Re: [weewx-user] WH57(lighning detection) and GW1000 send daily summary on every records

2021-04-11 Thread Rainer Lang
we recommend NOT to use the intereptor driver for a GW1000/WH2650 
console but to use the meanwhile existing
GW1000 API driver instead - otherwise you tend to run into multiple 
issues (and unnecessarily use the
console's "Customized"server option which exists only once) due to the 
many extra sensors being released.

The GW1000 API driver covers all existing FineOffset/Ecowitt (clone) 
sensors and is very stable.

Gary did an excellent job here.

On 11.04.2021 15:36, Johann Destombes wrote:

Yes I'm agree. This is the driver part of my weewx.conf:
    driver = user.interceptor
    device_type = ecowitt-client
    port = 8000

    lightning_strike_count = lightning_num
    lightning_distance = lightning
 ### /

I followed this link: 

So this is the ecowitt-client part of my

Row 2306 to 2459.
class EcowittClient(Consumer):
    """Use the ecowitt protocol (not WU protocol) to capture data"""

    def __init__(self, **stn_dict):
    super(EcowittClient, self).__init__(
    EcowittClient.Parser(), handler=EcowittClient.Handler, 

    class Handler(Consumer.Handler):

    def get_response(self):
    return '{"errcode":"0","errmsg":"ok","UTC_offset":"-18000"}'

    class Parser(Consumer.Parser):

    # map labels to observation names
    LABEL_MAP = {
    'baromabsin': 'pressure',
    'humidity': 'humidity_out',
    'humidityin': 'humidity_in',
    'tempf': 'temperature_out',
    'tempinf': 'temperature_in',
    'temp1f': 'temperature_1',
    'temp2f': 'temperature_2',
    'temp3f': 'temperature_3',
    'temp4f': 'temperature_4',
    'temp5f': 'temperature_5',
    'temp6f': 'temperature_6',
    'temp7f': 'temperature_7',
    'temp8f': 'temperature_8',
    'humidity1': 'humidity_1',
    'humidity2': 'humidity_2',
    'humidity3': 'humidity_3',
    'humidity4': 'humidity_4',
    'humidity5': 'humidity_5',
    'humidity6': 'humidity_6',
    'humidity7': 'humidity_7',
    'humidity8': 'humidity_8',
    'batt1': 'battery_1',
    'batt2': 'battery_2',
    'batt3': 'battery_3',
    'batt4': 'battery_4',
    'batt5': 'battery_5',
    'batt6': 'battery_6',
    'batt7': 'battery_7',
    'batt8': 'battery_8',
    'soilmoisture1': 'soil_moisture_1',
    'soilmoisture2': 'soil_moisture_2',
    'soilmoisture3': 'soil_moisture_3',
    'soilmoisture4': 'soil_moisture_4',
    'soilmoisture5': 'soil_moisture_5',
    'soilmoisture6': 'soil_moisture_6',
    'soilmoisture7': 'soil_moisture_7',
    'soilmoisture8': 'soil_moisture_8',
    'soilbatt1': 'soil_battery_1',
    'soilbatt2': 'soil_battery_2',
    'soilbatt3': 'soil_battery_3',
    'soilbatt4': 'soil_battery_4',
    'soilbatt5': 'soil_battery_5',
    'soilbatt6': 'soil_battery_6',
    'soilbatt7': 'soil_battery_7',
    'soilbatt8': 'soil_battery_8',
    'windspeedmph': 'wind_speed',
    'windgustmph': 'wind_gust',
    'winddir': 'wind_dir',
    'solarradiation': 'solar_radiation',
    'uv': 'uv',
    'totalrainin': 'rain_total',
    'rainratein': 'rain_rate',
    'wh25batt': 'wh25_battery',
    'wh26batt': 'wh26_battery',
    'wh40batt': 'wh40_battery',
    'wh65batt': 'wh65_battery',
     'pm25_ch1': 'pm2_5',
    'pm25batt1': 'pm25_battery',
    'lightning': 'lightning',
    'lightning_time': 'lightning_time',
    'lightning_num': 'lightning_num',
    'wh57batt': 'wh57_battery',
    'leak_ch1': 'leak_1',
    'leak_ch2': 'leak_2',
    'leak_ch3': 'leak_3',
    'leak_ch4': 'leak_4',
    'leakbatt1': 'leak_battery_1',
    'leakbatt2': 'leak_battery_2',
    'leakbatt3': 'leak_battery_3',
    'leakbatt4': 'leak_battery_4',

    'PASSKEY', 'dateutc', 'stationtype', 'model', 'freq', 

    'maxdailygust', 'eventrainin', 'hourlyrainin', 'dailyrainin',
    'weeklyrainin', 'monthlyrainin', 'yearlyrainin',
    'pm25_avg_24h_ch1', 'winddir_avg10m', 'windspdmph_avg10m',

    def __init__(self):
    self._last_rain = None
    self._rain_mapping_confirmed = False

    def parse(self, s):
    pkt = dict()
    data = _cgi_to_

[weewx-user] Belchertown - charts - column very narrow.

