Background My model has a table with many fields (62). When using smartgrid to edit or add a record, all fields are shown in a long vertical list in the same order as defined in the model. So log so good. This can be overwhelming to user that might need to see some of the fields very often and some others less frequently. One way to solve this could be to show the fields in separate tabs that groups the fields according to some designation. Here is an example Model:
db.define_table('person', Field('first_name',tab='General', label=T('First name'), default='',length=50), Field('last_name',tab='General', label=T('Last name'), default='',length=50), Field('phone',tab='Advance',label=T('phone'), default=''), Field('visits',tab='Statistics','integer' label=T('Visits'), default=0)) In the above model I added an imaginary tab property (which will cause en error in real application) to group fields with the same tab property under the same tab in a detail smartgrid form. To solve the order of the tabs, the call to the smartgrid will include a 'tab' property which will be a list with tabs. Another more flexible solution could be to add a 'tab ' property to smartgrid which will be a dictionary with tab names as keys and a lists of field names as values. This will allow also to order the fields on each tab and will not require any change to the existing define_table structure. Example: tabs={'General':['first_name','last_name'],'Advance':['phone'],'Statistics' :['visits']} I have this strange filling that this is already possible, may be something to do with formstyle. Any help will be appreciated -- Resources: - - (Documentation) - (Source code) - (Report Issues) --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "web2py-users" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to For more options, visit