[weewx-user] Re: Rain Rate, weeWX and the Meteotemplate API

2017-06-23 Thread Gert Andersen

Thanks a lot for both answers, I'll understand the mechanism much better 

I'm already sending LOOP Packets to Meteotemplate used for Steel Series, 
which are updated every 5 seconds. 

I also sending data to Awekas which registered 53.6 mm/h(archive record 
 every 5 minutes), same as weeWX. and to Weathercloud, which is 50.6 mm/h 
(archives every 10 minutes)

The difference must then come from the way MT handles the Rain Rain. I'll 
ask Jachym.

Thanks again


On Friday, June 23, 2017 at 6:02:50 PM UTC+2, Gert Andersen wrote:
> Hi
> Hi
> I have a question about Rain Rate and what is being sent to Meteotemplate 
> via the API. 
> We have had rain today and from weeWX I have the following:
> Rain Today: 19.2 mm and Rain Rate 53.6 mm/hour(max) recorded at 4:44 PM 
> In Meteotemplate I have the following:
> Rain 9.6 mm (at this point) and Rain Rate 31.8 mm/hour(max) recorded at 
> 4:50. 
> Both systems will update every 5 minutes. So the question is why this 
> difference and is the Rain Rate not just sent to Meteotemplate that really 
> should use this value. I can see that Meteotemplate receives the Rain Rate 
> via the API.
> I would have expected that the record at 4:50 should have Rain Rate 53.6 
> mm/h, but maybe I'm wrong.
> I'm new to weeWX and I'm just trying to understand the mechanism.
> Rgds
> Gert

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[weewx-user] Re: Steel Series Gauges and RealTime update - 2.5 second interval - how?

2017-06-23 Thread gjr80
Good to see it is working Steve.

I do notice one thing: I use WindChill and HeatIndex on my main page. Using 
> the formulas, it either or both are not defined, Current Conditions show 
> "undefined" and nothing is plotted on the graphs. The gauge shows 32 
> degrees when the formulas are not met. Is there a way to link what the 
> gauge shows to the weewx calculation formula results? Perhaps have 
> "Undefined" displayed in the gauge window, with the indicator equal to the 
> outside temperature?

Unfortunately there is not much you can do. A similar issue arises if a 
sensor drops for some reason. The SteelSeries code is such that it takes 
the value for a given observation and tries to interpret it as a number, if 
it can then the number is displayed in the selected units, if it can't be 
converted to a number then 0 is displayed. There is no ability to display 
anything other than a number on the gauge LCD and the pointer just reflects 
what is on the LCD (or is it vice versa?). I guess you could say that I 
have contributed a little to the issue as rtgd.py will set a field to 0 in 
the applicable Metric units if the observation in non-numeric or undefined 
(or None in python parlance). So for temperature type fields that have a 
misisng or undefined value, 0C or 32F will be displayed. Why? I guess 
because I use Metric and I find that if a field is missing data displaying 
a 0 is better than a display of 32. I could probably make the units in such 
a case user selectable, so folks that display F will see 0F rather than 
32F. UInfortunately not much else that can be done short of modifying the 
SteelSeries code and I won't be embarking on that.

Maybe I should write up a "Real Time Gauges for Dummies" for the Wiki, 
> because my unfamiliarity with programming means I had to first learn the 
> basics like the best way(s) to edit different types of files to obtain my 
> goal (along with trying to have a little understanding of the programming 
> itself).

By all means, I will update the wiki on the realtime_gauge-data GitHub site 
and referece it on the weeWX wiki, but that will be a work in progress for 
a little while.

As a final thought a couple of things you might want to consider doing to 
fine tune your SteelSeries setup.

