Re: [websec] DNS publication of HSTS and PKP header data using CAA

2015-04-08 Thread Ryan Sleevi
On Wed, April 8, 2015 4:40 pm, Phillip Hallam-Baker wrote:
  Who said anything about DNSSEC being required?

If it isn't, then it's not equivalent.

HSTS requires an error free connection - in part to ensure the policy is
securely delivered.

HPKP requires an error free connection that is consistent with the policy
expressed - in part to ensure the policy is securely delivered and
correctly formed.

If you don't require secure delivery of that, then you're not developing a
secure solution.

If you're doing it for out of band discovery, then it would help to say
that. But I very much doubt you are.

  Having more than one solution for a problem is usually a good reason
  to pick one.

websec mailing list

Re: [websec] Comments on draft-ietf-websec-key-pinning

2015-02-19 Thread Ryan Sleevi
On Thu, February 19, 2015 11:38 am, Jeffrey Walton wrote:
  I don't believe this proposal - in its current form - will prove
  effective in the canonical cases: (1) CA failure like Diginotar; and
  (2) MitM attacks like Superfish. Are there other obvious cases I
  missed that this control will be effective?


You're factually wrong in cases like (1), and woefully misguided in cases
like (2) if you believe _any_ software, on a general purpose operating
system with 1-layer security principals (such as Windows and OS X), can
defend against a program with same-or-higher privileges.

That's like complaining a program with root access can interfere with your
usermode application. Well, yes, that's exactly correct, that's how it's
supposed to work.

If you can conceive a model where a super-user process would not be able
to circumvent, then congrats, you've solved one of the most vexatious
problems in computer security, and I know a dozen of anti-virus and
anti-malware companies that will let you name your price if only you share
your solution with them.

Consider the following ways that an application like Superfish could have
dealt with this (courtesy of a colleague far brighter than I)
- PTRACE_POKETEXT a code modification at runtime
- LD_PRELOAD a shim that intercepts strcmp and returns false for
- Patch GTK+ (or equiv) so that the lock icon always appears on the omnibox
- Rebuild a version of the browser with the code to disable such pinning
commented out.

There is no sane world in which anything in the HPKP spec can or should
deal with this. It's doubly true and hopefully self-evident that raising
the bar is not at all an acceptable, or even reasonable, justification.
Malicious actors have every reason to escalate to more nefarious means
(whether for profit or interception), while legitimate actors get shut out
or, equally, burrow further into internals and cause worse experiences for

I understand that you disagree. But you're also wrong if you think HPKP
can or should have dealt with this.

Best regards,

websec mailing list

Re: [websec] Requiring OCSP Stapling as a directive in HSTS

2015-01-19 Thread Ryan Sleevi
On Mon, January 19, 2015 9:55 am, Tom Ritter wrote:
  The threat model I'm trying to address is an attacker who can get a
  valid certificate misissued for a domain.  Because of the revocation
  situation, the attacker can then MITM users with impunity, blocking
  revocation lookups if they occur.  While UAs would receive a crlset or
  other push of revoked certificates, I believe that the UA will still
  work if that connection is blocked, and it's not clear how long that
  connection must be blocked before the UA stops working entirely.  (If
  that happens at all.)

In this threat model, where does NTP fit? It seems like you're assuming
the attacker can intercept both the target site and the UA's distribution
mechanisms, so I would presume that they're also privileged enough to
mount NTP attacks?

  While I'm not opposed to making the language say Hard Fail Revocation
  Checking I would expect UAs to interpret that as OCSP stapling, and
  would not want to delay implementation to account for unlikely-used
  corner cases.  And if we say OCSP Stapling, there's no reason that
  down the road we could add a new directive for 'hard-fail-revocation'
  and let it encompass many different checks.

To make sure this is clear: You're suggesting hard-fail OCSP checking when
the OCSP directive is present in the header (always), and you're just
quibbling over the naming of that directive here, right?

I'm just making sure, since soft-fail OCSP stapling doesn't seem to make a
lot of sense?

  As far as 'Where?' and why 'In HSTS'?  I see four options: a HTTP
  Header, a TLS Extension, a DNSSEC record, and a Certificate Extension.

You missed a fifth.

A .well-known URI (RFC 5785) used to configure security-policy at the
domain level.

I don't suggest this as something that the browser would background fetch
(although certainly, it could be induced so coupled with a header).
Moreso, I'm suggesting that this be used to build such preload lists of
security policy so that they can be distributed.

The failure mode of a bad HSTS header is not too bad - you're stuck on
TLS. If accidentally set / by an attacker / things really hit the fan, you
could stick one of the many CDNs in front of your site to handle the TLS
to your unencrypted backend.

The failure mode of a bad HPKP header is decidedly worse - total site
denial if you do key rotation / change CAs. Preloading is one way to
mitigate this (by providing some consistent view of effective policy),
although even that can be botched (e.g. CryptoCat recently rotated CAs and
thus committed pinning suicide, at least until Chrome 41). The security
considerations of hostile pinning alone accounted for quite a bit of

OCSP stapling I think falls somewhere in the middle here on the risk
proposition - there's still a vast, depressing majority of server software
that doesn't support OCSP stapling. What are the implications for server
admins who botch it themselves or who are attacked? I'm much more
concerned by the former, see it much more likely, and think it's much more
likely to result in self-inflicted DOS. For example, configuring ngingx to
serve an OCSP response, but then forgetting to setup the cron job to
rotate it = site inaccessible once the response expires (presuming hard
fail, which I think is the sensible path)

The advantage (or disadvantage, depending on your POV) of a .well-known
URI + preloading allows some degree of curation of policy for sanity,
which can't be expressed by a point-in-time snapshot of headers (at least
for HPKP and for this hypothetical OCSP must staple)

  Certificate Extension is being worked on
  ( but I
  see it as a compliment to this.  The certificate extension only
  dictates policy for this certificate.  If we assume an attacker can
  get a misissued certificate for a domain, the cert extension is only
  useful when it is the default issuing status and an attacker must have
  additional privledges to circumvent it.  And it doesn't make sense to
  have a certificate extension dictate policy for a whole domain, that's
  a very strange location to put this sort of data.

