On 29 okt 2010, at 18:15, David Holt wrote:

> On 2010-10-29, at 2:08 AM, Johan Henselmans wrote:
>> Op 28 okt 2010, om 18:38 heeft David Holt het volgende geschreven:
>>> On 2010-10-28, at 4:20 AM, Johan Henselmans wrote:
>>>> Op 21 okt 2010, om 15:53 heeft David LeBer het volgende geschreven:
>>>>> On 2010-10-21, at 9:46 AM, David Avendasora wrote:
>>>>>> Hey Johan,
>>>>>> I had the same problem to start with. They are handled by the 
>>>>>> Localizable.strings instead of rules (yeah, weird, I know)
>>>>> I think Johan understood that...
>>>>>> For Example in Resources/English.lproj/Localizable.strings I have:
>>>>>>  "Pages.QueryAccount" = "Search for Accounts";
>>>>>> In Resources/Spanish.lproj/Localizable.strings I have:
>>>>>>  "Pages.QueryAccount" = "Buscar para Los Cuentas";
>>>>> The trick (aside from the Pages prefix) is that you are localizing the 
>>>>> page configuration name.
>>>> That works nice and dandy, but I can't seem to get the Search All page to 
>>>> localize. I tried to remove the Home page from the navigation.plist, and 
>>>> to point the homeAction in MainNavigationController to something else, but 
>>>> the default Search All page still shows up. 
>>> Did you look in DirectAction to see where the login action points?
>>> You can set the default page in rules. You need to define startUpTask and 
>>> startUpEntity
>> Thanks! 
>> I only found examples of the rules in ERDiva*, in which it assigned "home" 
>> to the startupTask. 
>> In the default template of Eclipse, which property would you assign to the 
>> the startUpTask? (I tried several, like "query", with startUpEntity = 
>> "Performance", or startUpTask = "queryPerformance" or  startUpTask = 
>> "queryPerformanceTask" , but none of the rules seemed to work).
> From ERD2WFactory:
>     public WOComponent defaultPage(WOSession wosession) {
>         D2WContext d2wcontext = ERD2WContext.newContext(wosession);
>         return pageWithContextTaskEntity(d2wcontext, 
> d2wcontext.startupTask(), d2wcontext.startupEntityName(), 
> wosession.context());
>     }
> If you set the startupTask as 'query' and the startupEntityName as 
> 'Performance' that should work. If your default task is 'inspect' or 'edit' 
> you'll need to feed it a specific object and if it's 'list' you'll need to 
> feed it a data source. Some sort of default page based on a login action is 
> probably a more reasonable way to go.

I did that, and indeed, it is a lot easier: 

I changed the default homeAction in MainNavigationController.java to:

return queryPageForEntityName(Performance.ENTITY_NAME);

and in 

DirectAction.java I returned 

        return (WOActionResults) 
D2W.factory().queryPageForEntityNamed(Performance.ENTITY_NAME, session());

for loginAction().

And removed Home from the Navigation.plist. 

