Re: [webkit-dev] A Parallel Webkit?

2010-07-24 Thread Leo Meyerovich
I don't think that question is very pertinent to the list; it's more  
of a longterm thing. The es committee has little interest in it for  
the relevant future and I agree with this given the other needs,  
available slack time, and induced complexity. Luckily, a somewhat  
parallel browser does not need it, as I've hopefully made clear.

On Jul 24, 2010, at 1:51 PM, Oliver Hunt  wrote:

Shared-state parallel scripting (and concurrent DOM) seem inevitable
I don't know why you believe this -- there is no intention of having  
shared state threading in ES, nor is there any desire in the ES  
technical committee to add any for of concurrency primitives to the  


webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] A Parallel Webkit?

2010-07-24 Thread Leo Meyerovich

>> JS compilation is also done lazily in webkit so we don't ever end up with 
>> multiple pieces of code to compile concurrently.

Two of us have been focusing on speeding up bottlenecks like these to allow 
such synchronous interfaces. However, frameworks like TBB push towards having 
parallel tasks that are at least 10-100,000 cycles for a good reason; working 
at such small scales is for people who have the luxury of targeting farther 
ahead and I wouldn't suggest doing it without help.

>> JS execution and DOM manipulation are single threaded, and that thread is 
>> the UI thread, this fact cannot be changed.  
> We could potentially do HTML parsing on off the main thread.  Firefox
> 4 has support for this.  It's unclear how much of a win this would be.

What Adam is suggesting applies not only to HTML parsing and has seemed to me 
to be the pragmatic and likely path for the short-term (next 1-2 years). E.g, 
create buffers (hidden by synchronous interfaces where possible) -- for 
example, queueing up calls from the parser to the selector matcher -- and then 
handle those in bulk. In other places, like Adam's example of a call to the 
parser itself, it's harder, but still possible (while being  clean!) by 
approaches like passing around forceable futures.  In a sense, such an approach 
is already the norm in terms of the interface between JS and the DOM/layout (at 
least in Firefox): calls to layout etc. are buffered up to avoid repeated or 
unnecessary evaluation. While I don't think this approach will expose 
significant parallelism, I think it would match the available hardware -- if 
anyone is interested in doing such a limit study, we should talk!

Shared-state parallel scripting (and concurrent DOM) seem inevitable, but these 
sorts of things are the minority in the performance profile. E.g., when loading 
a page, about half the JavaScript time is spent in non-execution tasks like 
parsing and code generating. They're still a concern in the sense of Amdahl's 
law and enabling new types of applications, but for getting the web to work 
satisfyingly on mobile, there seem to be bigger blockers. Until research 
catches up with the algorithms in browsers, exposing and exploiting 
coarse-level concurrency between components would be my recommendation (outside 
of some more obvious algorithms).


- Leo

webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] A Parallel Webkit?

2010-07-23 Thread Leo Meyerovich

> I wasn't entirely sure what OP was after of if the reply below
> adequately addressed his interests.

WebKit2 seems to have little to do with taking advantage of parallel hardware 
in browser algorithms like lexing, parsing, selectors, JS compilation, JS 
execution, layout, DOM interactions, fonts, rendering, etc. There is some 
benefit: Sam King measured bucketing coarse tasks at the process isolation 
level gives maybe 10-20% better utilization of cores (a la Google Chrome or 
predecessors like the OP browser, Charles Reis's work, Gazelle, ...) on a good 
workload.  WebKit2's goal of supporting concurrency might be aimed at 
foundations for building parallelism into library code, such as further 
cleaning up threading API or introducing lightweight task parallelism, but the 
description doesn't talk about such things.

In contrast, we're interested in magnitudes of speedup. Parallelism --- memory 
parallelism (hw + sw prefetching to avoid cache misses), SIMD instructions, 
multiple cores, etc -- and even sequential stuff (smaller data representation, 
balancing incrementalization/memoization, etc.). Parallelization is already 
standard for traditional media libraries within browsers (e.g., GPUs & SSE for 
painting and rendering); for maybe a third of our work, we're just expanding 
the scope of what algorithms should be tuned kernels in the HPC sense.

