Malpractice and HIPAA

2003-04-04 Thread JillGWlaw
If a dr. is sued by a patient, can the dr. then use the patient's records to defend him or herself without getting an authorization? The patient would most likely not agree to sign an authorization in this case. Would the dr. have to subpoena the records in his/her office?

Thanks as always for your advice.

Jill Rubin, Esq.
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Requests to amend

2003-03-19 Thread JillGWlaw

According to the regs, if the patient has not submitted a written statement of disagreement when a covered entity denies their request for an amendment, the covered entity must include the patient's request for an amendment and its denial of it with any subsequent disclosure of the PHI only if the individual has requested such action.

I am having a little trouble with the way this is worded -- if the patient does not submit a written statement of disagreement, does the covered entity have the option to send out the request for an amendment and their denial of it with future disclosures, or if may they only do that when the patient submits a written statement of disagreement?

Thanks again!
Jill Rubin
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Re: Accounting of Disclosures

2003-03-19 Thread JillGWlaw
I understood that if you were disclosing PHI to worker's comp carriers for payment purposes, you would not have to include it in the accoutning of disclosures.

Jill Rubin, Esq.
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2003-03-13 Thread JillGWlaw
I understand that you do have to ask a patient if they wish to have the clergy receive 
their names in the directory; however, does the same requirement apply if the clergy 
member is a member of the covered entity's workforce, like a chaplain of a hospital?

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Re: Tracking Disclosures by Business Associates

2003-03-11 Thread JillGWlaw
By the same token, for the patient accounting, would you have to include disclosures you make to business associates like transcription agencies and disposal agencies? They would come up very often...

Jill Rubin, Esq.
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Notice for indirect health care providers?

2003-03-04 Thread JillGWlaw
It was my understanding that indirect health care providers do not need to have a notice of privacy practices but I cannot find this anywhere specifically in the regulations. Any thoughts?


Jill Rubin, Esq.
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Question re: who is the originator of PHI?

2003-03-04 Thread JillGWlaw
A covered entity may deny a patient request to amend their PHI if the entity was not the originator of the PHI. In the case of hospitals, is the originator of the PHI the hospital itself or the clinician who wrote the information? For ex., if a patient saw a physical therapist at a certain hospital, then later asked the hospital to amend PHI written by the physical therapist but the physical therapist is who longer working there, can the hospital say "we did not create that information so we have no obligation amend it" or do they till have to amend it?

Thanks for your help!

Jill Rubin, Esq.
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RE: family phone calls

2003-02-22 Thread JillGWlaw
My understanding of 164.510 was that for disclosures involved to others in the patient's care, in cases where the patient is unable to give consent due to hospitzalization, serious illness, etc., has not provided an authorization and is unable to do so at the time, the health care provider may use his professional judgment and disclose limited information as long as it is directly related to the patients current condition.


Jill Rubin, Esq.
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Attorney and assignment of benefits question

2003-02-22 Thread JillGWlaw
I have a question regarding disclosures to attorneys. I work for a health care provider. Often a patient comes in to receive treatment, signs an assignment of benefits to the health care provider stating that benefits produced by their attorney will be paid to the health care provider and authorizes their release of PHI to process this claim. The attorney will later usually request a copy of the patient's report and a certified bill. One of the purposes of the request is so the attorney can provide payment to the health care provider, so in this way I believe it falls under the payment exception where an authorization would not be required, but the attorney may be using that information for other purposes as well.

Thus, I wonder if an authorization is required. It seems like a could go either way and although the safe best would be to obtain an authorization every time, our office is flooded with these types of requests.

I would appreciate your thoughts.

Jill Rubin, Esq.
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Are commercial insurance clearinghouses considered a BA?

2003-02-07 Thread JillGWlaw

Are Commercial insurance clearinghouses, like Aetna, etc., considered Business associates? My understanding was that they were not but I just wanted to be sure...


Jill Rubin, Esq.
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Checklist of when to send out an authorization?

2003-02-06 Thread JillGWlaw
Can anyone recommend a checklist or guide of when to send, and when not to send, an authorization?

Jill Rubin, Esq.
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RE: What PHI to give out to callers

2003-01-30 Thread JillGWlaw
Yes, but is it possible for a patient to authorize disclosures of his PHI to a spouse 
for example? It seems that an authorization would need to be so specific that it would 
require a signed authorization every time a paricular situation/condition came up.

 It should be NONE to anyone other than the patient, unless they (the CE) have an 
authorization for that purpose.  If it can be reasonably validated that it is the 
patient (through some unique identifier - last four digit of the social 
 security number for example) then anything can be discussed.

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What PHI to give out to callers?

2003-01-29 Thread JillGWlaw
What kind of policies are offices developing for disclosing patient health information to people over the phone, when patients and people other than the patient, call for example?

Thanks again.

Jill Rubin, Esq.
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Assignment of benefits and HIPAA

2003-01-24 Thread JillGWlaw
How are covered entities handling assignment of benefits and HIPAA? I assume that 
current assignment of benefits forms authorizing the covered entity to receive payment 
from the health insurance carrier are acceptable under HIPAA as they fall under 
payment but what abouut assignment of benefits forms authorizing the attorney to 
make payments to the covered entity? Is a separate authorization needed or is this 
covered under payment?

Thanks again for your input!

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