
I have the following tables/relations:

contact has a district that has a district manager

contact table has a district id
district table has an auth_user id

when editing a contact I want my dropdown to display my district number and the name of the manager.

How would I specify my validator on contact.districtId to display the name of the manager from the auth_user table?

I've tried:

district = db.define_table('district',
            Field('districtId', 'id'),
            Field('districtNumber', 'integer', required=True,
                  unique=True, label='District Number'),
            Field('name', length=50, required=True, unique=True),
            Field('salesmanId', db.auth_user, required=True,
                  label='District Manager'),
            Field('includeInArAging', 'boolean', required=True,
                  label='Include in A/R Aging'),
            Field('regionNumber', 'integer', label='Region Number'))

district.districtNumber.requires = [IS_NOT_EMPTY(),
                          IS_NOT_IN_DB(db, 'district.districtNumber')]
district.name.requires = [IS_NOT_EMPTY(),
                          IS_NOT_IN_DB(db, 'district.name')]
district.salesmanId.requires = IS_IN_DB(db, db.auth_user,
                                        '%(first_name)s %(last_name)s')

contact = db.define_table('contact',
            Field('contactId', 'id'),
            Field('company', length=50),
            Field('title', length=20),
            Field('firstName', length=25, label='First Name'),
            Field('lastName', length=25, label='Last Name'),
            Field('address1', length=50, label='Address'),
            Field('address2', length=50, label=''),
            Field('city', length=30),
            Field('state', length=2),
            Field('zipCode', length= 10, label='ZIP Code'),
            Field('county', length=30),
Field('districtId', db.district, required=True, label='District'),
            Field('phone1', length=25),
            Field('phone2', length=25),
            Field('phone3', length=25),
            Field('mobilePhone', length=25, label='Mobile'),
            Field('pager', length=25),
            Field('homePhone', length=25, label='Home'),
            Field('fax', length=25),
            Field('emailAddress', length=10, label='Email'),
            Field('notes', 'text'),
            Field('priceListDelivery', length=10, label='Price Lists Via'))

contact.districtId.requires = IS_IN_DB(db, 'district.id', '%(salesmanId.first_name)s', zero=('select district'))

...but, I get an error on the salesmanId.first_name

I believe I have a fundamental misunderstanding of the ways in which this works. Any pointers would be appreciated...


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