[weewx-user] Re: rsync fails with host key error in weewx, not from command line

2019-08-21 Thread Anthony Fandino

Understand that weewx runs as root. host key and id must be in the 

hope that helps


On Wednesday, August 21, 2019 at 9:29:52 AM UTC-4, Chris Richmond wrote:
> Hi,
>I'm not new to ssh and all, but this one doesn't make sense. I'm 
> messing around with
> getting a set of hardware together for a move, and in the process ended up 
> with rsync
> errors because of host keys.  So... I removed the hostkey on the weewx end 
> and was
> able to ssh without a password to the NAS.  Still got the error, so 
> checked the reverse
> direction, which also had a problem, so corrected that.  Rechecked both 
> directions this
> morning (by hand) and no problems. *Still* weewx is failing rsync because 
> of host key
> errors.  Any more ideas.
> pivue:~> sudo grep rsync /var/log/syslog | tail
> Aug 21 06:25:16 pivue weewx[9927]: rsyncupload: [['rsync', '--archive', 
> '--stats', '-e ssh', '/home/weewx/public_html/', 
> 'weewxfiler2.csrhome.home:/volume1/web/vueweather']] reported errors: 
> Host key verification failed.. rsync: connection unexpectedly closed (0 
> bytes received so far) [sender]. rsync error: error in rsync protocol data 
> stream (code 12) at io.c(235) [sender=3.1.2]
> Aug 21 06:25:16 pivue weewx[9927]: rsyncupload: rsync executed in 0.30 
> seconds
> pivue:~> ssh filer2
> weewx@filer2:~$ ssh pivue.csrhome.home
> Linux pivue 4.19.42+ #1219 Tue May 14 21:16:38 BST 2019 armv6l
> Last login: Wed Aug 21 06:25:40 2019 from
> pivue:~> 
> Thx, Chris

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[weewx-user] weewx skins

2019-08-07 Thread Anthony Fandino
  I have begun a small project of putting a remote weather station on my 
I am using RSYNC to transfer data to my webserver. My question is how can I 
use another skin on my webserver other than the rsync skin. I see that in 
the Rsync skin.conf file there is a hook into 
weewx.reportengine.RsyncGenerator. There I see the backend functions to 
rsync the files to the remote server. I really like you responsive skin and 
would like to try to adapt it for my web server. Would all I have to do is 
add into the generators section  “weewx.reportengine.RsyncGenerator “ to 
the end of the of the skin.conf file and modify weewx.conf file to add the 
needed info in the progressive skin definition? Any advice will help. Also 
is there any guide on how to change skins in weewx?

Thank you
Anthony Fandino

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