Re: [webkit-help] Has anyone used XCode 4.3.1 (4E1019) ?

2012-03-13 Thread Ariya Hidayat
 Sorry for the generic question, but has anyone used Xcode4.3.1 to build the
 latest Webkit successfully?
 I am able to open and build the Xcodeproj for Javascript, Webcore, Webkit2).
 But when I open the webkit.xcodeproj file there are no targets defined, I
 defined my own target but it fails.

You should always check first if building in command-line works or
not. See

Ariya Hidayat,
webkit-help mailing list

Re: [webkit-help] JSC: Compiling on iOS

2012-01-23 Thread Ariya Hidayat
 #include objc/objc-runtime.h

 Where are the platform (and everything else) defined for compilation?

You should really leverage 'git grep'. A simple:

git grep 'define PLATFORM'

points me to Source/JavaScriptCore/wtf/Platform.h.

Ariya Hidayat,
webkit-help mailing list

Re: [webkit-help] JSC: Compiling on iOS

2012-01-22 Thread Ariya Hidayat
 My first problem is the *.lut.h files.
 What are these, what generates them (they seem to not exist) and what are the 
 possible causes of them not existing in my duplicated build?

These are generated files, check out
Source/JavaScriptCore/create_hash_table to see the script which
generate them.

While this does not solve your problem, the easiest workaround is to
build JSC in some other platforms (Qt, Mac, ...) and the copy over the
generated files.

Ariya Hidayat,
webkit-help mailing list

Re: [webkit-help] [webkit-dev] Tools/Scripts/build-webkit --gtk --debug --makeargs=-j1 taking up to 80% of memory

2011-12-26 Thread Ariya Hidayat
First thing first: please do not cross-post to several mailing list,
it's not helpful and impolite (see

 I tried with --makeargs=-j2 but still got ld process terminated
 signal[9] error  which indicates that it ran out of memory.

ld is the linker, nothing to do with parallel compiles. You simply
must have enough memory to link all object files.

Ariya Hidayat,
webkit-help mailing list

Re: [webkit-help] Breakpoint in the WebCore does not work in the xcode with safari.

2011-12-07 Thread Ariya Hidayat
 Can anyone help me please?~~:)

Have you done any troubleshooting at all on your debugging problem? If
yes, please share what you have done. It would be very hard to give
some suggestions without further info (not everyone of us has a
working crystal ball).

Some recommended triaging (among others, the list is not exhaustive):

Can you debug a simple Hello, world program with your Xcode setup?

How did you launch Safari? Did you use Tools/Script/run-safari? Did it
pick up your build of WebKit?

Did you really build in debug mode and not release mode?

Are you sure your breakpoint will be hit? Did you try to put the
breakpoint in many other places?

Did you try to use gdb and manually attach to the process?

Ariya Hidayat,
webkit-help mailing list

Re: [webkit-help] Breakpoint in the WebCore does not work in the xcode with safari.

2011-12-01 Thread Ariya Hidayat
Does the approach described in not work for you?

Ariya Hidayat,
webkit-help mailing list

Re: [webkit-help] Question about IOS support

2011-11-30 Thread Ariya Hidayat
 I am trying to create a simple browser on IOS using WebKit, however I am
 confused about what platforms are supported.

You have to be more clear as to what you want to do. iOS already
includes WebKit as the system library (after all, that's what Mobile
Safari is using), check the documentation for UIWebView. If that's all
you need, then you're all set.

Ariya Hidayat,
webkit-help mailing list

Re: [webkit-help] Using QtTestBrowser on Windows (and avoiding Cygwin...)

2011-11-24 Thread Ariya Hidayat
Cygwin is needed for Apple Windows port of WebKit.

If you just want to build + play with QtWebKit on Windows, this is the
page you should be following: Beside Qt itself and
a bunch of GnuWin32-based tools, you don't need anything else.

Ariya Hidayat,
webkit-help mailing list

Re: [webkit-help] Help Getting Started / locating what I am looking for.

2011-10-14 Thread Ariya Hidayat
Maybe you can start from SelectorQuery::execute() function and trace
it further from that starting point.

