper right corner": codeField = form.vars.sh_code if codeField or codeField != '': redId = db((db.shifts.sh_code == codeField) & (db.shifts.sh_organization == org) & (db.shifts.sh_status != 250)).select().first().id # shiftId = db(db.shifts.sh_code == codeField).select(db.shifts.id).as_list() # redId = shiftId[0]["id"] url_ = URL('shifts/edit/shifts', args=redId) 'static', 'js/web2py-bootstrap3.js' session.flash = A( T("Click here if you want to activate shift with that code or if you want to be redirected to the shift."), _href=url_) return dict(form = form, query_inactive = query_inactive) # if form.accepts(request.vars, session,onvalidation=my_form_processing): # session.flash = T('Shift inserted') # redirect(URL()) return dict(grid_shifts=grid_shifts, query_inactive=query_inactive) -- Resources: - http://web2py.com - http://web2py.com/book (Documentation) - http://github.com/web2py/web2py (Source code) - https://code.google.com/p/web2py/issues/list (Report Issues) --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "web2py-users" group. 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