
I'm trying to build some (not trivial) queries and encounter a number of 
my first problem is that a space makes a huge difference,
is that to be expected ?

this *works* as (I) expected
    Select = "Name, Test_Count"
    Rows = DB ( Query ).select ( Select )
    print Rows[0]
<Row {'_extra': <Row {'Test_Count': 1000, 'Name': u'breath_algvm'}>}>

but removing the space from the string, gives me an *unexpected result*
    Select = "Name,Test_Count"     ###  <-- space removed
    Rows = DB ( Query ).select ( Select )
    print Rows[0]
<Row {'_extra': <Row {'Name,Test_Count': u'breath_algvm'}>}>

The second problem, has to do with what's the preferred substitution, string or 
objects ?

this *works* :
    Select = DB.VraagList.Name
    Rows = DB ( Query ).select ( Select )
    print Rows[0]

This *doesn't work*
    Select = DB.VraagList.Name, DB.VraagList.id
    Rows = DB ( Query ).select ( Select )
    print Rows[0]

for the record, this is the Query in all the above
    PID = 1018
    Query = ( DB.VraagList.id == DB.Opnamen.VLID ) & \
            ( DB.Opnamen.PID == PID )

Stef Mientki

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