1. gauge-data.txt units. A default install of the realtime_gauge-data 
extension will result in gauge-data.txt containing Metric units. Whilst the 
SteelSeries Gauges page gives you the ability to change display units 
dynamically, anyone going to your page the first time will see the units 
used in gauge-data.txt. (as an aside the SteelSeries gauges stores a cookie 
that keeps your display units settings for subsequent page visits). Given 
you are in the US you might want to switch your gauge-data.txt units to US 
customary so that visitors will see US customary by default (I expect most 
of your visitors are US based). To do this you need to edit the 
[RealtimeGaugeData] [[Groups]] config options in weewx.conf. Just change 
the options to the units desired, the unit codes are the same as used in 
weeWX skins ie degree_C, degree_F etc. Be aware that the SteelSeries Gauges 
do not support all units that weeWX does (eg mmHg).

2. Mouseover plots. Given the changes made the mouseover plots are broken, 
I suspect a chnage is requried to gauges.js, the plots are still in 
Weather/ss on your web server but they are not being updated (refer point 3 
below). Try changing the following line (line 38) to read:

imgPathURL : '../ss/',// *** Change this to 
the relative path for your 'Trend' graph images

3. Disabling the [[SteelSeries]] skin was done as an easy way to prevent 
there being conflicting gauge-data.txt files on your web server. There are 
a few side issues to disabling the skin. One is that the ss/index.html file 
is no longer generated each report cycle, this means that things like weeWX 
version etc will never update on this page is you happen to upgrade weeWX. 
Another is that the mouseover plots for the gauges are not generated so 
your mouseover plots are empty. So you probably should re-enable the 
SteelSeries skin but disable couple of its features. I suggest you:

a. edit weewx.conf and remove the comments against the [[SteelSeries]] skin
b. edit skins/ss/skin.conf, locate [CheetahGenerator] and disable the 
generation of gauge-data.txt eg:

encoding = html_entities
template = index.html.tmpl
#template = gauge-data.txt.tmpl

c. edit skins/ss/scripts/gauges.js and make the same changes to it that you 
made to gauges.js on your web server. We do this as once the skin is 
enabled again any restart of weeWX would see the gauges.js on your web 
server overwritten.
d. stop then start weeWX
e. check that it all still works!


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[weewx-user] Rain Rate, weeWX and the Meteotemplate API

2017-06-23 Thread Gert Andersen


I have a question about Rain Rate and what is being sent to Meteotemplate 
via the API. 

We have had rain today and from weeWX I have the following:
Rain Today: 19.2 mm and Rain Rate 53.6 mm/hour(max) recorded at 4:44 PM 

In Meteotemplate I have the following:
Rain 9.6 mm (at this point) and Rain Rate 31.8 mm/hour(max) recorded at 

Both systems will update every 5 minutes. So the question is why this 
difference and is the Rain Rate not just sent to Meteotemplate that really 
should use this value. I can see that Meteotemplate receives the Rain Rate 
via the API.

I would have expected that the record at 4:50 should have Rain Rate 53.6 
mm/h, but maybe I'm wrong.

I'm new to weeWX and I'm just trying to understand the mechanism.


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[weewx-user] Re: Can't Get Custom Driver To Load

2017-06-23 Thread Bob Snyder
Thanks Gary.  That is pretty close to what I ended up after seeing the 
changes for 3.x and commenting out the altitude stuff that was failing.  I 
added a "print" to the driver and have confirmed I am picking up the 
correct data.  Everything looks good at this point and I seem to have a 
functioning station.  Thanks for all of the help.

