I'm just getting to know Web2Py after working with Django a fair bit.  I
have robots that gather data that I would like to insert using the Web2Py
ORM, but I can't quite figure out the right way to do that.  If I put the
bot scripts in the modules directory, I don't seem to have access to the
ORM.  When I run a module in the controllers directory, I can import from
the modules directory with a simple import even though the documentation
seems to say that I should use local_import... which doesn't work.  And
running a module in the controllers directory doesn't seem to give it access
to the ORM, either.

So... I'm lost and not finding the answer in the docs.  In Django, I would
just put the appropriate imports in the robot scripts, but I get that that's
not the Web2Py way!

Can anybody point me to an example of this sort of thing - inserting data
that isn't coming from a request - or give me an idea of the right way to
organize it into the Web2Py structure?

Thanks in advance.


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