I did a little more work on a setup script for Ubuntu + Nginx + uWSGI. 
Please let me know if you experience any problems or have any suggestions. 
I'm fairly new to this.

+ Tested on Ubuntu 10.04 (Rackspace Cloud)
+ Nginx 0.8.54
+ SSL (self-signed)
+ Postgres 8.4
+ Web2py Current
+ user=www-data
+ Hosted at BitBucket: https://bitbucket.org/pbreit/web2py-automation/src/

wget http://bitbucket.org/pbreit/web2py-automation/raw/tip/setup-ubuntu-nginx.sh
$ chmod +x setup-ubuntu-nginx.sh
$ sudo ./setup-ubuntu-nginx.sh

Note: the script runs almsot unattended. The only user input required is 
specifying web2py admin password.

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