> I guess I would just make a few comments about your considerations and our 
> experience.
> A somewhat different strategy than what you are proposing is to offload some 
> tasks
> to a more capable device such as a server- simply tokenizing html or compiling
> JS can be a big benefit in phone CPU and bandwidth (aka time and battery 
> life).

Opera mini is one stab at this, and the OnLive platform shows some of the 
potential here. However, this is for a limited deployment scenario and I'd 
actually argue against it from a power, energy, and latency perspective for 
handheld devices (... assuming you can get parallelization to work).

> You don't need to dig too deeply into the literature to find non monotonic 
> graphs
> of execution time for some task vs number of cores ( more can make things 
> slower).

I agree -- it's tricky stuff. Worth keeping in mind handhelds will be in the 
multicore camp, not manycore, for awhile -- we're only now seeing dualcore 
ones: we don't need arbitrary strong scaling. Furthermore, frameworks like TBB 
are in a position to automate making the cutoff (which is actually non-obvious 
as you might want more threads than cores due to memory effects, 
hyperthreading, etc.). OTOH, for the processing style of browsers (sequences of 
little tasks), getting speedups isn't easy.

> I have seen this with transcoding and profiling on phone simulators- parsing
> and compiling is a great way to use time and create lots of objects ( and 
> these
> in java have lots of overhead and many phones only let you use java but in any
> case we know that temp objects are not free in any case and fragment memory). 

I'm actually surprised a project like WebKit doesn't use, as far as I've been 
able to tell, many memory pooling etc. optimizations. We've been mindful of 
this stuff in our work -- it's fairly standard in the performance community.

> Another rate limiting step has been the round trip delay to housekeep a 
> connection
> or do a DNS lookup. Here a proxy with persistent connections properly 
> implemented
> is a much bigger issue than optimized rendering or well transcoded web pages 

Both the network and the CPU need work. For laptops, the network is typically 
the bottleneck, and only recently has that been shifting in the smart phone 
space. Worth noting, even on a fast network and local pages, profilers will 
show CPU bottlenecks.

> It may be worth considering making a standard compiled page type rather than
> worry about some of these other issues for example and cached compiled pages 
> of course
> greatly reduce problems for everyone. 

That's great and actually complementary -- parallel serialization of 
machine-generated formats is preferable to formats like HTML5. A lot of 
problems lie under the surface here, however: introducing a proxy somewhere 
introduces latency, not getting benefits on dynamic component loading, etc. I 
actually view making in-browser algorithms faster as the conservative choice.

> Its important to remember that most of these things involve tradeoffs and
> there are many resources to consider.
> So, maybe you can make various arguments (" but with wifi IO doesn't matter "
> or " CPU's are only getting faster" or "memory is only getting cheaper" ) and
> battle out platittudes to defend a given approach

We have never said any of these things. Mobile browsers take too much time 
processing and the hardware is going parallel in multiple ways; we're just 
putting 1+1 together. 

> but I wouldn't just point to 
> one, like parallelism, and assume that will fix everyt

Re: [webkit-dev] strategy for evaluating performance issues related to memory.

2010-06-22 Thread Leo Meyerovich
I've been doing some memory benchmarking recently (my current interest is 
layout but am also poking at nearby processes). Generally,  data representation 
seems hard to usefully tweak in a non-invasive way as it's pretty good while 
being legible (e.g., bit packing), but access patterns (and random allocations) 
already seem questionable. This especially hurts netbooks/mobiles, but I'm 
seeing high missrates on my penryn MacBook Pro and it likely surfaces in the 
new macbook pros with their big L3 but much smaller L2 (though I can't get perf 
counters w/ Shark to work there).

A high-impact and less-painful first step might be to target CSS selectors & 
default render style creation:

  -- buffer calls at the end of the 
  -- once enough are in (or there is nothing else to do), perform 
matchRules/matchUARules calls:
  --  in tiles
  -- ... and in parallel
  -- ... and with software prefetching
  -- resume rest of createRender calls (similar tricks may apply, still not 

A different form of this is now in the firefox mainline but there's room to do 
more using the above (and I suspect with a bit less implementation complexity). 

