Having just upgraded from version 1.9x to 2.3.2, it seems that all 
installed appliances were lost in the transition... And so i am attempting 
to resinstall several from  http://www.web2py.com/appliances by cutting and 
pasting the download link into "get from URL" field of "upload and install 
packed application" utility, but operation invariably fails (in each case, 
having tried numerous appliances from that page) with the following error 

 "Unable to download app because: 
  addinfourl instance has no attribute 'code'  "

I'm baffled by this error, because this is the very same installation 
procedure that worked perfectly well for me using version 1.9.x... But 
anyone can see a possible way around this problem, i'd be most grateful for 
any pointers along that line.



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