Ariya Hidayat,
webkit-help mailing list

Re: [webkit-help] Minimum required for embedding

2011-10-13 Thread Ariya Hidayat
 @Ariya Hidayat I'll have to check the Qt port again. Thanks for the heads

Make sure you enable accelerated compositing:

Ariya Hidayat,
webkit-help mailing list

Re: [webkit-help] page rendering question

2011-09-14 Thread Ariya Hidayat
 I have a question regarding page rendering ... I inserted some printouts
 in WebKit methods that will be called when WebKit thinks the page should
 be redrawn (layout(), etc.).

 Now, what I can't figure out is why WebKit thinks the page needs to be
 redrawn if I click a text in different positions. E.g. the HTML page has
 tons of br elements. And clicking on the page will always request
 redrawing even when nothing on the page changes (no text selection,
 scrolling). Any ideas?

This is not going to answer your question, I just state the obvious:
why don't you use the debugger, set a breakpoint in some suitable
place, and see the stack trace to understand the program flow?

Debugger breakpoints and stack traces are much more powerful than just
some random printouts. Check out
for some inspiration.

webkit-help mailing list

Re: [webkit-help] hardware accelerated rendering path

2011-08-31 Thread Ariya Hidayat
 The latest cairo port does not support accelerate composition, nor does it
 support hardware based primitive drawing. I think FireFox cairo d2d backend
 can be a good reference in the primitive drawing. However, accelerated
 composition seems to be more complicated because all resources I can find is
 the source code under graphics/ca where Apple have implemented the
 accelerated composition. Is there any document can help better understand
 the details? Thanks.

IIRC Cairo has several GPU-based back-ends. Did you try to enable/use
it with the Cairo port of WebKit?

To give a different perspective, Qt's painting system can use OpenGL
or OpenVG backend, transparent to the client code. The Qt port of
WebKit does not even need to do anything about it (note: simplified
view, the reality is more complicated).

As for the accelerated compositing, check also
Though some part applies only to Chromium, it contains a lot of
platform-agnostic information.


Ariya Hidayat, Passionate Technologist
webkit-help mailing list

Re: [webkit-help] hardware accelerated rendering path

2011-08-21 Thread Ariya Hidayat
 Is it possible we apply this rule to a more general web page, like the way
 similar to what FireFox has adopted by using Direct2D on Windows port.

Yes, this is usually taken care at the platform graphics stack which a
certain port is using. CoreGraphics, Skia, Qt's QPainter, and Cairo
all have support (sometimes through a defined back-end) for
hardware-accelerated primitive drawing.

Some stuff I have written about this subject:

Ariya Hidayat, Passionate Technologist
webkit-help mailing list

Re: [webkit-help] enabling/disabling different modules when building WebKit

2011-07-18 Thread Ariya Hidayat
 I would like to ask whether it is possible to define what
 functionality will be included when building WebKit...

build-webkit script has a bunch of options for that, run it with
--help argument.

webkit-help mailing list

Re: [webkit-help] Rendering HTML page to bitmap

2011-07-13 Thread Ariya Hidayat
This is really specific to the port/framework you are using (thus,
more like CEF question). The trick is to set the viewport properly.
For QtWebKit, refer to what I showed ages ago: or
even using

Capturing the WebView in a single bitmap sounds like a good idea. Even
better if you can do it in several steps by setting a proper clipping


Ariya Hidayat
webkit-help mailing list

Re: [webkit-help] Making WebKit on ubuntu 10.10 looks for xcodebuild?

2011-06-17 Thread Ariya Hidayat
 Yes, here's a link to directFB webkit:

Since that's not an upstream port (i.e. not hosted on, you
should ask whoever is responsible for that repository.


webkit-help mailing list

Re: [webkit-help] webkit 2 queries

2011-04-25 Thread Ariya Hidayat
 I am doing a university project using webkit-2. I am interested in
 possible collaboration with people who are using webkit-2 for their
 projects, would love to hear from you guys.

Would be helpful if you also share what you are doing or want to do
with WebKit2.

 I am interested in the SVG related functionality and am curious about
 how webkit-2 is handling svg related classes and functions. I know
 that webkit-1 uses SVG classes in the WebCore but webkit-2 is not. If
 not, what is wk2 using for displaying svg.

What makes you come to the conclusion that WebKit2 is not using the
same SVG classes?

