Re: WO 5.3 and Tomcat property files?

2006-05-20 Thread David E
Hi David,
Thanks that sounds like a good path to follow. I'll give it a try.
- Dave

 Original message 

Date: Fri, 19 May 2006 11:41:14 -0400
From: David Aspinall [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: WO 5.3 and Tomcat property files?
Cc: " Apple"
I encountered problems with WebSphere using properties files. The 
first problem is that either the Framework properties files were NOT 
read, or they were not read in time (for me to initialize from 
them). The second is that when the properties are loaded, there is 
only ONE object. See: 

Additionally you can set properties in the container and WO will load 
them from JNDI. Which is cool in a way and familiar for clients with 
their own administration processes and policies.

Our solution is to have one property defined in the container to 
identify an additional properties file. That file we manually read 
(from filesystem/war/ear) using a standard java Properties object and 
then for each property we set the key and value into NSProperties. 
If we do this early enough (Application initialization) then we can 
control/override all the standard WebObjects properties (including 
custom jdbc/jndi connection info).

Hope this helps,

On 19-May-06, at 2:39 AM, Dave Elsner wrote:


 What the best approach to use property files from development in 
 and for deployment within tomcat? Because it seems they are not 
 being read in at run time

 System.getProperty("foo") always returns null under tomcat, but 
 works perfectly in development in Xcode.
 I tried printing out System.getProperties() and none of my 
 application properties have been loaded only the built in Java ones 
 are there.

 How does every one else handle this?

 1) Manually add properties as env-entry in the web.xml file?

 2) Avoid properties altogether ?

 3) Something else?

 I had a quick look at LEConfigServletEnvEntryMergeTool from 
 lejstuff from Andrew Lindesay and it looks promising. As it appears 
 to convert property files to env-entry in the web.xml file, but 
 running it out of the box I got IO.exceptions.

 - Dave

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Re: Explaining the power of Direct to Web

2006-05-20 Thread Blue Moon

It's definitely CSS for objects.

But in a sense it is also WO square: D2W = WO^2.
That's because in concept D2W applies WebObject's page generation  
mechanism once more, at the component level. Instead of having to  
program an editor component for every entity in your model you use a  
generic editor that depending on the entity will show matching  
attribute editing fields.This reduces the number of pages you need to  
handcraft by a factor! The square factor :-)

Rudi Angela

On May 19, 2006, at 19:51, Pierce T. Wetter III wrote:

On May 19, 2006, at 9:53 AM, David Holt wrote:

After reading all the Direct to Web stuff I could get my hands on,  
I was trying to describe to my boss why we need to be looking at  
it and moving towards it. The metaphor I came up with was that D2W  
is like CSS for objects. I think that sort of describes its power,  
but I would be interested in how others make the argument for (ER) 
D2W to non-programmers (or programmers for that matter!).

 CSS for objects is a pretty good one-line answer.

 A longer one would be that D2W lets you describe the meta  
information about an object: How to format its data, how to label  
it, what data should be editable, etc. It can then build user  
interface from that description.

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Re: method failed to update row

2006-05-20 Thread Wolfram Stebel
Am 19.05.2006 22:30 Uhr schrieb Robert Walker unter

Thanks Robert,

i took a second look at the docs and found that TolerantSaver should do it.
So to answer my question: TolerantSaver is the correct Solution.
I made the following changes to the save method of TolerantSaver :

// improved exception handling for validation
// changed NSException to EOGeneralAdaptorException
// added catch of remaining Exception for debugging purpose
public static String save(EOEditingContext ec, boolean writeAnyWay, boolean
merge) {
System.out.println(TolerantSaver: save...);
//System.out.println(about to save changes...);
}catch ( NSValidation.ValidationException ve ){
System.out.println(TolerantSaver: EO ValidationException);
throw ve;
}catch ( EOGeneralAdaptorException e ){

//}catch(NSException e){ // not thrown, EOGeneralAdaptorException
EOEnterpriseObject failedEO;
NSDictionary userInfo = (NSDictionary)e.userInfo();
// NSValidation.ValidationException catched above
//String eName = (String);
////System.out.println(TolerantSaver: Exception occurred name:
+ eName);
////System.out.println(Exception occurred e:
////System.out.println(Exception occurred e: +e);
////System.out.println(Exception occurred userInfo: +
////System.out.println(Exception occurred e:
//System.out.println(TolerantSaver: This is
////throw e;

Now it works like a charme.
Thanks dneumann!


 Take a look at Update Strategies  Recovery in the following document:
 This gives a couple of solutions to these Optimistic Locking
 exceptions, including some sample code (note that there may be some
 errors in the sample code, but I think they are pretty easy to find
 and fix).
 On May 19, 2006, at 4:02 PM, Wolfram Stebel wrote:
 Hi List,
 another problem i encounter today:
 i have two WO applications running, one uses objects from a
 sharedEditingContext for display only.
 In one method of this appication i added the following:
 EOEditingContext localEC = new EOEditingContext ();
 localEC.setSharedEditingContext ( null );
 // wcSponsor comes in a shared EC so get a modifyable copy in local EC
 WCSponsor copiedSponsor = ( WCSponsor ) localEC.faultForGlobalID (
 wcSponsor.editingContext ().globalIDForObject ( wcSponsor ),
 localEC );
 Integer hc = ( Integer ) copiedSponsor.hit_count();
 copiedSponsor.setHit_count ( new Integer ( hc != null ? hc.intValue
 () + 1 :
 1 ) );
 localEC.saveChanges ();
 I get the following exception, when i try to save the same object
 from the
 second application after the above code updated the database:
 updateValuesInRowDescribedByQualifier --
 com.webobjects.jdbcadaptor.JDBCChannel method failed to update row in
 As far as i can see, this is a standard concurrency problem.
 Now i tried TolerantSaver from dneumann to get the data merged and
 But now i wonder, that this exception is not catched in there.
 Is TolerantSaver the wrong solution?
 What could i do instead?

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Re: AJAX WebObjects Integration

2006-05-20 Thread Mike Schrag
Thanks Pierce --'ll link it off the Ajax pages when those go up too.On May 19, 2006, at 1:48 PM, Pierce T. Wetter III wrote: Easy enough, I've been doing a lot of this lately. Warning, its going to be long, because I've been thinking about writing a post like this for a long time. I hereby give permission in advance if anyone wants to put this post on a website somewhere, just please attribute it and email me.  ___
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Total A Column Using Code

2006-05-20 Thread David Griffith

Hi all,

I know I've done this before but I just can't seem to remember how.   
What's the equivalent code for this WO binding:


i.e. I need to total the jaDuration column of an NSArray using Java  

Any help would be very much appreciated!

Kind regards,
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