To be fair, the certificate extension is dictating policy for the
certificate. You're absolutely correct, however, that misissuance without
including that extension is undetectable from CA rollover.

  A TLS Extension makes a certain amount of sense.  We're trying to
  dictate a policy for TLS connections, not HTTP.  But it's more
  difficult to deploy TLS Extensions than HTTP headers, the TLS working
  group is tremendously busy, and technically this would fit more with
  the closed PKIX group.

Doesn't this suffer many of the attendant issues you raised with a
certificate extension? Namely, that the MITM attacker who has obtained a
fraudulent cert (since that would be the only reason I can think of to
worry about OCSP stapling) would just not send the extension.

Or are you implying that the 

Re: [websec] HPKP: The strict directive and TLS proxies

2013-11-29 Thread Ryan Sleevi
On Fri, November 29, 2013 2:50 pm, Tom Ritter wrote:
  On 29 November 2013 17:39, Trevor Perrin wrote:

  On Fri, Nov 29, 2013 at 2:15 PM, Tom Ritter wrote:
   On 29 November 2013 15:24, Trevor Perrin wrote:
* Why is there a Public-Key-Pins-Report-Only header instead of a
   report-only directive?  Most of the document is written as if there
   was a single PKP header field, so a directive would make more
   If it becomes a directive, we should be sure that we can still apply
   headers, one more loose in enforcing mode, one stricter in report only
  Would you expect both headers to be noted?
  The current spec doesn't support that.  It specifies 2 different (and
  incompatible) ways of handling this case:
   - 2.1.3: If a Host sets both the Public-Key-Pins header and the
  Pins-Report-Only header, the UA MUST NOT enforce Pin Validation, and
  MUST note only the pins and directives given in the Public-Key-Pins-
  Report-Only header.
   - 2.3.1: If a UA receives more than one PKP header field in an HTTP
  response message over secure transport, then the UA MUST
  process only the first such header field.

  Oh yea. Heh.  Why is that?  CSP supports an enforcing header and a
  reporting header, and both of them are applied simultaneously. I would
  expect the same from HPKP.

  websec mailing list

Spec bug. I'll see about getting that fixed.

The PKP + PKP-Report-Only mode are meant to be parallel to their concepts
from CSP. That is, the PKP-Report-Only directive is not enforced, but if a
PKP header is present, or PKPs are noted from previous, they are still

websec mailing list

Re: [websec] HPKP: The strict directive and TLS proxies

2013-11-29 Thread Ryan Sleevi
On Fri, November 29, 2013 12:24 pm, Trevor Perrin wrote:
  On Tue, Nov 26, 2013 at 12:14 AM, Yoav Nir wrote:
  To summarize, although there has been much discussion since version -06,
  most of it did not result in massive changes to the document, so IMO we
  don't need another WGLC.

   * Weren't we going to discuss the relationship of preloaded to
  dynamic pins?  See email [1].

   * The rationale in thread [2] for strict seems different from the
  rationale in previous list discussions [3].  Ryan now argues that
  strict is not needed.  I think that's worth considering.

   * I had feedback on an earlier draft which is still relevant [4], see



   * Interaction with cookies needs discussion.  Cookie scoping rules
  pose a serious problem for pinning, e.g. a pin at could
  be undermined by a MITM inventing a and using it
  to steal or force cookies.

I still disagree that the *pin* can be undermined.

   * Why is there a Public-Key-Pins-Report-Only header instead of a
  report-only directive?  Most of the document is written as if there
  was a single PKP header field, so a directive would make more sense.

Similar to CSP. A PKP might specify a looser-policy, while PKP-Report-Only
is used to test a more restrictive policy for deployment.

   * In draft-05, client processing was changed from noting a single
  expiry value to noting two values: Effective Pin Date and
  max-age.  The previous approach was simpler, stored less data, and
  was more aligned with HSTS.

   * Section 2.3.1 fails to update the Effective Date of a noted pin
  when it is noted again.

   * Section 2.6 mandates When a UA connects to a Pinned Host, if the
  TLS connection has errors, the UA MUST terminate the connection
  without allowing the user to proceed.  HSTS allows the server to
  specify this, so it seems unnecessary and inflexible to mandate it
  here.  It's also unclear whether a report-only pin counts as a
  Pinned Host.

This is a feature, not a bug.

PKP is useful without mandating HSTS. However, the security advantages of
PKP can be undermined, much the way HSTS's can, if the UA allows users to

It would be unnecessary and inflexible to mandate HSTS in order to obtain
security with PKP.

   * UA processing rules are confusingly spread across the document.
  For example, 2.3.1 and 2.5 describe the same process so should be

   * Section 2.5 - Does a failed validation of a report-only pin count
  as an error that will inhibit noting of new pins in the connection?

No. Happy to clarify that.

   * Specified UA behavior with multiple header fields is contradictory:
   - 2.1.3: If a Host sets both the Public-Key-Pins header and the
  Pins-Report-Only header, the UA MUST NOT enforce Pin Validation, and
  MUST note only the pins and directives given in the Public-Key-Pins-
  Report-Only header.
   - 2.3.1: If a UA receives more than one PKP header field in an HTTP
  response message over secure transport, then the UA MUST
  process only the first such header field.