On Wednesday, June 21, 2017 at 6:23:45 PM UTC-5, gjr80 wrote:
> Bob,
> When weeWX v3 was released there were a lot of changes (the big one was 
> the database structure - but that thas no effect on your driver). A lot of 
> the other changes were more subtle; some functions were renamed, others 
> moved and others reworked. One significant change was the move of the 
> calculation of so called derived observations (eg heatindex) out of the 
> drivers and into the service StdWXCalculate. 
> So what, well knowing this and given that your driver is fairly basic, it 
> is not too hard to rework your driver to be v3 compatible. I sat down this 
> morning and worked through it, did not take long. Have a look at the 
> attached Raspberry_Pi.txt (can't attach .py). The changes were:
>1. use weewx.drivers rather than weewx.abstractstation
>2. base class for your driver is now weewx.drivers.AbstractDevice
>3. remove the heatindex, altimeter etc calcs from the driver, 
> StdWXCalculate 
>will take care of this
>4. due to 2. we can remove the altitude stuff from the loader() method
> Left the heating and cooling degree stuff there, that is not covered by 
> the StdWXCalculate service. This revised driver loads OK under 3.7.1, I 
> didn't go as far as setting up the data file to test it fully, that bit is 
> up to you!
> Gary
> On Wednesday, 21 June 2017 22:45:21 UTC+10, Bob Snyder wrote:
>> Awesome, Gary.  That did it. Thank you!  Now time to chase down driver 
>> bugs.  Seems this one is from 2.x and has issues.  Thanks again!
>> On Tuesday, June 20, 2017 at 10:23:31 PM UTC-5, gjr80 wrote:
>>> Jun 20 21:17:30 wx-rpi weewx[24467]: engine: Using configuration file /

>>> Ahah, my mistake, I assumed this was a setup.py instal 
>>> l but it appears it is not.
>>> No matter, do you have a directory /usr/share/weewx/user ? If so, try 
>>> putting Raspberry_Pi.py there, stop then start weeWX and see how that 
>>> goes. If it fails or if such a directory doesn't exist, it might be time to 
>>> post weewx.conf in its entirety (remove any passwords/sensitive info) 
>>> as well as a log extract from weewx start until it exits; often there are 
>>> clues in the leadup to, or the error trace after, the error occurs.
>>> Gary
>>> On Wednesday, 21 June 2017 13:03:24 UTC+10, Bob Snyder wrote:

 Thanks for the quick reply, Gary.  Yes, /usr seemed odd to me.  My mind 
 went there instead of user when I read where to create the driver script.  

 I implemented the changes you suggested but get the same error.

 pi@wx-rpi:/home/weewx/bin/user $ ls -l
 total 4
 -rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 2664 Jun 20 21:17 Raspberry_Pi.py

 loop_interval = 5
 driver = user.Raspberry_Pi

 Jun 20 21:53:16 wx-rpi weewx[24736]: engine: Loading station type 
 Raspberry_Pi (user.Raspberry_Pi)
 Jun 20 21:53:16 wx-rpi weewx[24736]: engine: Caught unrecoverable 
 exception in engine:
 Jun 20 21:53:16 wx-rpi weewx[24736]:   No module named 

 On Tuesday, June 20, 2017 at 9:36:41 PM UTC-5, gjr80 wrote:
> Hi,
> I think you should be putting your Raspberry_Pi.py file in the 
> /home/weewx/bin/user 
> directory not /usr.
> Also, under [Raspberry_Pi] you should use
> driver = user.Raspberry_Pi
> not 
> driver = usr.Raspberry_Pi
> Gary

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Re: [weewx-user] Re: Failure in my network with weewx and raspbian

2017-06-23 Thread Antonio Rocamora
Ok, buscare a ver cual puede ser la razon.
Ayer instale la imagen despues de los fallos que tuve y esta noche pasada 
madrugada, mientras dormia se ha estropeado y al levantarme ya no funcionaba la 
pagina web ni en mi red interna ni en el redirecionamiento que tengo a mi IP.


