On 04/28/2016 07:38 PM, Drew Meigs wrote:
> Hi, everyone. My name is Drew and I am relatively new to Fedora, but not
> to Linux (I have been working with Debia-based systems for the better
> part of 10 years). I have a little experience with websites, but I think
> I would still be a good fit with this group. I have some working
> knowledge of HTML and a little of XML. Also, I am a fast study. I would
> very much like to get involved with the website team. I am trying to do
> some work with groups like CommOps and the Docs team, but I feel like I
> would also really like to work on the website.
> I look forward to working with you all.
> Drew
> --
> websites mailing list
> websites@lists.fedoraproject.org
> http://lists.fedoraproject.org/admin/lists/websites@lists.fedoraproject.org

Well let me be the  first to welcome you.  Have you had a chance to read
any of the docs / SOPs?  Also  if you are  tech inclined and  use  IRC
we have a Freenode channel all to ourselves #fedora-websites.

Feel free to  ask any of us  about things that  seem odd or  otherwise 
need clarification and  once again Welcome.

--- Warm Regards ---
Corey Sheldon
P: +1 (310) 909 7672
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