Not contradictory, but ambiguous. The presence of  1 PKP or  1 PKP-R-O
cause the first (PKP || PKP-R-O) field to be processed, and the rest
ignored. However, if both a PKP and PKP-R-O field are present, they are
both processed (independently).

The ambiguity is the term PKP header field, which may be alternatively
written more than one PKP header field or more than one PKP-R-O header
field. Does that satisfy your concern?

   * Section 3 - Should the failure report contain the certificates sent
  by the server, as well as the validated chain?  Could help debugging
  and attack analysis.

   * Why is SHA1 supported?  If the reason is size, why not remove it
  but allow the server to pin to a truncated hash (e.g. pin to the first
  16 or 20 bytes of SHA256)

I won't attempt to assume any argument for you, but it sounds like you
oppose SHA-1. Perhaps you could state that, and your reasons why.

   * Should there be a list of excluded keys that must not appear in
  the validated certificate chain?  Chrome's preloaded pinning
  supports this, apparently to exclude 3rd-party subCAs that might have
  been issued under a pinned CA.

This was a temporary experiment that is no longer in use.

If such a feature is desirable, it seems like something that could be
addressed with additional directives in a later spec.

   * Would it be better to use the term pin for the entire record
  associating (hostname, HPKP data), instead of calling each individual
  hash a pin?  The hostname is pinned to the 1-of-n key set as a

Re: [websec] HPKP: The strict directive and TLS proxies

2013-11-29 Thread Ryan Sleevi
On Fri, November 29, 2013 8:44 pm, Trevor Perrin wrote:
  On Fri, Nov 29, 2013 at 4:14 PM, Ryan Sleevi
  On Fri, November 29, 2013 12:24 pm, Trevor Perrin wrote:
* Interaction with cookies needs discussion.  Cookie scoping rules
   pose a serious problem for pinning, e.g. a pin at could
   be undermined by a MITM inventing a and using it
   to steal or force cookies.
  I still disagree that the *pin* can be undermined.

  Semantics aside, there should be Security Considerations about cookies.

* Why is there a Public-Key-Pins-Report-Only header instead of a
   report-only directive?  Most of the document is written as if there
   was a single PKP header field, so a directive would make more sense.
  Similar to CSP. A PKP might specify a looser-policy, while
  is used to test a more restrictive policy for deployment.

  So the UA is going to maintain 2 stores of pins (PKP and PKP-R-O),
  and process the PKP and PKP-R-O headers only against the
  appropriate store?

  That means asserting PKP:new-pin isn't sufficient to overwrite
  existing pins.  You'd also have to assert PKP-R-O:max-age=0.

  Seems OK, but none of this is in the draft.

An artifact of when a PKP header was required (eg: implicit Max-Age). This
is because Report-Only doesn't/wouldn't need to be stored, because it is a
report-only mechanism. You simply evaluate the R-O on the current
connection (if a directive is present) and ping back.

As noted during Orlando, this is not a security mechanism, nor intended to
be one. It's a reporting/deployment testing mechanism. In that sense, R-O
still doesn't need to be stored, it could simply be If present, evaluate
the connection against these [potential] pins. If absent, no R-O implied.

With the implementer hat on, I can go either way, but with a preference
towards the following: To me, R-O makes most sense when treated like CSP -
if present, report, otherwise, nothing. This is consistent with an
implicit Max-Age: 0, because no storage is required or performed.

* In draft-05, client processing was changed from noting a single
   expiry value to noting two values: Effective Pin Date and
   max-age.  The previous approach was simpler, stored less data, and
   was more aligned with HSTS.

Yet was very much intended to address the same concerns you raised
regarding the intersection between 'preloaded' and 'dyamic' pins, and the
WG seemed to support.

Do you have a proposal on how to reconcile these two items? Otherwise, it
seems like an issue that's impossible to address - on the one hand, an
objection to the ways that preloaded and dynamic may intersect, yet on the
other, an objection to attempts to attempts to clarify the ways that they

* Section 2.3.1 fails to update the Effective Date of a noted pin
   when it is noted again.
* Section 2.6 mandates When a UA connects to a Pinned Host, if the
   TLS connection has errors, the UA MUST terminate the connection
   without allowing the user to proceed.  HSTS allows the server to
   specify this, so it seems unnecessary and inflexible to mandate it
   here.  It's also unclear whether a report-only pin counts as a
   Pinned Host.
  This is a feature, not a bug.
  PKP is useful without mandating HSTS. However, the security advantages
  PKP can be undermined, much the way HSTS's can, if the UA allows users

  I think it's a mistake to mandate UI here.  Users clicking through
  legitimate security errors is one risk.  Users being denied access
  to legitimate sites due to pinning failures is another.

  It's hard to know how to balance these.  We should allow UAs latitude.
   I suggest changing the text from MUST to SHOULD, at minimum.

Thanks for your feedback. I'd like to hear from others in the WG if that
view is shared. To this point, we haven't heard any concerns about the
MUST, and the security properties are seemingly well understood.

Certainly, no UA vendor has asked or proposed such latitude. But then
again, we're all individuals here. I do fail to understand your
distinction between legitimate security errors and pinning failures. I
would certainly count the latter amongst the former, and so I fail to see
how the risks differ, beyond being a superset/subset.

* UA processing rules are confusingly spread across the document.
   For example, 2.3.1 and 2.5 describe the same process so should be
* Section 2.5 - Does a failed validation of a report-only pin count
   as an error that will inhibit noting of new pins in the connection?
  No. Happy to clarify that.

  Should failed validation of a report-only pin inhibit noting of new
  report-only pins?

