Re: Curly Generics Question - Update

2009-05-16 Thread Q

On 16/05/2009, at 12:07 PM, Mike Schrag wrote:

I'm not sure this is really any better ... Fundamentally there's a ?  
in that param, and as a result, it's impossible to do a put in a  
typesafe way.  You don't know what V is. I _think_ the signature as  
it is now is actually correct, but if you need to insert into that  
map inside createRequest, you simply have to copy it.  I don't think  
it's possible to ensure compiler-enforceable type-safety in any  
other way (which is to say, accurate type safety).

Mike is right, you cannot safely insert anything into a wildcard  
parameterised producer type (? extends T) because you do not know  
what subtype of T it is actually meant to contain. You only know that  
it will produce elements that are assignable to T.  If you want to  
put anything, or rather have it consume values, it needs to be  
parameterised with the form ? super T, which will accept values that  
are assignable to T. Hence the PECS mantra, Producer extend Consumer  
super.  There is no way to express both a producer and consumer using  
a single wildcard expression.


MapString, ? super ListString  allows for:

m.put(foo, new ArrayListString(bar));
m.put(foo, new NSArrayString(bar));

You can safely insert anything that is a ListString


m = new NSDictionaryString, ListString();
but not
m = new NSDictionaryString, NSArrayString();

You cannot safely upcast from a more specific type to ListString


MapString, ? extends ListString allows for:

ListString t = m.get(foo);
but not
NSArrayString t = m.get(foo);

Everything you retrieve will be assignable to ListString


m = new NSDictionaryString, NSArrayString();
m = new HashMapString, ArrayListString();
m = new NSDictionaryString, ListString();

You can safely upcast to the more generic type of MapString,  

Getting back to the original example:

public WORequest createRequest(String method,String url,String  
anHTTPVersion,MapString,? extends ListString someHeaders,NSData  
content,MapString,Object someInfo)

It's unfortunately that the method signature of someHeaders was  
changed from NSDictionary to Map because the original contract of  
NSDictionary implies immutability, while Map has no such implication.  
But the intent can still be derived from the type parameters as being  
a producer. If you are overriding this method you should not assume  
that the someHeaders Map your were passed is mutable, you should clone  
it to a concrete mutable type if you wish to modify it.

On May 15, 2009, at 9:51 PM, Henrique Prange wrote:

Hi Mike,

The following solution doesn't solve the unchecked type cast  
problem. But it respect PECS definition and accept a MapString,  
NSArrayString as parameter. Do you think it is reasonable?

public V extends ListString  WORequest treateRequest(String  
method, String url, String anHTTPVersion, MapString, ? super V  
someHeaders, NSData content, MapString, Object someInfo) {

 someHeaders.put(foo, (V) Collections.singletonList(bar));



On May 15, 2009, at 8:29 PM, Mike Schrag wrote:

	Map String, List String  correctHeaders = new HashMap  
String, List String  ();
btw, this is what i was saying that the only typesafe way to do  
this is to copy the original headers -- so you would do new  
HashMapString, ListString(originalHeaders) and then you'd have  
a properly typesafe String, ListString that you can happily  
insert into whatever ListString subtypes you want inside of  
createRequest. But it takes a copy to do it, which kind of sucks.


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Re: Curly Generics Question - Update

2009-05-16 Thread Mike Schrag
you should clone it to a concrete mutable type if you wish to modify  
have fun with this btw ... the cherry on top is that you can't even  
reliably CLONE these stupid things, because 1) cloning in java is  
retarded and 2) even if you can clone, you might just be cloning an  
immutable map (if they passed in NSDict, cloning doesn't get you  
far).  I think you literally have to just copy it into a new  
NSMutableDict or a HashMap, which, of course, throws away Anjo's dream  
of passing in a TreeMap.


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