Anyways, this seems inappropriate for this list, but if anybody would be 
interested in continuing the discussion, you have my email. Also, if there are 
any resources describing memory layout / instantiation / etc. patterns and 
how/why recomputation/memoization are traded off, it would be a nice bootstrap: 
I've been essentially walking through,  seeing how the 
code deviates or specializes, and profiling it with Shark & Instruments.


- Leo

On Jun 21, 2010, at 9:05 PM, Maciej Stachowiak wrote:

> On Jun 21, 2010, at 11:59 AM, Mike Marchywka wrote:
>> I was hardly worried about who does anything as much as what would make 
>> sense to do. I have interest, motivation,
>> and multiple copies of the code but not a lot of time to waste of bad 
>> approaches. There was a prior discussion
>> about coding conventions that should be applicable even to those 
>> contemplating a contribution of just browsing
>> the code, I fail to see how this discussion is less relevant to current and 
>> possible future development concerns.
>> If there was some piece of this or a related effort that could be aided by 
>> certain code features that
>> would seem to be of interest to everyone and it isn't clear which people 
>> would have important thoughts
>> to contribute ( or I would take it some other place). 
>> So I take it that now you just have factories and smart pointers and just 
>> make stuff and have it
>> allocated wherever without further thought?  I guess I could do some 
>> profiling my self and empirically
>> find problems and just assume that no one has specific comments on suspects 
>> or things they have observed
>> as possible problems. 
> In my experience with performance work, and specifically in the context of 
> WebKit, I believe the following are useful approaches to reducing memory use:
> 1) Find and fix memory leaks. There are good tools for this, and memory leaks 
> contribute considerably to memory growth over a long browsing session. 
> Long-term memory growth is a bigger concern than one-time costs or per-page 
> memory that is properly returned to the system.
> 2) Run memory profiling tools under a significant and realistic workload, 
> such as Mozilla's "membuster" test. We have had great success with this and 
> in particular you can find some good recent memory use improvements from Sam 
> Weinig and Anders Carlsson, among others, if you look at the ChangeLog.
> 3) Track memory benchmarks regularly, and identify and fix regressions.
> 4) Run long automated page loads to verify that memory growth stabilizes 
> eventually, rather than continuing to grow without bound.
> 5) Investigate memory held by caches, and figure out ways to get the same 
> speed benefits with less overall memory use, for example by discarding 
> redundant data or better tuning the cache to hold the items most likely to be 
> reused.
> 6) Find reproducible cases of non-leak repeatable memory growth, and 
> determine where the extra memory is going.
> If you are interested in improving WebKit's memory use, I encourage you to 
> consider one or more of the above approaches.
> Regards,
> Maciej
> ___
> webkit-dev mailing list

webkit-dev mailing list

[webkit-dev] Specification of deviations or specializations from CSS standard?

2010-02-21 Thread Leo Meyerovich
I'm trying to write a (executable and analyzable) model of CSS2.1 (and 
some of 3). Much of the CSS standard is intentionally undefined to give 
leeway to browsers; however, that doesn't make it clear what browsers 
actually do (esp. when features interact). In hopes of tightening the 
standards etc., I'm trying to build models of what browsers actually do. 
Are there writeups of how WebKit deviates from the standard or what it 
picks as an interpretation for unspecified behavior in the standard? In 
particular, writeups closer to than say 
the Quirksmode analyses.

My process has been to reverse engineer through tests and go through 
WebKit source code but there is obviously a lot of noise and missed 
detail this way. I'm not sure what the ideal correspondence between spec 
and implementation is, but I suspect having an analyzable/queryable 
non-performance oriented specification of what the WebKit algorithms are 
doing would help.

Thanks in advance,

- Leo
webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] are there any known or suspected memory issues with webkit?