See above re: noting for R-O.

* Specified UA behavior with multiple header fields is contradictory:
- 2.1.3: If a Host sets both the Public-Key-Pins header and the

Re: [websec] HPKP: The strict directive and TLS proxies

2013-11-20 Thread Ryan Sleevi
On Tue, November 19, 2013 3:36 pm, Yoav Nir wrote:
  Hm.  Interesting predicament.  Two thoughts:
  If the goal is to allow clients to note and obey the 'strict' directive
  even in the face of a SSL Interception proxy... what you propose won't
  work. The proxies will be built to just remove the strict directive, or
  the header all together.
  If the organization running the proxy wanted to block access to the site
  in question, they would do so. If they want to monitor ongoing access,
  they will strip the directive/header so the clients continue to connect.
  If they are ambivalent - 'access it or not, we don't care, but must
  monitor you if you do' - the stripping feature may or may not be
  What you propose would only help in the latter case, it will not
  actually provide more security if the website considers the proxy to be
  an adversary. And if they add the strict header, I would imagine that
  the website does consider them to be an adversary, or at least that they
  do not wish the connection to succeed..

  I agree that it does not help security, but it increases the chances of
  the server policy being enforced. This is not far-fetched. Most TLS
  proxies are next-generation firewalls or caching proxies. They won't
  remove the strict directive.  Of course, snooping proxies will act

  So I don't think what you propose is worthwhile, specifically because it
  does add risk via sites bricking themselves, while not improving
  security considerably.
  As far as the laptop moving between home and work... I get the
  impression this situation may be regarded as a 'failure' of the
  protocol. That is, we have unintentionally broke something.  I disagree.
  I think the situation has worked as desired.

  It's the other way around. The desktop that remains at the office and
  keeps ignoring the strict pins is the failure.

  Because if we replace the players with a rogue government performing TLS
  MitM, with the specific goal of isolating clients from receiving
  up-to-date security policies... we would declare this same situation a
  I don't see a way to reconcile the two situations, as they behave almost
  exactly the same.
  TLS Proxies add a third player into what was previously a (primarily)
  two-party protocol*. I think the strict directive preserves the
  reasonable property that any one of the three parties can choose not to
  participate based on the settings of the protocol.
   - The TLS proxy can block access or choose not to intercept
   - The user can not visit the site
   - The site can declare I don't want anyone else seeing the data I
  consider to be for the user's eyes only

  So the benevolent TLS proxy should note the strict directive and block
  the connection by itself? It makes sense, but that would require an
  upgrade of the TLS proxies. Changing client behavior would work with the
  proxies that are deployed now.

  I expect that Firefox and Google may even continue to preload entries in
  their browsers that apply the 'strict' directive specifically to provide
  websites the power to assert their right to a MitM-free connection. I
  know several websites who would like to exercise that right.

  What? And have their sites not work in all the places that have newer
  firewalls?  I doubt it.

  Anyway, I can see how this would allow a buggy proxy to brick the users,
  so I now agree that this is not worthwhile.


  websec mailing list

Apologies that this discussion has happened due to the editors not having
refreshed the draft.

As I recall (perhaps incorrectly), our takeaway from IETF 86 was the
removal of the 'strict' directive, since the notion of having a remote
server provide a directive to override local policy is just escalating a
policy arms race.

One of the key discussions was had was regarding pinning and how, in
current implementations (eg: Chrome), one can only pin to chains that
terminate in a 'well-known root'. The 'strict' directive (or its absence)
was an attempt to provide some indication that the site accepts being
pinned to an internal trust anchor.

I recall (and again, perhaps incorrectly), that it was either Eric
Rescorla or Jeff Hodges that suggested an implementation change might
better accomodate this:
1) If noting pins, and it chains to a well-known trust anchor, local
policy (read: potentially MITM enterprise devices) may be able to override
2) If noting pins, and it does not chain to a well-known trust anchor,
effectively note the pins with no override capability (eg: the pins
exactly as specified)

The goal of this was less about enabling MITM proxies (although they're an
unfortunate reality and, to at least some, a perceived necessity), and
instead finding a way to balance pinning for both public sites as well
as internal sites.

Re: [websec] Strict-Transport-Security and mixed-content warnings

2013-05-22 Thread Ryan Sleevi
On Wed, May 22, 2013 2:56 pm, Daniel Kahn Gillmor wrote:
  hi websec folks--

  I am wondering what people think the proper intersection is between a
  web browser's mixed-content warnings and HSTS.

  For example, if has asserted
  Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=15768000 but the homepage at also contains

img src=

  should an HSTS-compatible browser show its standard mixed-content
  warning even though it knows to rewrite that img src to ?

  My intuition is that this shouldn't trigger the browser's mixed-content
  warning, but chromium 26.0.1410.43 does show it, and

  suggests that palmer@ and rsleevi@ think that is the correct behavior
  because they want:

  to signal to the site author of an error - for example, if users which
  did not have HSTS visited.

  I'm not sure how the author is supposed to get this signal from the site
  visitor's browser, though -- perhaps the expectation is that site
  visitors will independently report the broken lock to the site


The view is that it's still a legitimate error for the site operator, in
that any user without HSTS protections (or with expired HSTS) is still at
risk. While HSTS may be providing protection to the user, the site itself
is still configured to serve resources insecurely, thus we still surface
it as user visible.

  I also note that firefox 21.0 (when
  security.mixed_content.block_display_content = true) doesn't show the
  media at all, and when security.mixed_content.block_display_content =
  false it shows the image but removes the lock from the address bar
  (which i think is the equivalent of the mixed content warning these

I believe the Firefox behaviour is an artifact of their current (partial)
implementation of mixed content blocking. According to
, future versions should distinguish between active and passive content,
and thus more closely mirror the Chromium behaviour by default (namely,
that it will block active content, but not passive content)

  Do other folks have any thoughts about the right thing is to do here?

