Hi everyone,
I'm trying to copy my database (already populated) using cbpd.py but I get
an error.
(I'm working in Windows 10 with Web2py

1st I changed the database URI in appconfig.ini from
sqlite://storage.sqlite to sqlite://storage3.sqlite
2nd I checked with SQLite Browser that sqlite://storage3.sqlite was created
and tables are created also (but empty)
3rd I launched the command below, but I does not work.

C:\Users\Jon\Downloads\web2py_winAPPLIANCES\web2py>python scripts/cpdb.py
-f applications/paravolcar10enero_tarde/databases  -y
sqlite://storage.sqlite -Y sqlite://storage3.sqlite -d ../gluon
No handlers could be found for logger "web2py"
WARNING:root:Unable to import plural rules: No module named plural_rules
EXCEPTION: could not set DAL
No module named dal
creating tables...
EXCEPTION: could not make a copy of the database
'NoneType' object is not iterable

Any suggestions? I do not really know how to interpret the error.
Thanks, Jon.

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