The recent r195795 <> 
changed how WebKit XPC services work for development.

I expect this change to not have any impact on most of your workflows, but read 
on for the details, and be on the lookout for any things that might have broken 

The most noticeable effect of this change is that XPC services will no longer 
inherit all of the UI process’s environment variables automatically. To set an 
environment variable EXAMPLE to VALUE in the XPC services, you’ll need to set 
__XPC_EXAMPLE to VALUE in the UI process’s environment. In cases where our 
tools need to control the XPC services’ environment, the tools have been 
updated to do use the __XPC_ prefix. And setting __XPC_DYLD_FRAMEWORK_PATH or 
__XPC_DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH for the services isn’t necessary, since they know to 
look for frameworks and libraries relative to where they are.

Engineering builds will no longer contain both a normal variant and a 
.Development variant of each of the WebKit XPC services. Instead, they will 
contain only a normal variant of each service. However, the service name and 
bundle identifier will continue to have the .Development suffix.
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