2021-04-11 Thread Alex Slaets
When charting the daily output of my solar panels as a column chart, the 
"columns" are actually lines. 

A:  Data 
observation = eTodayTotal , total Watthours produced that day. (I get this 
in weewx from my PV inverter via the mqtt subscriber)-.  Data is OK in the 

B:  graphs.conf 
# Chart Timespan Defaults
title = "Deze maand"
show_button = true
button_text = "Maand"
type = spline
time_length = 2592000 # Last 30 days
tooltip_date_format = " LL"
aggregate_type = max
aggregate_interval = 86400 # 1 day
gapsize = 86400 # 1 day in seconds

title = Zonnepanelen
  name = Maximale instraling
  zIndex = 1
  color = "#ffc83f"
  name = Dagopbrengst
  type = column
  yAxis = 1
  color = "#2d2861"

C:  Result: 
Mechelen, BE Weather Conditions ( 

I've tried numerous things to no avail. 

Your help is welcome. 

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Re: [weewx-user] Davis vantage pro2

2021-04-11 Thread 'Peter Fletcher' via weewx-user
I have used a variety of loggers with my Davis VP 2+ - for many years 
directly connected to Windows systems; subsequently (but also for 2-3 years 
now) to a Raspberry Pi. I can say without doubt that the Meteo-Pi, once set 
up, has given me fewer problems than the Davis alternatives. It also allows 
the Davis console to be powered directly from the Pi through the same cable 
as carries the serial data, slightly reducing cable clutter. The console 
draws so little power that the extra load is no problem for a Pi power 
supply. I should, perhaps, add the disclaimer that I was a beta-tester for 
a number of the devices created and sold by the Meteo-Pi''s producer, so I 
got mine free, but I get no other income or other benefit from ongoing 
sales of the devices.

On Saturday, April 10, 2021 at 3:29:36 PM UTC-4 vince wrote:

> On Saturday, April 10, 2021 at 11:18:07 AM UTC-7 
> wrote:
>> so I found this:
>> seems like you can connect the davis console directly to raspberry pi 
>> header and use via serial.
>> anyone tried this with weewx?
>> Seems a bit cheaper than the weatherlink option and maybe more suitable 
>> for my needs.
> A real Davis logger is $30 US more expensive than a Meteo-pi.   You have 
> to ask yourself how important that 30 bucks is, as compared to your time 
> and stress level of using a third-party logger.  Personally I'd recommend 
> just going Davis all the way.

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Re: [weewx-user] Belchertown Reports

2021-04-11 Thread
Tom thanks for the link.
Almost everything went according to the tutorial.
It turned out that I did not have sufficient rights to modify the database. 
Had to grant the 777 rights to the database to remove the unnecessary 
In the end, this also worked and removed all unnecessary entries.
Ton Karsten

Op maandag 15 maart 2021 om 18:13:32 UTC+1 schreef

> Most likely, the clock on your computer was not synchronized before weewx 
> started. Unsynchronized clocks can sometimes start at unix epoch "time 
> zero," which is in 1970. You will have to delete all the "old" data, then 
> rebuild the daily summaries. 
> See the wiki section *Deleting unwanted records 
> *
> .
> On Mon, Mar 15, 2021 at 9:39 AM  
> wrote:
>> My station works fine with the Belchertown skin. The reports function 
>> also works well, only it generates reports for the date of commissioning of 
>> the station.
>> The station measurements start on the date from May 2015. Now I also have 
>> reports from 1970 to my station measurements start date with no content 
>> because there are none.
>> How do I delete the non-existent reports with no content?
>> The link for my weather station:
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "weewx-user" group.
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>> To view this discussion on the web visit 
>> .