ISTM that UI behaviours are largely outside the realm of what the IETF

That said, certainly feedback is welcomed on this, and I would love to see
consistent handling (which, AFAIK, we will soon have). I'm just not sure
if this is really a spec issue.

websec mailing list

Re: [websec] HPKP and Certificate Revocation Check

2013-05-02 Thread Ryan Sleevi
On Thu, May 2, 2013 2:50 am, vinod kumar wrote:

  I would like to discuss a possible vulnerability in Public Key Pinning
  scheme ( ),
  related to certificate revocation checking. I would appreciate if anybody
  can review and verify my observations.

  Section 2.6 the draft states that when the UA connects to a pinned host,
  must terminate the TLS connection, if there are any errors. The referred
  rfc, RFC 6797, clarifies that error could be related to certificate
  revocation checking or server identity checking.

  But it is not mandatory that during TLS handshake, UA performs certificate
  revocation or an assertive answer is found about the revocation status of
  the certificate. The reasons could be:

  1.  OCSP is disabled by default at the UA and the user has not changed

  2.  OCSP checking is disabled by the user.

  3.  OCSP check is performed but no answer is obtained from the OCSP
  server within the stipulated timeout.

  So it is very much possible that the UA accepts the PKP header from the
  host without verifying the revocation status of the host certificate used
  in TLS handshake.

  In the case of the host losing its private key to an attacker, the
  may be able to block the host permanently from connecting to the UA, as
  explained below. The host’s CA would have revoked the certificate but the
  unreliability in revocation checking creates a vulnerability.

  Suppose an attacker is in possession of the private key of the host and
  host certificate is duly revoked by the issued CA. Attacker may succeed in
  diverting the UA to his server when UA tries to connect to the valid host.
  Attacker may mount a DNS attack or a MIM attack to achieve this. Since he
  posses the valid private key, the TLS connection will be successful. The
  only other thing he needs is that UA doesn’t get to know the revocation
  status of the certificate. Here, the attacker is able to make the UA
  whatever PKP headers sent in the HTTP response.

  Say, the attacker has two key pairs, KeyPair1 and Keypair2, and holds a
  valid certificate for KeyPair1.

  He constructs a PKP header,

  Public-Key-Pins: max-age= (maximum possible value);

 pin-sha1= (pin corresponding to compromised key);

 pin-sha1= (pin corresponding to KeyPair1);

  When UA accepts this PKP header, effectively the attacker is able to set a
  new backup pin.

  The attacker can set a new PKP header in subsequent connection. He can use
  KeyPair1 in the TLS handshake.

  Public-Key-Pins: max-age= (maximum possible value);

 pin-sha1= (pin corresponding to KeyPair1);

 pin-sha1= (pin corresponding to KeyPair2);

  Now the UA sets both pins to be attacker’s pins and the valid host is
  permanently blocked from connecting to the UA.

  To avoid this attack, shouldn’t we mandate revocation checking when PKP
  headers are accepted?



This attack exists even if you're not in possession of the server's
private key - you may have obtained a fraudulently issued certificate for
a site that wasn't using HPKP already, an attack that's been discussed at
some length so far.

If I understand your proposal correctly, you would see UAs establish an
SSL/TLS connection, send a request (which may include sensitive data that
is otherwise desired to be protected - such as cookies), and then on
receipt of the request, when the server sends back an HPKP header, perform
a secondary revocation check?

1) What if the user has explicitly disabled revocation checking
2) I'm assuming you mean revocation checking in hard(est) fail(ure)
mode, since anything short of that would be pointless, given all the
attacks that trivially exist.

If we think about the risk/benefits carefully - from the side of the
attacker, the site operator who deploys HPKP, the site operator that
doesn't deploy HPKP, and the user - I think the solution is much less

From the attacker:
- Strengths
 * Attacker can DOS a site by deploying a malicious HPKP header
- Weaknesses
 * Deploying an HPKP header would force revocation checking, potentially
revealing their attack. However, by simply *not deploying an HPKP
header*, their attack MAY not be noticed (even by clients who DO
revocation checking)
 * It requires some form of privileged connection/MITM to deploy. An
attacker with such a position can equally DOS a site at lower layers in
the protocol.
- Questions:
 * Whether or not the window of time that an attacker can DOS a site via
HPKP is less than, equal to, or greater than the window of time that an
attacker can DOS a site via lower-level protocol. This is the ongoing
max-age discussion.

From the site operator who deploys HPKP:
- Strengths:
 * None particular over HPKP
- Weaknesses:
 * Users will pay significant additional latency costs when connecting to
a site, and a non-trivial 

[websec] Issue 53 - Key pinning should clarify status of pin validation with private trust anchors

2013-03-04 Thread Ryan Sleevi
This was raised during our discussions in Atlanta, and continued on the
mailing list under

As discussed during Atlanta, the way that pinning is currently implemented
within Google Chrome, pinning is only enforced as it relates to so-called
public trust anchors (eg: those shipped by default as part of a browser
or OS installation, not those installed by a user).

The motivation for this was and is simple: If you have sufficient local
privilege to install additional trust anchors on a device, then it's
presumed you have sufficient privilege to take any number of other
actions, including disabling pinning enforcement entirely. As such, having
the UA disable enforcement selectively is strictly less worse, from a
security perspective, than having the UA disable enforcement entirely, and
still provides significant benefit through the reduction of risk through
public trust anchors.

However, this creates an interesting split between the specification
language and implementations.