Ariya Hidayat
webkit-help mailing list

Re: [webkit-help] How to to interface between javascript context and webkit code

2011-04-06 Thread Ariya Hidayat
 I have a question on tying into javascript context.
 Basically, my application starts a webkit webview and 

Next time, at least mention the platform you are working on (as
specific as possible.
 I've been able to get this working in one direction
 (app-webkit-javascript-context) using
 stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString. But now i'd like for it to be
 driven by user events that occur inside the webview.
 Any pointers, or examples I should look at?

If this is iOS, I suggest looking at PhoneGap source code to see how
it is done there.

Ariya Hidayat
webkit-help mailing list

Re: [webkit-help] how to add proxy support for Android WebKit

2011-04-01 Thread Ariya Hidayat
 I'm testing on android webkit.
 I found when I had set APN and proxy address in 'mobile network setting',
 webkit didn't take proxy address and port.
 I'm based on android2.1.Any solution for this ticket?

Known longstanding issue:

Ariya Hidayat
webkit-help mailing list

Re: [webkit-help] Compiling Webkit for Android

2011-04-01 Thread Ariya Hidayat
 Do you know what version of webkit honeycomb uses?

WebKit r72805

 Is it possible to port webkit to Honeycomb using the ndk?

That's a million dollar question :)

Ariya Hidayat
webkit-help mailing list

Re: [webkit-help] How to render html without gui

2011-03-28 Thread Ariya Hidayat
 Recently I've tried wkhtmltopdf/image to render a html to am image file, and
 it worked fine on x11 platform but not for embedded Qt webkit.

You have to more specific in describing your problem, what did you
mean by not for embedded Qt webkit? Is it not working at all? Or you
can't build it? And what steps have you already done to troubleshoot
your problems?

Also which embedded platform are you targeting? There are a million
combinations out there and it's impossible to know which one (I
recently lost my crystal ball...).

Please kindly read if you have not done so.

Ariya Hidayat
webkit-help mailing list

Re: [webkit-help] How to render html without gui

2011-03-28 Thread Ariya Hidayat
In theory it is possible to tweak Qt to not use any other external
GUI-type of libraries (this is what I plan for In
practice, this is far from trivial.

In all cases, this seems to be more Qt issue than WebKit issue. If you
can create a pure Qt program that can render something without relying
on other resources, then there should not be any reason it can't be
used with QtWebKit.

Ariya Hidayat
webkit-help mailing list

Re: [webkit-help] Porting

2011-03-15 Thread Ariya Hidayat
Have you read That should serve as the
meta start before jumping into other topics.

Ariya Hidayat
webkit-help mailing list

Re: [webkit-help] Hi newbie want suggestion about how to get involve this project.

2011-02-16 Thread Ariya Hidayat
 I am new to here. I want to help. I am good at C++ programming and really
 willing to learn new things. I want to contribute to this project but I
 don't familiar source code and architecture of Webkit. Would someone be
 willing to give me some information or suggestion or to mentor me ? I really
 want to contribute this for long time and I am serious programmer.

Have you read already?

Also, the wiki page contains a lot of useful info.

Ariya Hidayat
webkit-help mailing list

Re: [webkit-help] rendering HTML to a bitmap (wincairo port)

2011-01-20 Thread Ariya Hidayat
 Would be very nice to have the webkit separate from HWND, I wonder if QT
 port does a good job of this?

Something like

Ariya Hidayat
webkit-help mailing list

Re: [webkit-help] Webkit support Flash?

2010-12-23 Thread Ariya Hidayat
 Hi, i am a new for webkit, i just want to know does the Webkit support
 flash? if not, do i need to develop a plug-in to support it?

Yes, it does support Flash via NPAPI.

Ariya Hidayat
webkit-help mailing list

Re: [webkit-help] Flickering in Android Webkit browser

2010-12-10 Thread Ariya Hidayat
 What I am doubting is that once the flash runs in the Browser as a plug-in, 
 it sets WebKit in such a state such that,
 The Browser window background is completely cleared or painted black and then 
 followed by foreground painting/rendering. This causes the flicker..

 1. Please let me know if my assumption is in right direction or totally off 
 the track?

It is easier to verify your assumption by doing the debugging
yourself. Just build Android WebKit using the instructions in, use your favorite
debugger, and trace the execution.

