Hi there.  I'm a newbie to WeeWx.  I have a Davis Instruments Vantage Pro2.

Firstly, let me say, that it seems to be working perfectly. However ...

Since this is my first time using it, I decided to try "Installation using 
setup.py." This says to "Download the source archive weewx-X.Y.Z.tar.gz from 
weewx.com/downloads."  I did that and found X.Y.Z == 3.9.1.  I am running 
18.04, where the default version of python is 2.7.  Some additional python 
libraries did need to be downloaded/installed.  Thereafter, WeeWx build and 
install worked fine.  So far, so good.

However, "sudo ./bin/weewxd weewx.conf" produced a Dictionary dump for LOOP 
every two seconds on the terminal, and for another dictionary less 
frequently.   I could fix this by doing "sudo ./bin/weewxd weewx.conf 
>/dev/null 2>&1 &" instead.  However, I don't think I should have to.  I 
looked at drivers/vantage.py and I couldn't see where it was coming from, 
so I assume it is coming from the caller.  Perhaps someone on this list can 
help me track it back?

It looks like the sort of thing that I have done when updating code: adding 
a debug statement and then forgetting to remove it before submitting the 
changes.  More likely, I'm doing something wrong.  What is it?


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