Re: [webkit-dev] Can we remove

2013-01-28 Thread Erik Arvidsson
On Mon, Jan 28, 2013 at 5:41 PM, Jochen Eisinger wrote:
 A side-effect of that decision is that permission is a static attribute,
 which we can't currently implement in V8 :-/

Not entirely true. We cannot use FunctionTemplate to do this but we
can add the V8 accessor in

webkit-dev mailing list

[webkit-dev] Changes to DOM related exceptions

2012-12-05 Thread Erik Arvidsson
The specs for DOM related exceptions has changed a bit over the last
few years. These changes have been made to simplify things, both for
end users and implementers. Fortunately for the spec writers no two
browsers agreed on the behavior, so end users could not depend on the
details of the old specs. Unfortunately for us, we implemented things
according to the old spec.

So what changed? A lot of the new specs just throw DOMExceptions
(instead of more specialized exceptions like RangeException). Also,
new error types have a code property of 0.

What might break? Code that does instanceof checks or accesses removed
exception constructors.

This should be a low risk since, like previously mentioned this never
worked cross browser. For Apple dashboard widgets, this should still
be a safe change since checking the type of an exception is hardly
ever done (we don't even have tests covering this).

webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] Changes to DOM related exceptions

2012-12-05 Thread Erik Arvidsson
To clarify.

I intend to make changes to WebKit to align our code with the latest
specs where possible.

On Wed, Dec 5, 2012 at 3:29 PM, Erik Arvidsson wrote:
 The specs for DOM related exceptions has changed a bit over the last
 few years. These changes have been made to simplify things, both for
 end users and implementers. Fortunately for the spec writers no two
 browsers agreed on the behavior, so end users could not depend on the
 details of the old specs. Unfortunately for us, we implemented things
 according to the old spec.

 So what changed? A lot of the new specs just throw DOMExceptions
 (instead of more specialized exceptions like RangeException). Also,
 new error types have a code property of 0.

 What might break? Code that does instanceof checks or accesses removed
 exception constructors.

 This should be a low risk since, like previously mentioned this never
 worked cross browser. For Apple dashboard widgets, this should still
 be a safe change since checking the type of an exception is hardly
 ever done (we don't even have tests covering this).


webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] What is the relationship between WebIDL and WebKitIDL?

2012-04-16 Thread Erik Arvidsson
On Wed, Mar 14, 2012 at 07:08, Seo Sanghyeon wrote:
 However, there doesn't seem to be any progress on this.
 I am interested in moving this forward. Is it okay?

Yes. It would be much appreciated.

webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] CSS properties vs. their JS bindings on the style object

2012-03-01 Thread Erik Arvidsson
How about making this a compile time flag or runtime flag so that
Apple Dashboard and iOS can keep it but let other users of WebKit
disable it?


On Tue, Feb 28, 2012 at 22:23, Benjamin Poulain wrote:
 On Tue, Feb 28, 2012 at 9:48 PM, wrote:
 Seriously, I'm not sure how to proceed on this.  It does seem to be
 outside the spec.

 Either update the spec or create a path to deprecate the bug.

 Personally, this feature sounds like it could be useful for web
 developers so updating the spec might not be a bad idea.

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webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] focusin/focusout events

2010-07-27 Thread Erik Arvidsson
I think the order as specced at
is fine. It seems to solve the ordering from a backwards compatibility

The spec leaves out when document.activeElement is changed though.


On Mon, Jul 26, 2010 at 18:32, Ojan Vafai wrote:
 There are a few concerns on the table:
 1. We don't match the DOM3 spec. I'm not too worried about this. Neither
 does anyone else. We could probably get the spec to change if noone is going
 to implement it as is.
 2. We don't match other browsers. It's not clear to me what changes are
 worth making here.
 3. There's no way to get the selection *before* an element is blurred.
 The third one is the only one I really care about solving, in the short term
 anyways. I'd like there to be a blur-like event that we fire *before*
 clearing the selection. With our current ordering of events, that would mean
 clearing the selection after the blur event or the focusout event or both,
 which no browser does. That said, it might be safe to just change this.
 Since no browser has a selection during the blur event and only IE has one
 during focusout, we might be able to get away with just changing that as
 noone should be depending on the selection at that point. Perhaps that's
 worth trying?
 On Mon, Jul 26, 2010 at 12:06 AM, Darin Adler wrote:

 You mention activeElementId, but there must be other side effects that

 The only other side effects I can think of are the focus outline (which
 could probably be tested via getComputedStyle?) and clearing the selection.
 In non-IE the selection isn't cleared if focus is moving across frames. But
 when focus moves within the same document, you get the following:
 IE 8: The selection is cleared after the focusout event and before focusin,
 blur, focus.
 WebKit  Opera: It's cleared before any events are fired.
 FF 3.6: It's cleared before any events are fired unless focus is moving to a
 textarea/input (not contentEditable!).