(Also, don't cross post to two different lists: webkit-help and webkit-dev).

Ariya Hidayat
webkit-help mailing list

Re: [webkit-help] Where to track the handle to a HTML5 canvas pixel array?

2010-11-30 Thread Ariya Hidayat
 I've started to look at WebKit and chromium port of WebKit. I'd like to
 track the handle/pointer to a particular HTML5 canvas pixel array. Where is
 the best location in the code for me to tab into for this purpose? Thanks.

Can't you find out which part of the code is using CanvasPixelArray
(WebCore/html/canvas/CanvasPixelArray.*)? For example,
WebCore/bindings/v8/custom/V8CanvasPixelArrayCustom.cpp is the binding
to V8.

Ariya Hidayat
webkit-help mailing list

Re: [webkit-help] ERROR: qmake missing but required to build WebKit. (Qt Port of WebKit under Windows 7)

2010-10-18 Thread Ariya Hidayat
 Also, when I typed
 where QtCore4.dll
 in the command window, the response was

 So my environment is able to locate dlls in the bin directory.

If 'qmake --version' returns something for you, then the question is,
does it get also picked up by the build script (which is Perl)? You
may want to print out some debugging messages inside
WebKitTools/Scripts/ Alternatively, pass the qmake
executable directly via the --qmake=/path/to/qmakebin option.

Ariya Hidayat
webkit-help mailing list

Re: [webkit-help] benchmark problems

2010-09-02 Thread Ariya Hidayat
 I'm trying to do some benchmark in order to check witch webkit
 functions take more time running.
 My question is: How can I do this kind of benchmark? firebug only
 tells me the time of page scripts, but I want to see where is the
 bottleneck in the webkit function. Any sugestion?

Firebug and Web Inspector's Profiler only work at that level, after
all it's designed for web developer.
If you want to profile WebKit in a much more granular level, just
proper tools such as gprof, valgrind, Shark, etc.

Ariya Hidayat
webkit-help mailing list

Re: [webkit-help] Help with compilation

2010-08-30 Thread Ariya Hidayat
  I do need the plugin support..

Let me connect the dots for you: current NPAPI code on Unix requires
X11, you want DirectFB without X11, but you need the plugin support.
Then you need to search and/or implement plugin infrastructure which
does not require X11.


webkit-help mailing list

Re: [webkit-help] Still completely stuck with getting JavaScriptCore to load this code

2010-08-03 Thread Ariya Hidayat
 Just to be clear, I know that there is a debugger, but it is integrated into 
  I'm trying to use this code stand-alone, from JavaScriptCore, so it won't 
 access to the environment that comes with loading from a browser.

If you don't mind using Qt for your testing, its Qt Script module has
a fantastic debugger:

Note: Qt 4.6 uses JSC as the back-end, so you will get 1:1 behavior.

Thank you!


Ariya Hidayat
webkit-help mailing list

Re: [webkit-help] help for understanding webkit.

2010-08-02 Thread Ariya Hidayat
Good starting points:

Ariya Hidayat
webkit-help mailing list

Re: [webkit-help] FTPS support: QtWebkit

2010-07-29 Thread Ariya Hidayat
This needs to be handled at Qt Network Access Manager level. Note that
QtWebKit does not use the deprecated QFtp module. See e.g. for details.

Ariya Hidayat
webkit-help mailing list

Re: [webkit-help] WebKit

2010-06-17 Thread Ariya Hidayat
 where I see documentation of wk? and How I use webkit engine as a librarie?

Which platform? On Mac OS X you can read

Ariya Hidayat
webkit-help mailing list

Re: [webkit-help] WebKit dump

2010-06-15 Thread Ariya Hidayat
 I like the output port graphical webkit? I like to do something like lynx
 dump, I can do this?

Maybe something like ?

Ariya Hidayat
webkit-help mailing list

Re: [webkit-help] web view transparency

2010-05-16 Thread Ariya Hidayat
 I'm doing a borderless window that contains a webkit view that is
  displaying an html/css/embedded javascript UI for our application. I'm
  having and issue getting the webkit view to display only the html UI. Right
 now my webkit view's background is drawing a grey colored  square under  my
 html UI

For QtWebKit, does the trick in
work for you?

