[weewx-user] Connecting Froggit WH2600SE to Weewx - Setup always fails :(

2020-01-02 Thread Gábor Szabados

Try to remove address = If it is still not working, then set the 
observerIP back to the default port and remove the port settings from the weewx 
config too.

If you read the interceptor manuals, you can see that interceptor can be run 
without weewx for testing too. Then you can see what is the right settings. 

I guess you have installed interceptor and not just weewx.

Otherwise the wifi and ethernet config is the same. Both uses the same network 
protocol TCP/IP. No difference. You can read those topics.

Best Regards, 

Gabor Szabados 

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[weewx-user] Connecting Froggit WH2600SE to Weewx - Setup always fails :(

2020-01-01 Thread Lars
Dear Wx experts,

after reading in different forums about weather stations I purchased a 
Froggit WH2600SE.
According to the http://weewx.com/hardware.html its made by Fine Offset and 
should be supported.
I purchased the version with bridge/observer unit because it should save as 
much power as possible (the station will run with solar in the field).
The weather logger software on the bridge device is Version 2.2.8 
(pre-configured for wunderground; with the option to change the server 
IP/Hostname, and Server Port).
Reporting to Wunderground works but I need the data directly and in a 
format I can export.

For the last 2 weeks I have been fighting in nightly sessions to get the 
data onto my new raspberry pi version 3 model B V1.2 (never used one 
To start everything I assigned a fixed IP of to my raspberry 
and to the bridge in my router.
I used/ tried the weewx interceptor driver by Matthew Well in listen and 
sniff mode but did not get any data to my raspberry.
I went through several complete reinstalls of weewx and the raspberry OS 
(for example because I tried to bridge eth0 and eth1 (a USB LAN dongle) 
while using SSH to log in via WLAN).
Needless to say I did not succeed getting the bridge working.

During one of my first tries I used this tutorial 
http://landoflinux.com/linux_raspberry_pi_weather_station.html but I now 
realised that it probably did not work because it contains a HP1000 driver 
(which is a wifi Display afaik).
I tried several other things (
http://weewx.com/docs/usersguide.htm#installing and 
https://github.com/weewx/weewx/wiki/observer ….) but nothing worked.

I have now reinstalled raspberry OS (raspian  buster lite, administrated 
with SSH via Terminal), weewx and the interceptor driver again.
Then I edited the weewx config file to listen in port 800 and installed the 
cumulus plugin https://github.com/weewx/weewx/wiki/crt ( reported no real data for a while 
but cant be reached anymore).

See below weewx config file:

# Copyright (c) 2009-2019 Tom Keffer 
# See the file LICENSE.txt for your rights.


# This section is for general configuration information.

# Set to 1 for extra debug info, otherwise comment it out or set to zero
debug = 1

# Root directory of the weewx data file hierarchy for this station

# Whether to log successful operations
log_success = True

# Whether to log unsuccessful operations
log_failure = True

# How long to wait before timing out a socket (FTP, HTTP) connection
socket_timeout = 20

# Do not modify this. It is used when installing and updating weewx.
version = 3.9.2


#   This section is for information about the station.


# Description of the station location


  # Set to type of station hardware. There must be a corresponding stanza
# in this file with a 'driver' parameter indicating the driver to be 
station_type = Interceptor

# If you have a website, you may specify an URL
#station_url = http://www.example.com

# The start of the rain year (1=January; 10=October, etc.). This is
# downloaded from the station if the hardware supports it.
rain_year_start = 1

# Start of week (0=Monday, 6=Sunday)
week_start = 0


# This section is for the network traffic interceptor driver.

# The driver to use:
driver = user.interceptor

# Specify the hardware device to capture.  Options include:
#   acurite-bridge - acurite internet bridge, smarthub, or access
#   observer - fine offset WH2600/HP1000/HP1003, ambient WS2902
#   lw30x - oregon scientific LW301/LW302
#   lacrosse-bridge - lacrosse GW1000U/C84612 internet bridge
#   fineoffset-bridge - fine offset GW1000/GW1000B/GW1000BU wifi gateway
#   wu-client - any hardware that uses the weather underground protocol
device_type = observer
port = 800
address =


# This section is for the weewx weather station simulator

# The time (in seconds) between LOOP packets.
loop_interval = 2.5

# The simulator mode can be either 'simulator' or 'generator'.
# Real-time simulator. Sleep between each LOOP packet.
mode = simulator
# Generator.  Emit LOOP packets as fast as possible (useful for 
#mode = generator

# The start time. Format is -mm-ddTHH:MM. If not specified, the 
# is to use the present time.
#start = 2011-01-01T00:00

# The driver to use:
driver = weewx.drivers.simulator