  It's a bit gross, but the only solution I can think of is to fire the
  following events in WebKit (in this order):
  {remove focus and clear selection as appropriate}
  {add focus to new node and set selection as appropriate}

 This sequence doesn’t sound too terrible to me. But I don’t fully
 understand the proposal. At the time the focusin event fires we won’t yet
 know what item is getting focus?

 I think we do know this and it wouldn't be too hard to implement. It's just
 a question of what we think the best behavior is. Specifically,
 in Document::setFocusedNode, we know both the new focused node and the old
 focused node when firing these events.

 Is the design that the focusin event’s target knows it will be getting
 focused? What about focus changes that come about along with selection
 changes? Or is there no such thing?

 Sounds like some differences are:

    1) The blur event in Opera and IE will see the new focused node as the
 active element, but in WebKit and Firefox will see no active element at all.
    2) Same for DOMFocusOut, but IE and Firefox are not affected.

 3) IE fires focusout before the selection is cleared if the element being
 focused is the body (e.g. click from a contentEditable onto a non-focusable

 Is there a good reason to do blur the Firefox way instead of the Opera/IE
 way? Maybe because it’s the legacy WebKit way, and hence likely to be
 depended on by WebKit-tested or WebKit/Firefox-tested content?

 My only concern was backwards compatibility, but I have no evidence that it
 is or isn't a valid concern.
webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] Keypress event for ctrl+key and/or ⌘+key?

2009-10-19 Thread Erik Arvidsson
On Mon, Oct 19, 2009 at 18:03, Oliver Hunt wrote:
 On Oct 19, 2009, at 5:18 PM, Erik Arvidsson wrote:

 I'm trying to clean up some inconsistencies with when keypress events
 are dispatched.

 WebKit's key event model is modeled to be compatible with Internet
 Explorer and Internet Explorer does not fire keypress for Ctrl+key [1]

 The key event model was designed to be as compatible as possible with both
 IE and firefox, so it would be helpful to know the firefox behaviour.

Firefox fires keypress events for everything.

 Safari Win does not fire any keypress events when ctrl is held down
 Safari Mac fires keypress events when command is held down
 Safari Mac fires keypress events when ctrl is held down

 Chromium Win fires keypress events for some keys when ctrl is held down
 Chromium Linux fires keypress events for some keys when ctrl is held
 down (matches chromium windows)
 Chromium Mac does not fire keypress events when command is held down
 Chromium Mac does not fire keypress events when ctrl is held down

 There are two possible solutions to this problem.

 1. Always fire keypress events no matter what modifiers are held down
 2. Do not fire keypress events unless content would be generated

 Expected behaviour is for key events to be sent regardless of ctrl/command

 The real issue is whether application shortcuts get precedence over DOM
 event handlers, currently on mac the DOM event handlers get precedence (and
 thus the ability to override/prevent application shortcuts) and on windows
 they don't.  This is entirely a byproduct of implementation and the
 difference really isn't something we want.


I think we should try to enable firing keypress events on Windows
again and see if it leads to any troubles.

webkit-dev mailing list

[webkit-dev] WebKit revision number to build number tool

2009-10-18 Thread Erik Arvidsson
I wrote a simple tool that allows me to quickly look up the WebKit
build number based on an SVN revision number.

I wrote this mainly so I could figure out what WebKit build number to
check for in our JS library when a WebKit bug was fixed.

I hope other people might find this useful.