Enviado desde mi iPhone

> El 23 jun 2017, a las 13:15, Andrew Milner  
> escribió:
> depending on what web server you are using the cause of not being able to see 
> the files could be for many reasons - but it is definitely not a problem with 
> weewx!!
>> On Friday, 23 June 2017 13:40:02 UTC+3, Antonio R wrote:
>> Los archivos parece que si los genera, conectandome por ssh y con WinScp veo 
>> que los esta generando a la hora correcta y coincide con weewx.log, esta es 
>> el pantallazo de WinScp
>> https://prnt.sc/fn7zn8
>> todo bien aunque no los veo dentro de mi red ni en el el redireccionamiento 
>> que tengo de (noip.com) a mi red.
>> Seguire investigando.
>> Muchas gracias por la ayuda.
>> Antonio Rocamora
>> 2017-06-23 9:36 GMT+02:00 Andrew Milner :
>>> The log showed that weewx was copying the files to /var/www/html/weewx as 
>>> expected.
>>> The display of the website and delivery of the pages is not handled by 
>>> weewx, but by your web server.  Weewx only puts the files in the correct 
>>> place.
>>> When you are connected to the raspberry by ssh you can check the times of 
>>> the files in /var/www/html/weewx, and hopefully you will find they are the 
>>> latest!!
 On Friday, 23 June 2017 10:11:26 UTC+3, Antonio R wrote:
 El problema es que, weewx se para cuando le apetece, ahora mismo no esta 
 generando la web, aunque como dices si esta funcionando pues manda datos a 
 Awekas, Wunderground y CWOP, pero aunque me conecto a traves de mi IP 
 interna por ssh con Putty y WinScp, la pagina web no me la esta generando.  no funciona y en mi router si estoy conectado.
 He realizado un sudo reboot a la raspberry y me sale una hora que no 
 entiendo hoy dia 23/06  08:55 h.
 Como no genera la pagina web a ver si con el sudo reboot arranca la pagina 
 Adjunto el ultimo Log
 Antonio Rocamora
 2017-06-23 8:56 GMT+02:00 Andrew Milner :
> Why was weewx restarted at 0526 on 23 Jun??  There was no reported error.
> Even with the restart your installation loads to awekas, CWOP and 
> wunderground OK all the time - so weewx is continuing to operate 
> correctly.
> What exactly is your problem??
>> On Friday, 23 June 2017 09:46:00 UTC+3, Antonio R wrote:
>> Yo pienso que las diferencias de fecha, es por las imagenes que instalo, 
>> cuando falla una imagen meto otra tarjeta SD y creo que sera eso.
>> Los saltos de version de weewx, creo que en el registro no salen, pero 
>> es verdad que como tengo dos imagenes puede que instalara la imagen 
>> vieja weewx 3.1 y ahora estoy utilizando 3.7.
>> Ahora viene los malo, ayer funcionando perfectamente, esta mañana 
>> despierto y veo que no genera la web, ni en y tampoco  
>>, el registro no le veo ningun problema, 
>> ahora lo adjunto y lo que si veo es que subo datos a aprs.fi, 
>> wunderground y awekas.
>> Adjunto el nuevo log.
>> Agradezco mucho la ayuda que me estais prestando, pero como veis no 
>> tengo un dia en el que no tenga algun fallo en weewx.
>> Lo utilizo con tres tarjetas SD distintas.
>> El martes, 20 de junio de 2017, 18:35:48 (UTC+2), Antonio R escribió:
>>> I've been using a weewx image for years, and lately what happens to me 
>>> is, that without failing in the program, what happens is that my 
>>> network drops down, the connection fails, the router reboots, I do not 
>>> have any speed And when I disconnect the raspberry Pi all perfect, I 
>>> spent a few days using another wview program and everything perfect.
>>> The log does not give me any fault, right now I do not have it so, but 
>>> previously, I get to configure all the devices in my network with fixed 
>>> IP, so that there were conflicts with the IP and nothing, I despair and 
>>> dismantle the raspberry Pi, Now I have come again the desire to try and 
>>> I am in it, when this happens to me, it is nothing more to assemble the 
>>> image, it is to the  four days aprox, during this time everything well.
>>> Let's see if anyone has ever seen this ???.
>>> If it were of interest you could attach the weewx.conf or the log file.
>>> To say that I am a novice in Raspbian, all the montages I have done 

[weewx-user] Re: Steel Series Gauges and RealTime update - 2.5 second interval - how?