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Re: [weewx-user] WH57(lighning detection) and GW1000 send daily summary on every records

2021-04-11 Thread Johann Destombes
Yes I'm agree. This is the driver part of my weewx.conf:

*###[Interceptor]driver = 
user.interceptordevice_type = ecowitt-clientport = 8000   
 [[sensor_map_extensions]]lightning_strike_count = 
lightning_numlightning_distance = 
lightning ###  * 

I followed this link: to modifie
So this is the ecowitt-client part of my

Row 2306 to 2459.

*...class EcowittClient(Consumer):"""Use the ecowitt protocol (not WU 
protocol) to capture data"""def __init__(self, **stn_dict):
super(EcowittClient, self).__init__(EcowittClient.Parser(), 
handler=EcowittClient.Handler, **stn_dict)class 
Handler(Consumer.Handler):def get_response(self):return 
Parser(Consumer.Parser):# map labels to observation names
LABEL_MAP = {'baromabsin': 'pressure','humidity': 
'humidity_out','humidityin': 'humidity_in','tempf': 
'temperature_out','tempinf': 'temperature_in',
'temp1f': 'temperature_1','temp2f': 'temperature_2',
'temp3f': 'temperature_3','temp4f': 'temperature_4',
'temp5f': 'temperature_5','temp6f': 'temperature_6',
'temp7f': 'temperature_7','temp8f': 'temperature_8',
'humidity1': 'humidity_1','humidity2': 'humidity_2',
'humidity3': 'humidity_3','humidity4': 'humidity_4',
'humidity5': 'humidity_5','humidity6': 'humidity_6',
'humidity7': 'humidity_7','humidity8': 'humidity_8',
'batt1': 'battery_1','batt2': 'battery_2','batt3': 
'battery_3','batt4': 'battery_4','batt5': 
'battery_5','batt6': 'battery_6','batt7': 
'battery_7','batt8': 'battery_8','soilmoisture1': 
'soil_moisture_8','soilbatt1': 'soil_battery_1',
'soilbatt2': 'soil_battery_2','soilbatt3': 
'soil_battery_3','soilbatt4': 'soil_battery_4',
'soilbatt5': 'soil_battery_5','soilbatt6': 
'soil_battery_6','soilbatt7': 'soil_battery_7',
'soilbatt8': 'soil_battery_8','windspeedmph': 
'wind_speed','windgustmph': 'wind_gust','winddir': 
'wind_dir','solarradiation': 'solar_radiation',
'uv': 'uv','totalrainin': 'rain_total',
'rainratein': 'rain_rate','wh25batt': 
'wh25_battery','wh26batt': 'wh26_battery',
'wh40batt': 'wh40_battery','wh65batt': 'wh65_battery', 
'pm25_ch1': 'pm2_5','pm25batt1': 
'pm25_battery','lightning': 'lightning',
'lightning_time': 'lightning_time','lightning_num': 
'lightning_num','wh57batt': 'wh57_battery',
'leak_ch1': 'leak_1','leak_ch2': 'leak_2',
'leak_ch3': 'leak_3','leak_ch4': 'leak_4',
'leakbatt1': 'leak_battery_1','leakbatt2': 
'leak_battery_2','leakbatt3': 'leak_battery_3',
'leakbatt4': 'leak_battery_4',}IGNORED_LABELS = 
['PASSKEY', 'dateutc', 'stationtype', 'model', 'freq', 
'baromrelin','maxdailygust', 'eventrainin', 'hourlyrainin', 
'dailyrainin','weeklyrainin', 'monthlyrainin', 
'yearlyrainin','pm25_avg_24h_ch1', 'winddir_avg10m', 
'windspdmph_avg10m',]def __init__(self):
self._last_rain = Noneself._rain_mapping_confirmed = 
Falsedef parse(self, s):pkt = dict()
try:data = _cgi_to_dict(s)pkt['dateTime'] = 
int(time.time() + 0.5)))pkt['usUnits'] = 
weewx.US# some devices (e.g., HP2551_V1.5.7) emit something 
that looks# a lot like ecowitt protocol, but not quite.  
one thing that# they get wrong is the rain - that have no 
totalrainin.  so# for those devices, substitute a different 
cumulative rain 

Re: [weewx-user] NWS Radar Changes

2021-04-11 Thread
Maybe this is common knowledge, but I just noticed that the ridge/lite 
radar images and loops have been restored, with maybe slightly different 
URLs.  The index is at:

Index of /ridge/lite/ ( 

On Wednesday, January 13, 2021 at 7:58:58 AM UTC-6 wrote:

> For the moment I've given up on the NWS stuff and am using Wunderground
> maps. I've been able to integrate an animated loop into my weather page
> by doing the following:
> I started at:
> For regional radar from Wunderground navigate to:
> The Intellicast maps may work as well, I've not tried them.
> From the drop-down select the region for your area. In my case I chose
> 'KS - Salina', then clicked the Animate button. Now you should have an
> animated regional map. At the lower right of the image is "Image Link"
> which will open the animated map picture in a new tab (on my browsers).
> I used the URL for this image:
> in the "radar_img" setting of the skin.conf file for both Standard and
> Seasons skins. For the "radar_url" setting I used:
> I used a similar approach for the satellite imagery. I navigated to the
> US Infrared page and then started the animation and right-clicked on the
> image and chose 'View image in a new tab' from the pop-up to get the URL
> of the image. One can narrow these images into a regional view as well.
> The results can be seen at in the left
> sidebar.
> - Nate
> -- 
> "The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all
> possible worlds. The pessimist fears this is true."
> Web:
> Projects:
> GPG fingerprint: 82D6 4F6B 0E67 CD41 F689 BBA6 FB2C 5130 D55A 8819

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Re: [weewx-user] Version 4.5.0 released

2021-04-11 Thread Graham Eddy
4.5.1 updated cleanly here (from 4.4.0 using on current RPi OS)

i ran into the as_value_tuple() API change, as documented - minor fix to change 
my services (added ‘except KeyError’ to ‘vt[0] is None’ test)

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Re: [weewx-user] Weewx-Weather34 Skin Questions

2021-04-11 Thread Dun Mac

Thank you for the reply, Ian. It is very much appreciated.
On Sunday, April 11, 2021 at 1:25:43 AM UTC+10 wrote:

> I meant to add that the Metar settings will be removed from the settings 
> page in the next update. All data required for the Metar popup info window 
> will be derived from the Metar API.
> Ian
> On Sat, 10 Apr 2021 at 09:06, steeple ian  wrote:
>> Duncan,
>> Taking your questions in turn: -
>>1.  Over the past few updates, we have been progressively tidying 
>>things up. Position 4 is now the fixed location for advisory alerts as 
>> far 
>>as the setup page is concerned. However you are able to override that by 
>>manually editing settings1.php. For future developments we may introduce 
>>more flexibility and the option for extra columns and rows in the 
>> dashboard 
>>with total user flexibility on positions.
>>2.  All web services including METAR are now set in weewx.conf. The 
>>options in the settings page are purely to have the correct location 
>>showing in the popup info window.
>>3. The design of the barometer module pre-dates me. It is all setup 
>>in some very clever CSS work. Changing the range that you wish display 
>>consequentially the arc of the pointer needs editing of CSS code. It is 
>> not 
>>something which is easy to accomplish by a user configurable option. If 
>> you 
>>manage to come up with a solution, we would be happy to include your 
>>instructions in the Git repository.
>> Ian
>> On Sat, 10 Apr 2021 at 01:35, Dun Mac  wrote:
>>> Can anyone shed light on these matters from the Weewx-Weather34 skin;
>>> 1. Position 4, in the easyW34skinsetup.php only gives the options of of 
>>> advisory_rw, _eu,_uk. Is this the only options for position 4? Some 
>>> previous versions on the internet are showing Position 4 with more options  
>>> ((W34-HC-IMJD-2.0.0)  WeeWX-(4.2.0)  Ecowitt GW1000). My version is 
>>> (W34-HC-IMJD-4.1.3)  WeeWX-(4.5.1)  Davis Vantage Pro2)
>>> 2. easyW34skinsetup.php - ICAO code for METAR Station1 did not change 
>>> the station. Is this because the field is held in weewx.conf and as such 
>>> weewx needs to be stopped and then restarted to change the setting?
>>> 3. Position 9, Barometer. The default range for the dial is 950 - 1050 
>>> hPa, (28 - 31 inHg). I changed the barometer.php file to min 980 min 1050 
>>> max, (29 inHg - 31inHg) but the barometric reading which is currently 
>>> 1005.5 is still sitting at 1 o'clock on the dial and with the range 
>>> adjustment it should be sitting at 11 o'clock. The descriptor on the dial 
>>> reads min 980 hPa and max 1050 hPa. Is there anyway of changing the scaling 
>>> of the barometer display so that 12 o'clock on the scale is 1015 hPa and 
>>> not the default 1000 hPa? 
>>> Thank you, Duncan
>>> -- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
>>> Groups "weewx-user" group.
>>> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send 
>>> an email to
>>> To view this discussion on the web visit 
>>> .

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