2010-02-21 Thread Leo Meyerovich

Mike Marchywka wrote:


Date: Sun, 21 Feb 2010 15:55:24 +0100
Subject: Re: [webkit-dev] are there any known or suspected memory issues with 

On 2010-02-21 at 13:14:59 [+0100], Mike Marchywka  wrote:

The reason I ask is because I thought there were some concerns about leaks
( probably just stuff I saw skimming various google hits ) and I have
seen firefox and iceweasel light up my disk on very simple things ( like
typing stuff into forms). As I started looking through the code,
one of the first things I saw was something that looked like a hash table
of previously used pages- are there static "junk bins" of strong references
and stuff like that that could create memory leaks as they accumulate stuff
and never get cleaned or pruned?

The other thing is that IMO ( opposing views welcome) memory
access patterns are often an unappreciated issue on many
architectures. The reason I reacted to the threading question as
I did is that it seems, again in my opinion on superficial/ anecdotal
analysis, that this approach often seems attractive but contains
a number of issues, among them those related to memory or
other resource allocations, that reduce the effectiveness even
with an ideal multi-CPU system I did make this point
before with reference to one speed-versus-threads graph
from IEEE,

Ceratinly " your mileage may vary" but resource
allocation and contention is probably already a big
deal and it may be a better place to look for
optimization. Launching a thread is a general idea
that can be used anywhere but digging into code may be
more effort and more specialized to a given task however.


I don't understand the multi-threading nay-saying. Just as an L2 cache is a 
technology to speed up memory access, multi-core
architecture is a way to increase processing speed of the CPU. Last time I 
looked, a -j2 build of WebKit runs almost twice as fast as a
single job build on my Core2Duo system. So the technology obviously works. Just 
because improving cache locality is a way to improve
the execution speed of a piece of software, it doesn't mean one should try to 
prevent efforts to make software explore the increased
processing performance of additional CPU cores. And designing the software to 
make proper use of multi-threading and scale well is
definitely not easy, or the cheap way out. Not at all.

Oh, it is not an attempt to discourage just not take something you happen
to have a lot of and put each one into a new thread esp when my
personal experiences seem to be related to memory depletion. The multi-core of 
does benefit from multiple threads, but it helps if they are doing things
that can play well with each other and not step over each other.
The OP on the related topic indiciated he hadn't looked much at details,
I'm just suggesting looking first. And, of course, once your disk light comes
on for VM things do get quite slow. Indeed, maybe the threading model could 
some types of redundancy or thrashing but it won't do that if you just make a 
of copies of things that all become slower. 


In my experience parallelizing browser algorithms on various hardware 
configs, much of the benefit of exploiting new architectures is often 
just getting more cache. Even if you're not CPU bound, as new multicore 
hardware may work funny at the L1/L2 level, redesigning algorithms to 
work better at this level not only improves sequential performance but 
also essentially multiplies how much local cache you have.

There don't seem to be any technical questions on this thread, so I'll 
stop proselytizing ;-)

[Obviously why browsers go way beyond L2/L3 is a concern as is the 
prefetching technology, but those are somewhat orthogonal concerns to 
speeding up the CPU or arguably bandwidth bound bottlenecks like painting.]

I guess from what I've seen personally on my machines the biggest problem
with browsing is VM and there are probably other issues with caching well 
before you
get there. I always expected browsing to be IO limited but clearly there are 
other limitations.


Best regards,
webkit-dev mailing list


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webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] parallel rendering in WebKit

2010-02-19 Thread Leo Meyerovich
We've been experimenting in our model with various modes of parallel 2D 
rendering (basic theme: GPU/SMP support rocks) but have a more wide open 
design space than WebKit's.

For a not-too-painful approach, looks like Firefox is doing well, and 
that's even for D2D (not retained mode): check out the last few posts @ .  Flash does a bunch as well, but that's 
less obviously transferred.

Parallelism can be used at multiple levels within the renderer -- SIMD, 
threads, and/or GPU -- I was actually under the impression that WebKit 
on the iPhone already uses hardware acceleration for painting. For the 
latter case, the hardware was made for pushing pixels, so the 
performance question should be of how much of a speedup, not whether 
there is one.

