Re: WOFileUpload component of WO 5.4.3 version

2009-10-23 Thread Ricardo J. Parada
I remember having issues with uploading files and getting them fixed  
after setting the encoding everywhere to UTF-8.

If you are using Wonder then add this to your Properties file:


Then make sure the components are all using UTF-8.  You can check that  
in the .woo file.

That fixed it for me a while back.

On Oct 19, 2009, at 8:18 AM, Raghavender wrote:

We have an issue with WOFileUpload component of WO 5.4.3 version, if  

is a WOFileUpload component in a page then the Form encType should be
"multipart/form-data", then in this case the form data is not  
submitting to

the Server.  When we remove the WOFileUpload then the form data is
submitting.  Does anyone know a way to resolve this or a work-around?

I have followed accordingly specified in the below mentioned URL:
but still the issue exist, and following are the logs:-

aMethod -> POST
aURL -> /cgi-bin/WebObjects/Solar.woa/wo/ojhWnnt5cVNtxYlL66ORsM/

anHTTPVersion ->HTTP/1.1

someHeaders ->{referer = [ 
]; accept-encoding = [gzip, deflate]; cookie =  
[ojhWnnt5cVNtxYlL66ORsM="GLOBAL adm...@"]; content- 
type = [multipart/form-data; boundary= 
WebKitFormBoundaryMyCt9X7guHzqi1xL]; origin = [ 
]; user-agent = [Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10_5_8;  
en-us) AppleWebKit/531.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.3 Safari/ 
531.9]; accept = [application/xml,application/xhtml+xml,text/ 
html;q=0.9,text/plain;q=0.8,image/png,*/*;q=0.5]; content-length =  
[3628]; host = []; accept-language = [en-us];  
connection = [keep-alive]; }

aContent ->com.webobjects.appserver._private.WOInputStreamData (stream  
._private.wonocopypushbackinputstr...@2c21840d of length 3628), has  
NOT been accessed>

someInfo ->null

DispatchRequest -> {accept=[application/xml,application/xhtml+xml,text/html;q=0.9,text/ 
plain;q=0.8,image/png,*/*;q=0.5], accept-encoding=[gzip, deflate],  
accept-language=[en-us], connection=[keep-alive], content-length= 
[3628], content-type=[multipart/form-data; boundary= 
WebKitFormBoundaryMyCt9X7guHzqi1xL], cookie= 
[ojhWnnt5cVNtxYlL66ORsM="GLOBAL adm...@"], host= 
[], origin=[], referer= 
ojhWnnt5cVNtxYlL66ORsM/], user-agent=[Mozilla/5.0  
(Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10_5_8; en-us) AppleWebKit/531.9  
(KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.3 Safari/531.9]} content-length=0  
cookies=null userInfo={} storePageInBacktrackCache=true >)  
method=POST uri=/cgi-bin/WebObjects/Solar.woa/wo/ 
ojhWnnt5cVNtxYlL66ORsM/ defaultFormValueEncoding=UTF-8  
formValueEncodingDetectionEnabled=NO formValueEncoding=UTF-8  
formValues={ = (com.webobjects.appserver._private.WOInputStreamData (stream  
$_woformdatainputstr...@1299ee0b of length 0), has NOT been  
accessed>); = ("image/gif"); = ("InchesRulerHoriz.gif"); } >
57415 [WorkerThread9] INFO NSLog  - Did not specify a -Config   
option. Will default to Solar.
57416 [WorkerThread9] INFO NSLog  - Did not specify a -Config   
option. Will default to Solar.

takeValuesFromRequest -> headers={accept=[application/xml,application/xhtml+xml,text/ 
html;q=0.9,text/plain;q=0.8,image/png,*/*;q=0.5], accept-encoding= 
[gzip, deflate], accept-language=[en-us], connection=[keep-alive],  
content-length=[3628], content-type=[multipart/form-data;  
boundary=WebKitFormBoundaryMyCt9X7guHzqi1xL], cookie= 
[ojhWnnt5cVNtxYlL66ORsM="GLOBAL adm...@"], host= 
[], origin=[],  
original_context_id=[5], referer=[ 
WebObjects/Solar.woa/wo/ojhWnnt5cVNtxYlL66ORsM/], user- 
agent=[Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10_5_8; en-us)  
AppleWebKit/531.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.3 Safari/531.9]}  
content-length=0 cookies=null userInfo={}  
storePageInBacktrackCache=true >) method=POST uri=/cgi-bin/ 
defaultFormValueEncoding=UTF-8 formValueEncodingDetectionEnabled=NO  
formValueEncoding=UTF-8 formValues={ = (com.webobjects.appserver._private.WOInputStreamData (stream  

WOFileUpload component of WO 5.4.3 version

2009-10-19 Thread Raghavender
We have an issue with WOFileUpload component of WO 5.4.3 version, if  

is a WOFileUpload component in a page then the Form encType should be
"multipart/form-data", then in this case the form data is not  
submitting to

the Server.  When we remove the WOFileUpload then the form data is
submitting.  Does anyone know a way to resolve this or a work-around?