In draft-04, we've tried to clarify this through the text in Section 2.6, ,
along with the addition of a strict mode, as described in Section 2.1.4,

While there is an open question as to whether or not such user-agent
behaviour is appropriate to specify here, does the group feel the proposed
text sufficiently addresses the issue as originally raised?

websec mailing list

[websec] Issue 55 - Key pinning should clarify that the newest pinning information takes precedence

2013-03-04 Thread Ryan Sleevi
This was raised with ,
as a concern about the interaction between static/preloaded pin entries
and those that were noted later (eg: through the observation of the

In draft-04, Section 2.7
addresses this by indicating that UAs MUST use the newest information

Note: This does not normatively describe how a UA must determine newest.
The assumption here is that this represents the newest observed, but the
question is whether or not that should be explicitly specified.

For example, imagine a UA that supports automatic updates to Preloaded Pin
Lists. One interpretation of newest information would be to look at the
most recent update to the preloaded pin list as a whole. Another
interpretation of newest information may be to look at the date/time
that the entry was originally added/updated in the preloaded pin list.

Imagine this UA had a preload for Site 1 to a set of pins, with the
preload created at T=0. Later, at T=5, it observes a Max-Age of 0,
effectively unpinning the host. At T=10, the UA vendor ships a new update
to the preloaded pin list that adds Site 2, but which has not been updated
to unpin Site 1.

Under the first interpretation of newest information, Site 1 would be
reactivated, by virtue of observing an update to the preloaded pin list.
Under the second interpretation, Site 1 would remain unpinned.

The authors belief is that the issues that arise from either
implementations are artifacts of the implementation and distribution of
preloaded pins, rather than an issue intrinsic to this specification. That
is, the correct answer is that the preloaded pin list should be updated
for Site 1 - however that information is distributed between the site
operator and the creator of the preloaded pin list.

Are there concerns with this interpretation, or can we close out Issue 55?

websec mailing list

[websec] Issue 56 - specify includeSubDomains for key pinning

2013-03-04 Thread Ryan Sleevi
With Key Pinning being split out from HTTP Strict Transport Security, one
aspect that was lost was the includeSubDomains directive. This was raised
as Issue 56 - -
against draft-03

draft-04 introduces the same directive, and with the same semantics, in
Section 2.1.2 -

Is the added language acceptable? Are there any concerns with the
validation/processing model that would prevent us from closing out this

websec mailing list

[websec] Issue 54 - Adding a report-only mode

2013-03-04 Thread Ryan Sleevi
As discussed during Atlanta, and as raised in , there's a strong
desire for a Content Security Policy-like report and report-only mode.

The use of a report mode is not as an attack mitigation, but as a way of
sites to be informed of misconfigurations.

The use of a report-only mode is as a way to allow sites to experiment
with and deploy a Pinning Policy effectively. Given that pinning is
effectively ultimately dependent on client trust and PKI policies, it's
important for site operators to be able to ensure their proposed pinning
policy will work effectively.

To that end, draft-04 has introduced the report-uri directive, Section 2.1.3,
, which allows a site to specify a URL to direct reports, as described in
Section 3 -

In addition, and in the spirit of CSP, we'd like to propose the addition
of a Public-Key-Pins-Report-Only header, as described in Section 2.1 - 
as a compliment to the Public-Key-Pins header. This header would follow
the same syntax and semantics of the Public-Key-Pins header, with the
exception of not actually enforcing the pins (as described Section 2.6).

I'd like to solicit feedback and make sure that both the discussions from
Atlanta and from the list have been accurately captured. Are there
concerns with a Report-Only mode that have not been accurately captured?

websec mailing list

Re: [websec] #54: Specify a report-only mode

2012-10-18 Thread Ryan Sleevi
On Thu, October 18, 2012 5:17 pm, Chris Palmer wrote:
  On Thu, Oct 18, 2012 at 4:56 PM, websec issue tracker wrote:

  #54: Specify a report-only mode
   Should there be a report-only mode, allowing site operators to see
   using HPKP would affect their site's operation in browsers supporting
   HPKP? (Probably.)
   If so, specify how that mode would work.

  What are people's thoughts on this? The motivation for a report-only
  mode is twofold: (1) site operators want to see what would happen
  before going live with pinning; and (2) site operators often don't
  know all their keys, or all their intermediate signers' keys, or all
  their trust anchors' keys, and a reporting mode could help them find

  (2) implies that the reporting interface would have to allow the UA to
  tell the site not just pin validation succeeded/failed, but also why
  (probably by simply reporting the entire validated certificate chain
  that the UA computed/observed).

  The reporting interface must be one that is easy for site operators to
  implement — writing code to collect the reports should not be a huge
  burden for developers. Perhaps a simple JSON blob:

pin-validation-succeeded: (true|false),
expected-pins: [ sha1/blahblah, sha256/foobar, ... ],
validated-chain: [ PEM blob of EE, PEM blob of intermediate,
  ..., PEM blob of anchor ]

  The next issue is, should the site be able to specify a URL to which
  the UA will POST the JSON blob, or should we specify a single,
  well-known URL path? Using a well-known path seems simpler and less
  error-prone generally.

To wit, this was also brought up by several people during the IETF 84

As an example of how such behaviour might be specified, a similar
report-only mode is implemented with Content Security Policy [1]. In CSP,
both the Content-Security-Policy and the
Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only headers may be present, both are
considered, and both may contain independent/conflicting policies.

In CSP, one of the token/directives is report-uri, which indicates the
URI to use to send violation reports to, as well as a defined format for
what the contents of the report should contain.