- Leo

[[ A little further out, I've been going over the CSS spec, and found 
that a lot of the CSS transform stuff maps nicely into OpenGL as it 
doesn't impact layout; structured extensions like adding shaders to CSS 
surfaces doesn't sound too crazy at this point. This seems well-beyond 
the scope of this list, however. ]]

Maciej Stachowiak wrote:

On Feb 19, 2010, at 2:36 PM, Zoltan Herczeg wrote:


as all of you probably know, smp based systems are getting widespread 

in the embedded domain, and we hope we can speed up webkit on these
systems. We did some profiling, and seemed the platform dependent
rendering took 50% of the total runtime (at least on our test 

We are thinking about adding some parallel rendering support for WebKit,
probably mostly platform dependent code, but the threading support could
be reused by different ports.

The plan is opening a rendering thread for each document object. This
thread is dedicated to rendering, the resource management is still 
done by

the main thread. In other words, functions like drawRect (in
GraphicsContext.h) creates a small object, which contains the 
arguments of

the called function, and passing this object to the thread. The thread
would do the painting, and send back the object after it is 
processed. The
main thread can free the memory space of the object later, and 
the resources (we hope resources like fonts and images are not need 
to be


This is still a vague idea, and we are still investigating the
possibilities. What is your opinion? Do you know about any major 

we should know about?

I would be worried about correctness - if painting is not complete by 
the time the paint method returns, then you could get flashes of 
intermediate states showing up onscreen.

I suspect resources like fonts or images *will* need to be duplicated, 
either that or use thread-safe refcounting and copy-on-write. The 
internal state of images can be mutated by progress in loading the 
image, or by ongoing animation.

I'm also curious how this will help overall rendering time. Embedded 
platforms would normally only be displaying one document at a time, so 
how will one thread per document help?


webkit-dev mailing list

webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] GlobalScript API.

2009-09-01 Thread Leo Meyerovich
Perhaps worth reexamining lessons learned from (PLT?) Scheme's 
distinction between units and modules.

Security, assuming & beyond the SOP, is worth considering. Module 
loading would be a giant boon for writing secure apps if the loader can 
specify the load environment (e.g., empty it, share the DOM / 
prototypes, or stipulate fresh / isolated ones). It's unclear what 
guarantees the loadee would want (e.g., frame-busting)... perhaps a 
discussion that could be more informed by the OCaps list that is active 
in the basic topic.

- Leo

Patrick Mueller wrote:

Patrick Mueller wrote:

Dmitry Titov wrote:

Here is an actual API:
Page-level API

var globalScript = new webkitGlobalScript(name, url, loadHandler,

I've mentioned before that this API turns out to be very similiar to 
the serverJS notion of a "module".

Differences are the name: require -> webkitGlobalScript; semantics 
about sharing across pages (not relevant to the serverJS work); the 
"exports" variable in the module which provides the reference to the 
globalScript return value the client sees; and that this is async vs. 
serverJS's sync model.

Of most interest is the notion of the "exports" variable.  Instead of 
exposing the "global" scope of the global script itself as the return 
value, you actually have to assign something to the exports variable 
from within the global script for it to be available in the caller.  
The nice thing about this is that it provides a nice way to create 
private references within your global script.

Another interesting aspect of this is that it easily allows a global 
script author to use some library without that library infecting the 
pages' (clients of the global scope) scopes.  For instance, one global 
script could pull in jQuery, another could pull in Prototype, or a 
different version of jQuery.  Since only properties specfically added 
to "exports" are available to pages' scopes, there's no negative 
interaction between jQuery and Prototype.  They live in the "globals" 
of each global script, which aren't visible to anyone else.

Of course, monkey patching is still a problem - or is it?  Does each 
page scope and global scope get it's own set of globals?  eg, only one 
Object object? I was thinking originally that you'd want to share 
built in globals like Object and Array, but now I don't see how that 
would be possible.

webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] Implementation thoughts on HTML5 elements

2009-08-26 Thread Leo Meyerovich

Likely the ones you considered "trivial". E.g., "nav".