>>>> Looking at the Page Configuration it says No Page Configuration, so 
>>>> localizing the Page attribute does not work. How then, do you localize 
>>>> this Search All page? 
>>> This is handled by this rule in ERModernLook
>>> 20 : task = 'queryAll' => displayNameForPageConfiguration = "Search All" 
>>> [com.webobjects.directtoweb.Assignment]
>>> You'll need to disable the rule and then, since there is no page 
>>> configuration for queryAll, set a new one in your app:
>>> 100 : task = 'queryAll' => pageConfiguration = "QueryAll" 
>>> [com.webobjects.directtoweb.Assignment]
>> It's a bit odd. I tried to overrule the 
> You do know that to override a rule you need to provide a rule with priority 
> > than the one you want to override?
> The 10 should be > 20
>> 20 : task = 'queryAll' => displayNameForPageConfiguration = "Search All" 
>> [com.webobjects.directtoweb.Assignment]
>> with 
>> 10 : task = 'queryAll' => displayNameForPageConfiguration = "QueryAll" 
>> [com.webobjects.directtoweb.Assignment]
>> 10 : task = 'queryAll' => pageConfiguration = "QueryAll" 
>> [com.webobjects.directtoweb.Assignment]
>> and with
>> 10 : task = 'queryAll' => displayNameForPageConfiguration = "" 
>> [com.webobjects.directtoweb.Assignment]
>> 10 : task = 'queryAll' => pageConfiguration = "QueryAll" 
>> [com.webobjects.directtoweb.Assignment]
>> but they all ended up displaying the Search All header. 
>> Only after disabling the rule with priority 20 in ERModernLook, the header 
>> of the QueryAll page adjusted to the localized option. 
> This is what I had to do too.
> David
>>> And then add entries to your .strings file
>>>     "Pages.QueryAll" = "This searches everything";
>>>> Another still lingering question is how to localize entity names and 
>>>> property keys of entities. 
>>> Entity:     "Entity.name.Person" = "HumanUser";
>>> PropertyKey:        "PropertyKey.isDone" = "Complete";
>> Odd. I tried that, and failed. Then I retried it after your mail, and now it 
>> works. You must have sent me some magical attachments in your mail...
>>>>>> Dave
>>>>>> On Oct 21, 2010, at 9:28 AM, Johan Henselmans wrote:
>>>>>>> I might say I really like the way ERModernLook…looks. 
>>>>>>> One question that remains for me how localization is taken care of:
>>>>>>> I added 
>>>>>>> # Localization
>>>>>>> ERXLanguages = (en,nl)
>>>>>>> er.extensions.ERXLocalizer.defaultLanguage=English
>>>>>>> er.extensions.ERXLocalizer.useLocalizedFormatters=true
>>>>>>> er.extensions.ERXLocalizer.fileNamesToWatch=("Localizable.strings","ValidationTemplate.strings")
>>>>>>> er.extensions.ERXLocalizer.availableLanguages=(English,Dutch)
>>>>>>> #er.extensions.ERXLocalizer.frameworkSearchPath=(app,ERModernDirectToWeb,ERDirectToWeb,ERExtensions)
>>>>>>> er.extensions.ERXLocalizer.English.locale = en
>>>>>>> er.extensions.ERXLocalizer.Dutch.locale = nl
>>>>>>> to the Properties, and Localizable.strings in Dutch.lproj and 
>>>>>>> English.lproj tend to work for the navigation menu items, but I noticed 
>>>>>>> that some of the stuff does not localize by default:
>>>>>>> For instance, there if I have a queryPageForEntityNamed it still tells 
>>>>>>> "Query [Entity Name]", and editPageForNewObjectWithEntityNamed it tell 
>>>>>>> "Create [Entity Name]". 
>>>>>>> I'd like to be able to replace 
>>>>>>> Query with 'Zoek'
>>>>>>> and 
>>>>>>> Create with "Maak"
>>>>>>> for instance. 
>>>>>>> I could not find a way to localize these terms nor the entityNames, 
>>>>>>> like Ramsay Gurley does in his R2D2W framework and templates, where one 
>>>>>>> can add in Localizable.strings
>>>>>>> (eg)
>>>>>>> "Entity.name.Performance" = "Voorstelling";
>>>>>>> Have I overlooked something? Plans in that direction?
>>>>>>> (that was the dutch lesson for today).
>>>>>>> Johan Henselmans
>>>>>>> jo...@netsense.nl
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>>>>> ;david
>>>>> --
>>>>> David LeBer
>>>>> Codeferous Software
>>>>> 'co-def-er-ous' adj. Literally 'code-bearing'
>>>>> site:     http://codeferous.com
>>>>> blog:     http://davidleber.net
>>>>> profile:  http://www.linkedin.com/in/davidleber
>>>>> twitter:  http://twitter.com/rebeld
>>>>> --
>>>>> Toronto Area Cocoa / WebObjects developers group:
>>>>> http://tacow.org
>>>> Johan Henselmans
>>>> jo...@netsense.nl
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>> Johan Henselmans
>> jo...@netsense.nl

Johan Henselmans

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