The distinction here between PKP and CSP is that CSP is evaluated
per-resource load within a web origin, whereas PKP is enforced at the
transport layer. A PKP violation is nominally detected during the TLS
handshake, and depending on client implementation, may either be treated
as an error during the TLS handshake or immediately following it, prior to
using the connection to transmit the (original) HTTPS request.

If a report-only mode is supported, the following considerations should be
worked out:
  - Should the origin of the report URI be constrained the the origin of
the target URI?
  - Should the report URI be allowed to specify HTTPS?
  - If the report URI specifies HTTPS, and the report URI origin is the
same as the target URI, but the report URI violates either the PKP or
PKP-Report-Only policy, should the report still be submitted?
- Is there a blacklist or whitelist of headers that should be used to
prevent against abuse or compromise. For example, presumably including
cookies in the report submission for an invalid PKP over the same
connection that generated the invalid PKP would be bad, as it may
(will) lead to the compromise of the users' data.
  - If the report contains validated certificates, what should the format
be? draft-josepfsson-pkix-textual [3] may be of normative use here.

, with the expired, less-comprehensive draft submitted to IETF at

websec mailing list

Re: [websec] Fwd: New Version Notification for draft-ietf-websec-key-pinning-03.txt

2012-10-17 Thread Ryan Sleevi
On Wed, October 17, 2012 7:23 am, Tom Ritter wrote:
  Section 2.4: Validating Pinned Connections:

 For the purposes of Pin Validation, the UA MUST ignore
 certificates who SPKI cannot be taken in isolation and superfluous
 certificates in the chain that do not form part of the validating

  I know I just modified this, but the second phrase just hit me.
  Because path construction is non-standard, could a client wind up in a
  situation where the site pinned to CA_Alice, with the intended path
  CA_Alice - CA_Bob - Intermediate - Leaf; but because CA_Bob was
  trusted, the ultimate validating chain was simply CA_Bob -
  Intermediate - Leaf?  I'm not sure what the right way to counteract
  that would be...

Yes. This is one of the troubling areas of the current draft, and that has
been particularly challenging when implementing within Chromium.

It's not clear whether your case was demonstrative of the
inter-organizational cross-signing relationships (a new CA getting
cross-certified by an existing, established CA) or whether it was an
intra-organizational relationship, such as a SHA-1 root cross-signing the
SHA-2 root, until such a time as the SHA-2 root is included in the trust

In the case of inter-organizational, where CA_Alice and CA_Bob are two
distinct entities, it's generally seen as unlikely that the site would
pin to CA_Alice, since their business relationship is almost certainly
with CA_Bob (by virtue of CA_Bob having certified Intermediate). So if the
site were to pin to CA_Bob, their issue would be mitigated.

However, for the intra-organizational scenario, where intermediates and
roots are changed or re-issued more commonly than site operators may
realized or be re-configuring, I agree that this is a very real problem.

The mitigation for this has been to make the pins an appropriate
cross-section of both root and intermediates - intermediates in the event
of new roots being issued, and roots in the event of the CA issuing new
intermediates (and serving them up via AIA, as the common case is)

This leaves the broader question of How does the site operator know about
CA_Alice and CA_Bob to begin with. One possible solution for this is a
report-but-unenforced mode, where user agents could describe their
observed chains to the site. As unseemly as this is, it's very likely that
many site operators - even Very Large, High Value sites - may not have a
full understanding of the PKI that they're a participant in.

Another solution is to rely on policy changes in root stores, such as
Mozilla's recent proposed CA Certificate Store requirements change, which
would encourage (by requiring, with only one acceptable alternative) the
public disclosure of such CA hierarchies. As a result of such changes,
there would be knowledge of the relationship between CA_Alice and CA_Bob,
which under today's model, is actually quite hard for site operators to

Because pinning permits multiple entries, and is considered satisfied so
long as at least one SPKI appears in the client validated chain, the issue
here is largely not a technical challenge, but an operational one, and
that's why this issue is not critical, but remains very important.

websec mailing list

Re: [websec] Fwd: New Version Notification for draft-ietf-websec-key-pinning-03.txt

2012-10-17 Thread Ryan Sleevi
On Wed, October 17, 2012 10:04 am, Carl Wallace wrote:

  On 10/17/12 12:36 PM, Ryan Sleevi wrote:

 large snip
 This leaves the broader question of How does the site operator know
 CA_Alice and CA_Bob to begin with. One possible solution for this is a
 report-but-unenforced mode, where user agents could describe their
 observed chains to the site. As unseemly as this is, it's very likely
 many site operators - even Very Large, High Value sites - may not have a
 full understanding of the PKI that they're a participant in.

  A tool that builds all possible paths that the site operator can run
  without involving any users would be good too.  The site operator mainly
  needs to know where its certificate chains against public stuff and could
  check that independently.  This should come close to relegating the user
  report tool to oddball instances.

The problem in general with such tools (and I'm sure this will be a
talking point during the WPKOPS and CERTTRANS BOFs) is that it's actually
a rather hard problem to know exactly what certificates exist.

Beyond the issues such as What user agents have what behaviour and what
intermediates are baked into what platforms, one of the more problematic
areas is related to the AIA chasing that is functionally and fundamentally
necessary to maintain parity and access to a depressingly vast majority of

When the site operator installs their cert, they may only install on their
HTTPS server (Site_Cert, Intermediate). This is because CA_Bob and the
site operator are assuming that CA_Bob can be omitted, since it's the root
of trust.

For clients that don't trust CA_Bob, Intermediate has an AIA to a URL that
contains CA_Bob, which is cross-certified by CA_Alice.

