I tried to execute web2py as windows service, using following command:
C:\web2py> python web2py.py -W install

the response was:

web2py Enterprise Web Framework
Created by Massimo Di Pierro, Copyright 2007-2010
Version 1.81.5 (2010-07-22 23:56:21)
Database drivers available: SQLite3, MSSQL/DB2
Starting hardcron...
Installing service web2py
Changing service configuration
Service updated

Succeding, to start web2py service, I executed following command with
C:\web2py> NET START web2py

the response was:

Servizio web2py Service in fase di avvio .
Impossibile avviare il servizio web2py Service.
Il servizio non ha riportato alcun errore.
Ulteriori informazioni sono disponibili digitando NET HELPMSG 3534.

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