Hey List,

I am developing a database application with web2py as the server back-end, 
and a client application in qooxdoo, which interacts with the server 
through JSON-RPC.
I use Mercurial as my VCS and synchronize the code from qooxdoo, the code 
from the controller and the code of the model (I do not use any views since 
it is handled by qooxdoo) using Mercurial to Bitbucket.
I also added the database (SQLite) file to the repository so that I can 
develop on more than one machine.
I do not synchronize the web2py code and the qooxdoo framework code because 
it will make the repository bloated and I don't really need to do that.
My question is the following - which files should I synchronize in order to 
use the database in more than one computer? Tables are being continuously 
added and changed.
I tried synchronizing only the database file, but then the application 
complained about the structure of the tables in the database. To solve it, 
I deleted everything from the "databases" directory, let web2py rebuild the 
files and then
replaced the "storage.sqlite" file with the one from the repository. 

Is there a better way to do that? Should I add to the repository all the 
files from the "databases" directory?

And a different question which occurred to me - is there a way to tell 
web2py to clear the database before deployment, or should I simply delete 
everything from the 'databases' directory and let it rebuild the tables?


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