- Leo

Maciej Stachowiak wrote:

On Aug 26, 2009, at 12:04 AM, Leo Meyerovich wrote:

These are unnecessary features wrt accessiblity tools and search 
engines; data mining techniques can easily handle them already. More 
strongly, for legacy and advanced UI reasons, the data mining should 
happen anyways, further questioning their merit. That's been my 
experience in this area (from the analysis side). Features that 
provide actual functionality would seem more pressing.

Can you please clarify what features you have in mind? Most of the new 
elements I mentioned do provide substantive functionality.


- Leo

Maciej Stachowiak wrote:

On Aug 25, 2009, at 11:21 PM, Maciej Stachowiak wrote:

Hi everyone,

Recently at Apple we've been considering our plans to implement new 
HTML elements from HTML5. I'd like to share our thoughts with the 
WebKit community and see if we are in sync before passing this on 
to the HTML Working Group. Does anyone have thoughts to add to the 


I realized I forgot to cover  and .

 The list form of a menu seems straightforward enough, it is good to 
have a list type specifically for popup menus. The toolbar form does 
not seem fully baked. First, it seems weird to think of a toolbar as 
a kind of menu. Second, the rendering is too inflexible and 
underspecified for the real Web content authoring use cases for 
toolbars. And finally, an important point of toolbars in many 
applications is that they can embed custom controls in a flexible 
layout that also includes some standard buttons, but type="toolbar"> does not seem flexible enough to handle this. The 
context menu form does seem genuinely useful. But it also seems like 
a lot of complexity for the somewhat marginal case of overriding the 
context menu. It seems like about a dozen different elements are 
allowed, all with different processing requirements. This seems like 
overkill for the use case of a context menu. It doesn't even make 
much semantic sense for a context menu to contain a button. Overall, 
it doesn't seem like the cases of menu list, toolbar and context 
menu really share enough behavior or appropriate content model to 
make them use the same element.

 It's unclear if this element is worth having without the use cases 
for toolbars or menus, and it also has 0 implementations so far and 
seems like it might not be fully baked.

- Sectioning elements: , , , , 
, , 
 These seem useful - they give a way to represent the semantics of 
many Web pages nicely, and could work well with accessibility 
features for navigating around the page, as well as other clever 
ways of processing Web content. They are also trivial to implement 
(I already did ). We're fairly interested in doing the rest of 

-  element
 This essentially gives the same behavior as  but with 
appropriate semantics for logs of conversations. It seems useful 
and easy to implement.

- Elements requiring changes to  parsing: , 
 These elements seem quite useful, but they will be unusable on the 
public Web until all browsers are updated to change how they parse 
 and the new versions are widely adopted. Pretty much all 
current browsers do something idiosyncratic when parsing a  
element outside of a , which makes it impossible to make 
 or  degrade gracefully via script or style. We 
are hesitant to implement elements that authors would feel they are 
unable to use, or to lead authors astray, so we are hesitant to 
implement the new elements until either the  parsing issue 
is widely fixed or HTML5 uses some element other than  for 
the caption on these elements. We will consider fixing our parsing 
of  outside  soon, though, so that we're not the 

- New media elements: , 
 We love these and have them implemented. We don't see any 
implementation issues in the current spec.

  We like this and we have it implemented. We don't see any 
implementation issues in the current spec.

- Newly standard legacy elements: , 
 We had these for a long time before they were in HTML5. It seems 
like a good idea to cover them in the spec.

 The basic idea for this element seems good, but the suggested UI 
for exposing it does not seem to entirely match the use cases, and 
may not be practical to deploy. Having tick marks in the scrollbar 
for every , and UI to cycle between them, seems too 
heavyweight for some of the suggested uses. We are interested in 
implementing the basics of  soon, but probably not the 

 It seems useful for use cases like Microformats to have a clean, 
unambiguous way to represent a specific time. It seems odd that 
there are ways to get Date objects to represent the date, time and 
time zone separately, but no way to get a Date representing the 
combination of date/time/timezone. Wouldn't 

Re: [webkit-dev] Implementation thoughts on HTML5 elements

2009-08-26 Thread Leo Meyerovich
These are unnecessary features wrt accessiblity tools and search 
engines; data mining techniques can easily handle them already. More 
strongly, for legacy and advanced UI reasons, the data mining should 
happen anyways, further questioning their merit. That's been my 
experience in this area (from the analysis side). Features that provide 
actual functionality would seem more pressing.