For other ports, adopt a similar strategy.

Ariya Hidayat
webkit-help mailing list

Re: [webkit-help] transparent body rendered in white --how to prevent?

2010-05-06 Thread Ariya Hidayat
 I'm using webkit to render a pdf from a html, and I want to get a
 transparent background so I can merge it with another pdf.

For QtWebKit, does the trick in
work for you?

Ariya Hidayat
webkit-help mailing list

Re: [webkit-help] How to build JavaScriptCore on Ubuntu only

2010-04-28 Thread Ariya Hidayat
 I'm wondering if I can build JavaScriptCore on Ubuntu Linux only. Because
 the webkit trunk source is too big, and what I want is just its js engine. I
 tried make under the folder JavaScriptCore, but it required xcodebase, which
 is for Mac OS. I also tried using, but it seems
 nothing useful generated. I didn't find any instruction on building that
 component. Can somebody help me?

If you don't mind using the Qt port, read and follow the thread at

Ariya Hidayat
webkit-help mailing list

Re: [webkit-help] Webkit integration API

2010-04-20 Thread Ariya Hidayat
 I am interested in building a simple browser around Webkit.

Pick a port you want. For a good start, I recommend and you should be able to
create a browser in 5 minutes (see and then go from there.

Ariya Hidayat
webkit-help mailing list

Re: [webkit-help] Webpage thumbnails

2010-04-02 Thread Ariya Hidayat
 1 - It's just a small portion of the webpage.  Specifically, if my HDC
 contains a 800x800 bitmap, then this will only return an 800x800
 portion of the webpage.  What I want is *all* of the webpage, scaled
 to fit into an 800x800 (in this example) bitmap.

I believe this is because you use the size of the frame's view, which
is 800x800. Maybe use the web page directly? I'm not familiar with
Chromium WebKit API so I have no idea if this would work or not.

 2 - The image quality is really low.  Barely legible, in fact.

Try to use draw filter for Skia. Check the class SkDrawFilter or even
better SkPaintFlagsDrawFilter.
Or even, downscale it yourself with linear interpolation.

Some related links:

Ariya Hidayat
webkit-help mailing list

Re: [webkit-help] Build without NPAPI ?

2010-03-18 Thread Ariya Hidayat
 I'm trying to build without NETSCAPE_PLUGIN_API (that in turn wants
 libx11 etc) -- is there a way to do so from the ./config line or do I
 have to apply some patch ?

Next time, you need to state first which port you are using (Qt/Gtk/wx?).

One solution would be to tweak ENABLE_NETSCAPE_PLUGIN_API in

Ariya Hidayat
webkit-help mailing list

Re: [webkit-help] Fwd: how to get response in QtWebKit

2010-03-17 Thread Ariya Hidayat
Reading this again, I think you missed what I wrote: Use custom
network manager (vs just instantiating QNetworkAccessManager). This
way, your subclass of QNetworkAccessManager can have access to its
createRequest function and then connect to all the signals in the
network reply object or do any other kind of sniffing.

Ariya Hidayat
webkit-help mailing list

Re: [webkit-help] [webkit-reviewers] Committer nomination: Noam Rosenthal

2010-03-16 Thread Ariya Hidayat
Ignore this email. My mail client was acting weird.
webkit-help mailing list

Re: [webkit-help] The purpose of NinePieceImage

2010-03-04 Thread Ariya Hidayat
 Can you please tell me what is a NinePieceImage? Under what situation
 will Webkit create a NinePieceImage for RenderBoxModelObject?

For CSS border image, read for an example.

Ariya Hidayat
webkit-help mailing list

Re: [webkit-help] building Qt port on Linux

2010-02-23 Thread Ariya Hidayat
 ../../../JavaScriptCore/wtf/unicode/qt4/UnicodeQt4.h:34: erreur: expected
 constructor, destructor, or type conversion before ‘namespace’
 make[1]: *** [obj/release/pcre_compile.o] Erreur 1
 make[1]: quittant le répertoire « /root/WebKit/WebKitBuild/Release/WebCore »
 make: *** [sub-WebCore-make_default-ordered] Erreur 2

You must have an outdated WebKit, that file does not exist anymore.

