I am working on a centos 5.5 server using apache and mod_wsgi.
I have a subdomain set up which has web2py 1.99 installed at the root of 
the domain.
This works great.

I have been trying to set up a subfolder to host the trunk version of 
web2py independently so I can try it.
I added to the apache WSGI configuration to add the /trunk/ version of 
web2py which is in 
a subfolder of the web-apps folder:
   WSGIScriptAlias /trunk /opt/web-apps/w2p_trunk/web2py/wsgihandler.py

This wouldn't work with just changes to the apache configuration.
I had to edit the routes.py file like this and restart apache/web2py before 
this would work:


So now I am able to load both sites independently:
are two different installs of web2py.

(I don't like that I had to change the routes file to make this work but I 
can deal with that if that's how it works)

Now I've tried to export a simple test app from my main server and load it 
into the trunk web2py admin interface.
It eventually fails somewhere as it's confused between the two web2py 
If I just create a new simple app in the new subfolder version ( trunk ) it 
works fine.
But installing a packaged app doesn't work -- even a newly created simple 

It looks like something in installing an application is broken if there is 
a route like this set up.
Is this possible or am I doing something wrong?

Thanks for any info



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