
I've been able to edit the current.inc and hilo.inc to display tables of 
the values that interest me, but when I edit skins.conf things just don't 
go the way I want.

If I comment out
I still get a windSpeed/WindGust graph.

If I add an extra [[[daytemp]]] for more sensors, I get
weewx[24667]: reportengine: Failed to read skin configuration file 
/etc/weewx/skins/Seasons/skin.conf for report 'SeasonsReport': Duplicate 
section name at line 267

If I add a new name such as
then I don't get an extra graph.

So far I have been able to get temperature graphs by replacing values in 
existing graphs
##        [[[daytempfeel]]]
##            [[[[windchill]]]]
##            [[[[heatindex]]]]


So obviously editing skins.conf on its own is insufficient. How do I remove 
the rainfall and wind graphs, and get more humidity graphs. Which file 
defines what to generate, and how?

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