2017-06-23 Thread Steve2Q
Gary: It appears to be working fine now! I I made the last two changes you 
recommended, and that did the trick. I do notice one thing: I use WindChill 
and HeatIndex on my main page. Using the formulas, it either or both are 
not defined, Current Conditions show "undefined" and nothing is plotted on 
the graphs. The gauge shows 32 degrees when the formulas are not met. Is 
there a way to link what the gauge shows to the weewx calculation formula 
results? Perhaps have "Undefined" displayed in the gauge window, with the 
indicator equal to the outside temperature?

I certainly appreciate all your patience in helping a NOOB. Maybe I should 
write up a "Real Time Gauges for Dummies" for the Wiki, because my 
unfamiliarity with programming means I had to first learn the basics like 
the best way(s) to edit different types of files to obtain my goal (along 
with trying to have a little understanding of the programming itself).

Anyway, kudos to you, Tom, Matthew, and the many others who developed Weewx 
and lend all of this support.o


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Re: [weewx-user] Re: Failure in my network with weewx and raspbian

2017-06-23 Thread Antonio R
Los archivos parece que si los genera, conectandome por ssh y con WinScp
veo que los esta generando a la hora correcta y coincide con weewx.log,
esta es el pantallazo de WinScp


todo bien aunque no los veo dentro de mi red ni en el el redireccionamiento
que tengo de (noip.com) a mi red.
Seguire investigando.

Muchas gracias por la ayuda.

Antonio Rocamora

2017-06-23 9:36 GMT+02:00 Andrew Milner :

> The log showed that weewx was copying the files to /var/www/html/weewx as
> expected.
> The display of the website and delivery of the pages is not handled by
> weewx, but by your web server.  Weewx only puts the files in the correct
> place.
> When you are connected to the raspberry by ssh you can check the times of
> the files in /var/www/html/weewx, and hopefully you will find they are the
> latest!!
> On Friday, 23 June 2017 10:11:26 UTC+3, Antonio R wrote:
>> El problema es que, weewx se para cuando le apetece, ahora mismo no esta
>> generando la web, aunque como dices si esta funcionando pues manda datos a
>> Awekas, Wunderground y CWOP, pero aunque me conecto a traves de mi IP
>> interna por ssh con Putty y WinScp, la pagina web no me la esta generando.
>>  no funciona y en mi router si estoy conectado.
>> He realizado un sudo reboot a la raspberry y me sale una hora que no
>> entiendo hoy dia 23/06  08:55 h.
>> Como no genera la pagina web a ver si con el sudo reboot arranca la
>> pagina web.
>> Adjunto el ultimo Log
>> Antonio Rocamora
>> 2017-06-23 8:56 GMT+02:00 Andrew Milner :
>>> Why was weewx restarted at 0526 on 23 Jun??  There was no reported error.
>>> Even with the restart your installation loads to awekas, CWOP and
>>> wunderground OK all the time - so weewx is continuing to operate correctly.
>>> What exactly is your problem??
>>> On Friday, 23 June 2017 09:46:00 UTC+3, Antonio R wrote:
 Yo pienso que las diferencias de fecha, es por las imagenes que
 instalo, cuando falla una imagen meto otra tarjeta SD y creo que sera eso.
 Los saltos de version de weewx, creo que en el registro no salen, pero
 es verdad que como tengo dos imagenes puede que instalara la imagen vieja
 weewx 3.1 y ahora estoy utilizando 3.7.
 Ahora viene los malo, ayer funcionando perfectamente, esta mañana
 despierto y veo que no genera la web, ni en y
 tampocohttp://, el registro no le veo ningun
 problema, ahora lo adjunto y lo que si veo es que subo datos a aprs.fi,
 wunderground y awekas.
 Adjunto el nuevo log.