I have followed accordingly specified in the below mentioned URL:
but still the issue exist, and following are the logs:-

aMethod -> POST
aURL -> /cgi-bin/WebObjects/Solar.woa/wo/ojhWnnt5cVNtxYlL66ORsM/

anHTTPVersion ->HTTP/1.1

someHeaders ->{referer = [ 
]; accept-encoding = [gzip, deflate]; cookie =  
[ojhWnnt5cVNtxYlL66ORsM="GLOBAL adm...@"]; content- 
type = [multipart/form-data; boundary= 
WebKitFormBoundaryMyCt9X7guHzqi1xL]; origin = [http://]; user-agent = [Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel  
Mac OS X 10_5_8; en-us) AppleWebKit/531.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/ 
4.0.3 Safari/531.9]; accept = [application/xml,application/xhtml 
+xml,text/html;q=0.9,text/plain;q=0.8,image/png,*/*;q=0.5]; content- 
length = [3628]; host = []; accept-language = [en- 
us]; connection = [keep-alive]; }

aContent ->(stream  
of length 3628), has NOT been accessed>

someInfo ->null

DispatchRequest -> headers={accept=[application/xml,application/xhtml+xml,text/ 
html;q=0.9,text/plain;q=0.8,image/png,*/*;q=0.5], accept- 
encoding=[gzip, deflate], accept-language=[en-us], connection=[keep- 
alive], content-length=[3628], content-type=[multipart/form-data;  
cookie=[ojhWnnt5cVNtxYlL66ORsM="GLOBAL adm...@"],  
host=[], origin=[],  
], user-agent=[Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10_5_8; en- 
us) AppleWebKit/531.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.3 Safari/531.9]}  
content-length=0 cookies=null userInfo={}  
storePageInBacktrackCache=true >) method=POST uri=/cgi-bin/WebObjects/ 
defaultFormValueEncoding=UTF-8 formValueEncodingDetectionEnabled=NO  
formValueEncoding=UTF-8 formValues={ = (com.webobjects.appserver._private.WOInputStreamData (stream  
$_woformdatainputstr...@1299ee0b of length 0), has NOT been  
accessed>); = ("image/gif"); = ("InchesRulerHoriz.gif"); } >
57415 [WorkerThread9] INFO NSLog  - Did not specify a -Config   
option. Will default to Solar.
57416 [WorkerThread9] INFO NSLog  - Did not specify a -Config   
option. Will default to Solar.

takeValuesFromRequest -> headers={accept=[application/xml,application/xhtml+xml,text/ 
html;q=0.9,text/plain;q=0.8,image/png,*/*;q=0.5], accept- 
encoding=[gzip, deflate], accept-language=[en-us], connection=[keep- 
alive], content-length=[3628], content-type=[multipart/form-data;  
cookie=[ojhWnnt5cVNtxYlL66ORsM="GLOBAL adm...@"],  
host=[], origin=[],  
original_context_id=[5], referer=[ 
], user-agent=[Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10_5_8; en- 
us) AppleWebKit/531.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.3 Safari/531.9]}  
content-length=0 cookies=null userInfo={}  
storePageInBacktrackCache=true >) method=POST uri=/cgi-bin/WebObjects/ 
defaultFormValueEncoding=UTF-8 formValueEncodingDetectionEnabled=NO  
formValueEncoding=UTF-8 formValues={ = (com.webobjects.appserver._private.WOInputStreamData (stream  
$_woformdatainputstr...@1299ee0b of length 0), has NOT been  
accessed>); = ("image/gif"); = ("InchesRulerHoriz.gif"); } >

takeValuesFromRequest WOContext ->  
requestSenderID= elementID=null  
sessionID=ojhWnnt5cVNtxYlL66ORsM request=httpVersion=HTTP/1.1 headers={accept=[application/xml,application/xhtml 
+xml,text/html;q=0.9,text/plain;q=0.8,image/png,*/*;q=0.5], accept- 

Re: WOFileUpload component of WO 5.4.3 version

2009-10-06 Thread Shravan Kumar. M
Hello Ms. Miller,

Just trying to see if this thread helps solves your problem:

Thank you,
Shravan Kumar. M

Forwarded Message: WOFileUpload component of WO 5.4.3 version WOFileUpload 
component of WO 5.4.3 version
Monday, October 5, 2009 7:09 PM

"Vicky C.  Miller" 

We have an issue with WOFileUpload component of WO 5.4.3 
version, if there
is a WOFileUpload component in a page then the Form encType should be
"multipart/form-data", then in this case the form data is not submitting to
the Server.  When we remove the WOFileUpload then the form data is
submitting.  Does anyone know a way to resolve this or a work-around?

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