Did you follow

Did you check out the code using e.g.

Ariya Hidayat
webkit-help mailing list

Re: [webkit-help] phonon deploy problem

2010-02-11 Thread Ariya Hidayat
 To test the phonon, I build example/phonon/capabilities, and put the files
 needed into one dir as below,

 │  capabilities.exe
 │  phonon4.dll
 │  QtCore4.dll
 │  QtGui4.dll

How this is related to WebKit at all?

Unless it is related to WebKit (which the focus of this mailing list),
you should post the question to qt-interest list
( or the
official Qt support channel (


Ariya Hidayat
webkit-help mailing list

Re: [webkit-help] Howto Calculate x, y points for GraphicsContext::drawFocusRing()

2010-02-11 Thread Ariya Hidayat
 Actually, I want to increase active area of links, in such a way that event
 if I clicked below the link,
 (i.e. not exactly over the link) the nearer link should get selected and
 gets loaded. Right now, I have to click exactly over the link.

I guess this is the reason you asked the endless hit test questions in
the separate thread? If only you would have told us your objective

There are tons of ways to do that. Two I can think of:

(1) Find all links in the page and calculate the distance to your
click position. Pick the nearest one (or whatever algorithm you use).

(2) Probe in the vicinity of your click position for any presence of
others links. An example I show in
does the same, albeit for any type of elements instead of only links.


Ariya Hidayat
webkit-help mailing list

Re: [webkit-help] understanding nodeAtPoint() function..

2010-02-10 Thread Ariya Hidayat
 This function gets _x, _y, _tx, _ty paramenters. The parameters _tx and _ty
 are related to LayerBounds. I am not getting what is LayerBounds and in
 subsequent calls of nodeAtPoint(), those _tx , _ty values are getting
 How and what is it ?

Layer bounds in that context is the rect of the render layer, IIRC
it's relative to its parent (render) layer.

 In nodeAtPoint(), what is following calculation:
     int tx = _tx + x();
     int ty = _ty + y();

 and how values of x(), y() are changing in subsequent calls ?

What do you mean that the values are changing? If you mean you see
different values while debugging, that is probably because you are
stepping into the render layer hierarchy, i.e. the offsets are
different because they belong to different layers.

Ariya Hidayat
webkit-help mailing list

Re: [webkit-help] isOverLink() function in android-webkit

2010-02-05 Thread Ariya Hidayat
 I am looking into that function, but seems to be very complicated for me.
 If you do not mind
 could you please tell me little bit logic behind this ? Few hints will be

You may want to check the part that calls hitTestContents and put it
in the temporary HitTestResult.
Also inside hitTestContents, there is a call to the renderer's
hitTest() and I'm sure this function is interesting for you too.

And beside reading the code, I suggest (again and again) using the
debugger and perform the step-by-step in that function.

Since I am afraid you'd come back again shortly and say that
RenderObject::hitTest() and its nodeAtPoint() are useless, I'd like
you to refer to to see
the class hierarchy.

 Please, eagerly waiting for your reply.

I hate to repeat myself, but may I suggest reading again?

Ariya Hidayat
webkit-help mailing list

Re: [webkit-help] isOverLink() function in android-webkit

2010-02-04 Thread Ariya Hidayat
 I looked into RenderLayer::hitTest() function also.  It does few things
 given below:

     Node* node = result.innerNode();

Before it reaches this line, it goes to hitTestLayer() first. Did you
check that function?


Ariya Hidayat
webkit-help mailing list

Re: [webkit-help] Need help in understanding how HTMLDocument::createElement() get called?

2010-01-31 Thread Ariya Hidayat
 Can you please tell me how the method  HTMLDocument::createElement()
 get called?
 .h file declares private method and when I search it in
 HTMLDocument.cpp , i don't see anywhere this method is being called.

HTMLDocument inherits Document and Document has the same virtual
function createElement() as well. Maybe that is what you are after?
webkit-help mailing list

Re: [webkit-help] How does files in DerivedSources get generated

2010-01-30 Thread Ariya Hidayat
 Can you please tell me how does files in DerivedSources get generated?
 I have search for
 find . -name HTMLElementFactory*.*
 But I can only find the generated file.  So can you please tell me how can
 those be generated?