 Agradezco mucho la ayuda que me estais prestando, pero como veis no
 tengo un dia en el que no tenga algun fallo en weewx.
 Lo utilizo con tres tarjetas SD distintas.

 El martes, 20 de junio de 2017, 18:35:48 (UTC+2), Antonio R escribió:
> I've been using a weewx image for years, and lately what happens to me
> is, that without failing in the program, what happens is that my network
> drops down, the connection fails, the router reboots, I do not have any
> speed And when I disconnect the raspberry Pi all perfect, I spent a
> few days using another wview program and everything perfect.
> The log does not give me any fault, right now I do not have it so, but
> previously, I get to configure all the devices in my network with fixed 
> IP,
> so that there were conflicts with the IP and nothing, I despair and
> dismantle the raspberry Pi, Now I have come again the desire to try
> and I am in it, when this happens to me, it is nothing more to assemble 
> the
> image, it is to the four days aprox, during this time everything well.
> Let's see if anyone has ever seen this ???.
> If it were of interest you could attach the weewx.conf or the log file.
> To say that I am a novice in Raspbian, all the montages I have done
> have been with images already configured and not really installed from
> scratch, with raspbian and the image of weewx, I have only done it a few
> times.
> Thank you
> Station Watson W-8681  FineOffsetUSB
> Raspbian Jessie-Lite 10/04/2017
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>>> weewx-user+...@googlegroups.com.
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>> --
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Re: [weewx-user] Re: Failure in my network with weewx and raspbian

2017-06-23 Thread Andrew Milner
The log showed that weewx was copying the files to /var/www/html/weewx as 

The display of the website and delivery of the pages is not handled by 
weewx, but by your web server.  Weewx only puts the files in the correct 

When you are connected to the raspberry by ssh you can check the times of 
the files in /var/www/html/weewx, and hopefully you will find they are the 

On Friday, 23 June 2017 10:11:26 UTC+3, Antonio R wrote:

> El problema es que, weewx se para cuando le apetece, ahora mismo no esta 
> generando la web, aunque como dices si esta funcionando pues manda datos a 
> Awekas, Wunderground y CWOP, pero aunque me conecto a traves de mi IP 
> interna por ssh con Putty y WinScp, la pagina web no me la esta generando.
>  no funciona y en mi router si estoy conectado.
> He realizado un sudo reboot a la raspberry y me sale una hora que no 
> entiendo hoy dia 23/06  08:55 h.
> Como no genera la pagina web a ver si con el sudo reboot arranca la pagina 
> web.
> Adjunto el ultimo Log
> Antonio Rocamora
> 2017-06-23 8:56 GMT+02:00 Andrew Milner  >:
>> Why was weewx restarted at 0526 on 23 Jun??  There was no reported error.
>> Even with the restart your installation loads to awekas, CWOP and 
>> wunderground OK all the time - so weewx is continuing to operate correctly.
>> What exactly is your problem??
>> On Friday, 23 June 2017 09:46:00 UTC+3, Antonio R wrote:
>>> Yo pienso que las diferencias de fecha, es por las imagenes que instalo, 
>>> cuando falla una imagen meto otra tarjeta SD y creo que sera eso.
>>> Los saltos de version de weewx, creo que en el registro no salen, pero 
>>> es verdad que como tengo dos imagenes puede que instalara la imagen vieja 
>>> weewx 3.1 y ahora estoy utilizando 3.7.
>>> Ahora viene los malo, ayer funcionando perfectamente, esta mañana 
>>> despierto y veo que no genera la web, ni en y tampoco 
>>>, el registro no le veo ningun problema, 
>>> ahora lo adjunto y lo que si veo es que subo datos a aprs.fi, 
>>> wunderground y awekas.
>>> Adjunto el nuevo log.
>>> Agradezco mucho la ayuda que me estais prestando, pero como veis no 
>>> tengo un dia en el que no tenga algun fallo en weewx.
>>> Lo utilizo con tres tarjetas SD distintas.
>>> El martes, 20 de junio de 2017, 18:35:48 (UTC+2), Antonio R escribió:

 I've been using a weewx image for years, and lately what happens to me 
 is, that without failing in the program, what happens is that my network 
 drops down, the connection fails, the router reboots, I do not have any 
 speed And when I disconnect the raspberry Pi all perfect, I spent a 
 few days using another wview program and everything perfect.
 The log does not give me any fault, right now I do not have it so, but 
 previously, I get to configure all the devices in my network with fixed 
 so that there were conflicts with the IP and nothing, I despair and 
 dismantle the raspberry Pi, Now I have come again the desire to try 
 and I am in it, when this happens to me, it is nothing more to assemble 
 image, it is to the four days aprox, during this time everything well.
 Let's see if anyone has ever seen this ???.
 If it were of interest you could attach the weewx.conf or the log file.
 To say that I am a novice in Raspbian, all the montages I have done 
 have been with images already configured and not really installed from 
 scratch, with raspbian and the image of weewx, I have only done it a few 
 Thank you
 Station Watson W-8681  FineOffsetUSB
 Raspbian Jessie-Lite 10/04/2017

>>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to a topic in the 
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>> To unsubscribe from this group and all its topics, send an email to 
>> weewx-user+...@googlegroups.com .
>> For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/d/optout.

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[weewx-user] Re: Failure in my network with weewx and raspbian

2017-06-23 Thread Andrew Milner
Why was weewx restarted at 0526 on 23 Jun??  There was no reported error.

Even with the restart your installation loads to awekas, CWOP and 
wunderground OK all the time - so weewx is continuing to operate correctly.

What exactly is your problem??

On Friday, 23 June 2017 09:46:00 UTC+3, Antonio R wrote:

> Yo pienso que las diferencias de fecha, es por las imagenes que instalo, 
> cuando falla una imagen meto otra tarjeta SD y creo que sera eso.
> Los saltos de version de weewx, creo que en el registro no salen, pero es 
> verdad que como tengo dos imagenes puede que instalara la imagen vieja 
> weewx 3.1 y ahora estoy utilizando 3.7.
> Ahora viene los malo, ayer funcionando perfectamente, esta mañana 
> despierto y veo que no genera la web, ni en y tampoco 
>, el registro no le veo ningun problema, 
> ahora lo adjunto y lo que si veo es que subo datos a aprs.fi, 
> wunderground y awekas.
> Adjunto el nuevo log.
> Agradezco mucho la ayuda que me estais prestando, pero como veis no tengo 
> un dia en el que no tenga algun fallo en weewx.
> Lo utilizo con tres tarjetas SD distintas.
> El martes, 20 de junio de 2017, 18:35:48 (UTC+2), Antonio R escribió:
>> I've been using a weewx image for years, and lately what happens to me 
>> is, that without failing in the program, what happens is that my network 
>> drops down, the connection fails, the router reboots, I do not have any 
>> speed And when I disconnect the raspberry Pi all perfect, I spent a few 
>> days using another wview program and everything perfect.
>> The log does not give me any fault, right now I do not have it so, but 
>> previously, I get to configure all the devices in my network with fixed IP, 
>> so that there were conflicts with the IP and nothing, I despair and 
>> dismantle the raspberry Pi, Now I have come again the desire to try and 
>> I am in it, when this happens to me, it is nothing more to assemble the 
>> image, it is to the four days aprox, during this time everything well.
>> Let's see if anyone has ever seen this ???.
>> If it were of interest you could attach the weewx.conf or the log file.
>> To say that I am a novice in Raspbian, all the montages I have done have 
>> been with images already configured and not really installed from scratch, 
>> with raspbian and the image of weewx, I have only done it a few times.
>> Thank you
>> Station Watson W-8681  FineOffsetUSB
>> Raspbian Jessie-Lite 10/04/2017

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