#405: Prepare websites for F25 Alpha release
  Reporter:  robyduck  |      Owner:  webmaster
      Type:  task      |     Status:  new
  Priority:  major     |  Milestone:  ASAP
 Component:  General   |   Keywords:
Blocked By:            |   Blocking:
 We are starting a new release cycle (Alpha release is planned for august
 23th), and we will have some important changes. I'm not sure how the state
 of art is of the new media downloader, and also if it also should serve
 prerelease images; in case we need to rewrite all our major download links
 (see #384)

 On the other hand we should finalize alt.fedoraproject.org (see
 https://alt.stg.fedoraproject.org) with subpages for secondary arches.
 Would be nice to get it done and start with F25 Alpha.

 The other stuff needs to be tested very well, we had a lot of errors for
 F24 final release because the paths changed heavily and we couldn't know
 that. Please refer to the actual final release to see how things changed
 in the meanwhile.

 Atomic has become a chapter for itself, we should get soon in touch with
 cloud WG to see what they are planning and how they want to get out the
 two week images this time. The most probable scenario is that we won't
 have atomic images for prerelease again.

 * Create F25 Alpha branch
 * update globalvariables to F25 Alpha
 * Add Alpha banner
 * Check all Download links and paths
 * Add CHECKSUM files to static/checksums and verify that the paths are
 * Add EC2 AMI IDs for Alpha. Our script is working also for prerelease,
 but let's add them also manually to globalvar.py, just to be sure.
 * Check and eventually fix checksum paths in all verify pages
 * Update Alpha Image sizes and pre_cloud_composedate in
 ./build.d/globalvar.py. Verify they are right in Cloud images and Docker
 * Update the new POT files and push them to Zanata

Ticket URL: <https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-websites/ticket/405>
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