If you open that header or source file, you will find:

 This file was generated by the dom/ script.

Thus, find a command that invoke in your build system of
your platform/ports. If you get that one right, that Perl script would
involve WebCore/html/ and

Would be also harmless if you also specify your systems upfront (as I
hinted in,
so that potentially a more specific answer can be offered.


Ariya Hidayat
webkit-help mailing list

Re: [webkit-help] Searchable mailing list archives

2010-01-27 Thread Ariya Hidayat
 I know that the mail list archives are available, but they are browseable
 and not searchable ... other than by whatever Google may pick up.

Using Google is quite helpful, I gave the examples in the first point of

Ariya Hidayat
webkit-help mailing list

Re: [webkit-help] Nitro vs Nitro Extreme: which builds at the JSC tip?

2009-11-04 Thread Ariya Hidayat
 Naive question that I've tried to answer though feel I haven't:
 how does one know when JSC is using Nitro Extreme, Nitro, or just 

Nitro = SquirrelFish, Nitro Extreme = SquirrelFish Extreme.

CMIIW but unfortunately, at least for the Qt port, there is no way to
detect Extreme vs non Extreme at run-time. At compile-time it is
fairly easy. If you check JavaScriptCore/wtf/Platform.h around line
744, a bunch of #ifdefs there show the platform/compiler combination
that allows enabling of JIT (i.e. the Extreme flavor), e.g. Windows
on x86 using MSVC. Thus, the solution is to check for the compiler
define ENABLE_JIT.


Ariya Hidayat
webkit-help mailing list

Re: [webkit-help] Are there tricks to build WebKit on Linux?

2009-10-05 Thread Ariya Hidayat
 If not, you can check it at:

Following the above links should do it. There are also:

IMO the Qt port is the easiest (almost out-of-the-box) to build, but
then I am biased :)

Ariya Hidayat
webkit-help mailing list

Re: [webkit-help] WebKit Memory Management

2009-09-23 Thread Ariya Hidayat
 Can someone explain briefly on how WebKit manages dynamic memory
 allocations? And whether it’s possible to limit the memory WebKit uses?

Grep for 'FastMalloc'. Also check webkit-dev, there were discussions
and work-in-progress to allow better/fine-grained control of memory

 And I’ve also verified that the internal cache is disabled (by doing
 Cache::dumpStats()), however the memory utilization would keep growing while
 we click through random pages starting from google (e.g.,
 click on news, click on the first news page, etc). The allocated memory
 however, would stabilize after it reaches about 53MB, suggesting some kind
 of limitation/recycling mechanism kicking in.

 P.S. The allocated memory data was retrieved from mallinfo.arena
 (, and
 we’ve ruled out the possibility that the application code itself is leaking.

While this information is useful, it does not help us if it can't
pinpoint what the cause for the allocation. As an illustration, when I
tried to reduce the peak memory consumption of QtWebKit, I did use
Valgrind's Massif to locate the offending function. After that, it was
fairly easy to fix it.

Ariya Hidayat
webkit-help mailing list

Re: [webkit-help] Flash/Flash Plugin functionality in WebKit (Linux)

2009-09-17 Thread Ariya Hidayat
 I apologize profusely for my lack of seeking better a reference to how the
 list works.

No need to apologize, no harm has been done :)

 My platform is Linux 32-bit (Mepis/Debian) and I'm building against
 clutter-webkit (which is using GLib to interface with WebKit, from the same
 source tree as GTK WebKit.)  Arora (and other WebKit based browsers) are not
 showing Flash embeds at all either.  I could run a debug on the process(es)
 but I'm not receiving any kind of error output from any of the offending
 binaries.  I will look into the GTK interface to see if there is a way to
 specify/retrieve more information for plugins that may remedy the situation.

Eh, that's new to me. I always thought plugins like Flash will not be
easy to get it working under Clutter, due to its indirect rendering

All the same, did you get anything useful tracking the PluginDatabase class?

Ariya Hidayat
webkit-help mailing list

Re: [webkit-help] Webkit Linux Build without libsoup

2009-09-17 Thread Ariya Hidayat
 Chromium will make me use V8 and I want to use JavaScript Core.