- Leo

Maciej Stachowiak wrote:

On Aug 25, 2009, at 11:21 PM, Maciej Stachowiak wrote:

Hi everyone,

Recently at Apple we've been considering our plans to implement new 
HTML elements from HTML5. I'd like to share our thoughts with the 
WebKit community and see if we are in sync before passing this on to 
the HTML Working Group. Does anyone have thoughts to add to the below:


I realized I forgot to cover  and .

  The list form of a menu seems straightforward enough, it is good to 
have a list type specifically for popup menus. The toolbar form does 
not seem fully baked. First, it seems weird to think of a toolbar as a 
kind of menu. Second, the rendering is too inflexible and 
underspecified for the real Web content authoring use cases for 
toolbars. And finally, an important point of toolbars in many 
applications is that they can embed custom controls in a flexible 
layout that also includes some standard buttons, but type="toolbar"> does not seem flexible enough to handle this. The 
context menu form does seem genuinely useful. But it also seems like a 
lot of complexity for the somewhat marginal case of overriding the 
context menu. It seems like about a dozen different elements are 
allowed, all with different processing requirements. This seems like 
overkill for the use case of a context menu. It doesn't even make much 
semantic sense for a context menu to contain a button. Overall, it 
doesn't seem like the cases of menu list, toolbar and context menu 
really share enough behavior or appropriate content model to make them 
use the same element.

  It's unclear if this element is worth having without the use cases 
for toolbars or menus, and it also has 0 implementations so far and 
seems like it might not be fully baked.

- Sectioning elements: , , , , 
, , 
  These seem useful - they give a way to represent the semantics of 
many Web pages nicely, and could work well with accessibility 
features for navigating around the page, as well as other clever ways 
of processing Web content. They are also trivial to implement (I 
already did ). We're fairly interested in doing the rest of these.

-  element
  This essentially gives the same behavior as  but with 
appropriate semantics for logs of conversations. It seems useful and 
easy to implement.

- Elements requiring changes to  parsing: , 
  These elements seem quite useful, but they will be unusable on the 
public Web until all browsers are updated to change how they parse 
 and the new versions are widely adopted. Pretty much all 
current browsers do something idiosyncratic when parsing a  
element outside of a , which makes it impossible to make 
 or  degrade gracefully via script or style. We are 
hesitant to implement elements that authors would feel they are 
unable to use, or to lead authors astray, so we are hesitant to 
implement the new elements until either the  parsing issue is 
widely fixed or HTML5 uses some element other than  for the 
caption on these elements. We will consider fixing our parsing of 
 outside  soon, though, so that we're not the blocker.

- New media elements: , 
  We love these and have them implemented. We don't see any 
implementation issues in the current spec.

   We like this and we have it implemented. We don't see any 
implementation issues in the current spec.

- Newly standard legacy elements: , 
  We had these for a long time before they were in HTML5. It seems 
like a good idea to cover them in the spec.

  The basic idea for this element seems good, but the suggested UI 
for exposing it does not seem to entirely match the use cases, and 
may not be practical to deploy. Having tick marks in the scrollbar 
for every , and UI to cycle between them, seems too heavyweight 
for some of the suggested uses. We are interested in implementing the 
basics of  soon, but probably not the requirements.

  It seems useful for use cases like Microformats to have a clean, 
unambiguous way to represent a specific time. It seems odd that there 
are ways to get Date objects to represent the date, time and time 
zone separately, but no way to get a Date representing the 
combination of date/time/timezone. Wouldn't the latter be a common 
use case, and doesn't the JavaScript Date object give sufficient APIs 
to unpack a Date into its components as needed?
- New interactive controls: , 
  These elements seem useful and a good idea. These controls are 
useful in native UI and often get hand-rolled by JavaScript 
libraries. We would like to expose a default native look, but with 
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