So the possible chains are:
Site_Cert (via TLS) - Intermediate (via TLS) - CA_Bob (obtained
Site_Cert (via TLS) - Intermediate (via TLS) - CA_Bob (obtained via AIA)
- CA_Alice (obtained out of band)

Now what if CA_Bob goes out of business/is acquired? Well, one common
trick is to update the URL of Intermediate to point to a new version,
signed by CA_Charles. When the path building for Intermediate (via TLS)
fails, user agents may unwind their depth search, and attempt the AIA
fetch from Site_Cert, leading to a new chain.

Site_Cert (via TLS) - Intermediate (via AIA) - CA_Charles (obtained

Or CA_Bob may decide they want to sever ties with CA_Alice, and go with
CA_Charlene. They simply replace the AIA URL used to serve up the
cross-certified CA_Bob.

This is all well and good for point in time evaluation - but the added
crux on this is that the site operator may be noticing all these
shenanigans, and now explicitly configure their server to send a
particular chain they believe is accurate/optimal. Also, clients may be
caching intermediates as well.

So it's Very Hard to actually know what *all* possible paths are,
because the possible paths change over time, and some paths may no longer
be knowable by such a tool when the certificate is being evaluated,
because the old certificates served at URL X are now replaced with newer

You may think I'm just grasping at edge cases, but unfortunately every
situation I just described above has been done by major CAs, including
some that might be considered of the Too big too fail variety. So it's
definitely an issue, and that's some from of client reporting seems
necessary (with transparency + disclosure to make it easier to write such
tools in the future)

websec mailing list

Re: [websec] Fwd: New Version Notification for draft-ietf-websec-key-pinning-03.txt

2012-10-17 Thread Ryan Sleevi
On Wed, October 17, 2012 11:07 am, Carl Wallace wrote:
  I don't doubt any of this, but still think a crawler tool would be
  sufficient in many (if not most) cases.  It'd probably be instructive to
  run for the site operators in the worst case.  Note, I did not suggest
  that a user report feature was not a good or necessary thing, only that a
  builder tool for the site operator to run without bothering any users
  would be nice to have in the toolbox too.  Thinking about it, they may
  well be the same tool if the user reporting tool is aggressive enough.

Ah, I misunderstood your point to be suggesting that a crawler would be
sufficient, and reporting would be unnecessary.

I'm a big fan of the crawler - both for purposes of pinning and for
purposes of generally understanding the nature of the web PKI. Public
datasets such as the EFF SSL Observatory data [1], along with private
datasets such as those that inform tools such as Qualys' SSL Labs [2] or
the Google's Certificate Catalog [3], would go a good deal to establish
what the known-possible certificate hierarchies are. I just thing there
will be a tail of oddities and legacy that are only picked up by


websec mailing list

[websec] Strict-Transport-Security syntax redux

2011-10-02 Thread Ryan Sleevi
Following Julian Reschke's questions, I also had a few questions related
to the draft-02 syntax. I've been basing my understanding on RFC 5234,
which I understand to be the most current/relevant to understanding the

First, maxAge and includeSubDomains both include value extension points,
defined as:

maxAge = max-age  OWS  =  OWS  delta-seconds  [ OWS v-ext ]
includeSubDomains =  includeSubDomains  [ OWS v-ext ]
v-ext  = value ; STS extension value

However, the rule for OWS is specified as:

OWS   = *( [ CRLF ] WSP )

As written, it would seem that the OWS between either delta-seconds or
includeSubDomains can legitimately be omitted before the v-ext. As best
I can tell, this would mean that the following values would still be


In the first case .456 is the v-ext, while in the second, abc is. In
both cases, because the OWS is truly optional (valid to have 0
occurrences), only the v-ext is present. For maxAge in particular, this
can lead to very silly parsing interpretations. Considering the following


If I'm not mistaken, ABNF doesn't specify any sort of greedy matching, so
this could be interpreted as:
delta-seconds = 1 (1DIGIT), v-ext = 23 (0OWS 2tchar)
delta-seconds = 12 (2DIGIT), v-ext = 3 (0OWS 1tchar)

To remedy this, I believe some form of explicit delimiter between the
existing values and the v-ext should be defined for the existing headers.
If the intent was to have extension values whitespace separated, then
would the following modification to introduce required whitespace solve

maxAge = max-age  OWS  =  OWS  delta-seconds  [ RWS v-ext ]
includeSubDomains =  includeSubDomains  [ RWS v-ext ]
v-ext  = value ; STS extension value
OWS   = *( [ CRLF ] WSP )
RWS   = 1*( [ CRLF ] WSP )

Alternatively, can/should the v-ext be dropped entirely, and extensions to
the STS header be accomplished via defining a new STS-d-ext?

Second, as currently specified, extension directives take the form of:

STS-d  = STS-d-cur / STS-d-ext
STS-d-ext  = name  ; STS extension directive
name   = token
token  = 1*tchar
tchar  = ! / # / $ / % /  / ' / *
 / + / - / . / ^ / _ / ` / | / ~

As currently written, STS-d-ext doesn't seem to be able to contain name
= value pairs such as those used by Evans' and Palmer's pinning draft,
because = is not a valid token character. Likewise, it wouldn't be able
to contain #rule style lists, because comma is not a valid tchar.

Should STS-d-ext be defined as value instead, so that it contain a wider
range of characters? Alternatively, if the intent for STS-d-ext was that
it would always include some name, should it be defined as name [ OWS =
OWS value ]?

Either way seems to offer a solution. It seems that if a parser were
written based on the current draft, it would be correct/valid to reject an
STS header that included cert pins, as specified in the current pinning
draft. This would be because the cert pinning draft makes use of =
within the extension definitions, which is not a legal character for an
STS-d-ext in the base spec.

Best regards,

websec mailing list