Future enhancements:

* Take a bug number as an input instead of a revision number
* Output the Safari version that has this revision in it
* Output the Chrome version that has this revision in it

webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] WebKit revision number to build number tool

2009-10-18 Thread Erik Arvidsson
On Sun, Oct 18, 2009 at 16:22, Darin Adler wrote:
 On Oct 18, 2009, at 4:14 PM, Erik Arvidsson wrote:

 I wrote a simple tool that allows me to quickly look up the WebKit build
 number based on an SVN revision number.

 I wrote this mainly so I could figure out what WebKit build number to
 check for in our JS library when a WebKit bug was fixed.

 I suspect this won’t work reliably for that purpose, because the WebKit
 build number you need is often the one it’s bumped to *after* the bug fix.
 At the time the bug is fixed, it’s possible, even likely, that the build
 number is still an older one.

It does exactly that. If you enter revision A it will check for a
Version.xcconfig version that is larger than A. For example if you
enter 48930 it will check the changelog and find 48936 which gives the
build number 532.2.

webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] WebKit revision number to build number tool

2009-10-18 Thread Erik Arvidsson
On Sun, Oct 18, 2009 at 16:38, Mark Rowe wrote:

 It looks like it could be useful, but it has a number of problems that
 would make me wary of relying too heavily on it.

 For starters, the WebCore version is not exposed to web content at all so
 it does not make sense to use WebCore's version number for this.  The WebKit
 version would be a more appropriate number to use.

How is the WebKit version determined? I was told that the WebCore version
was the same.

 It also presents misleading results.  It can report changes as being
 available much later than they actually were, such as in the case of r45979
 which it reports as being fixed in 532.1 when in reality this fix first
 shipped as part of Safari 4.0.3 in WebKit x531.6.  This could pose problems
 if the results of the tool are used for workarounds in situations where the
 fix causes the workaround to not function as expected.

You are correct. This tool only keeps track of when the build number changes
due to changes in
I should add a comment about that in the description.

A worse case is when the tool reports issues as being fixed *earlier* than
 they actually were, as is the case with r45712.  The tool reports this as
 being fixed in 531.5 when in reality that version *does not* contain that

How does that happen? 531.5 was set at r45738

 It presumably also doesn't consider the case where changes are later rolled

Also wroth pointing out.

Thanks for the comments Mark. If you think this tool does more harm than
good I'll take it offline. Hopefully it can be fixed since the question
which WebKit build to check for is something that a lot of js developers are
asking us about.

webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] exposing the value of Accept-Language via window.navigation.acceptLanguage ?

2009-07-22 Thread Erik Arvidsson
I assume you mean window.navigator?

I think this is a good idea. You should bring this up the WHATWG as well.

2009/7/22 Jungshik Shin (신정식, 申政湜)

  I proposed exposing the values of the Accept-Langauge  list via
 window.navigation.acceptLanguages at

 This email is to get opinions (for and against) on that in case the
 bug is not noticed by many. As pointed out by ap in the bug, perhaps,
 we have to bring this up in the WHATWG as well. Before I do that, it
 may not be a bad idea to know what others her think about it.

 Currently, the UI language of a browser is exposed with
 window.navigation.language.  This can be used by a 'web application' /
 widget / browser extension to 'behave differently' per the UI

 A lot of web servers also take into account the value of
 Accept-Language HTTP header field when determining the UI language of
 their web apps or the language of contents to serve when multiple
 language versions exist.  Moreover, most browsers (Safari, Chrome,
 Firefox, IE, and so forth) allow users to add, delete, move up and
 down a language to the prioritized list of languages they understand

 Some web apps/widgets/browser extensions can also benefit from knowing
 the ordered list of languages in Accept-Language.

 One particular use case Chrome has in mind is to determine the target
 language of translation without a user-intervention.  If the source
 language is A and the A-L list has {B, C, D}, the target language can
 be determined by walking through the list and picking up the first
 language for which the translation from A is available. If 'A' is in
 the A-L list, perhaps the translation service should not be called.  (
 See )

 There might be other cases of 'multi-lingual' applications where the
 knowledge of the A-L list can be helpful.

 It can be exposed by adding either of the two below to window.navigation

     readonly attribute DOMStringList acceptLanguages // a list of
 language codes

     readonly attribute DOMString acceptLanguages // a comma separated
 language codes

 Unlike in the Accept-Language http header field, a language in the
 list will not have a q-factor associated with it. Instead, they're
 sorted in the descending order of the priority.

 Any opinion would be welcome.

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