IIRC for some time Chromium for Windows supports building with JSC,
however this is not maintained anymore.

Generally, each port tends to use whatever library comes with the
toolkit for better integration. For example, although technically
possible, QtWebKit does not use libsoup just like webkit-gtk does not
use Qt's network access manager.

Having said that, I suspect (just a wild speculated guess) making
Chromium builds with JSC again is much easier than to patch webkit-gtk
to use Chromium network stack.

Ariya Hidayat
webkit-help mailing list

Re: [webkit-help] Webkit Linux Build without libsoup

2009-09-16 Thread Ariya Hidayat
 Has anyone thought about building the Webkit GTK build without libsoup. I
 was wondering if it was possible to build using the Chromium Network libs
 instead of libsoup. I am not really interested in using GTK either -- I
 wouldn't mind using only dump render tree (or QT/whatever).

If you use Qt port of WebKit, you also don't need libsoup or any other
external network libraries.

See for building details.

Ariya Hidayat
webkit-help mailing list

Re: [webkit-help] Flash/Flash Plugin functionality in WebKit (Linux)

2009-09-16 Thread Ariya Hidayat
 Maybe I'm missing it (most likey, since others seem to have it working) but
 I can't seem to find a/the way to get flash working in my C WebKit
 program(s).  There's no error being reported that I'm aware of, it's just
 simply not embedded into the rendered page at all.  I'm guessing that the
 necessary plugin is simply not being loaded whatsoever.  So my question to
 everyone here is: What is the proper way to get flash working in WebKit on
 Linux? Are there certain functions I have to call?  Command line arguments?
 Special locations for files?  Thanks in advance.

Please also read
carefully first. Detailed information (port, compiler, platform, etc)
helps a lot, especially with plugins (32-bit and 64-bit can make a
huge difference).

At least on the Qt port, there are several plugin directories which
will be searched. Refer to
for details.

Often you also need to activate the plugin support in the settings.
I assume you use webkit-gtk, so search for plugin-related settings in
its API.

You might also want to use your debugging skills to breakpoint and
trace the problem right from the plugin code in WebCore/plugins, for
example starting from the PluginDatabase class.

Ariya Hidayat
webkit-help mailing list

Re: [webkit-help] Webkit Linux Build without libsoup

2009-09-16 Thread Ariya Hidayat
 How about using the Chromium Libs instead of either Qt/Curl/soup ? I have
 heard that the Chromium libs are nicely done and better.

Well, in that case, why don't you just build Chromium for Linux?

Ariya Hidayat
webkit-help mailing list

Re: [webkit-help] QtLauncher.exe unhandled exception

2009-09-09 Thread Ariya Hidayat
 i built the Qt version on windows. When i run the Qtlauncher.exe it opened a
 browser, i typed a site address and it showing this Unhandled exception at
 0x005d4640 in QtLauncher.exe: 0xC005: Access violation reading location
 how to solve the problem?

Please use a debugger (did you read the How to Get Help Effectively I
linked before?) and provide the stack trace.
Dechipering 0x005d4640,  0xC005, 0x0040 are not easy without
any stack trace.

Ariya Hidayat
webkit-help mailing list

Re: [webkit-help] webkit in Visual Studio 2005

2009-08-22 Thread Ariya Hidayat
 Thanks anyway, Adam, but that's not what I mean.  As I said I have
 successfully run the build.  Those environment variables have to be set to
 do that.

Then maybe you would be so kind to reformulate your question to be
more specific?

As Adam said (and see also,
once you have the debug bulid, you can conveniently use VS to do your
usual debugging process. If something does not work, please provide
more information rather than just I can't set breakpoints.

Ariya Hidayat
webkit-help mailing list

Re: [webkit-help] Cross-compiling webkit for ARM platform on Linux-x86 machine

2009-08-20 Thread Ariya Hidayat
 Currently my problem is that for crosscompiling Webkit-Qt port for ARM,
 instead of g++
  I want to compile the files using 'arm-softfloat-linux-gnu-g++'

Have you ever tried to compile simple Qt-based program for ARM using
your  'arm-softfloat-linux-gnu-g++' compiler? If not, then try to do
that first.

Ariya Hidayat, Code Monkey
webkit-help mailing list