For others coming here with issues after upgrading to 5.0.1 or greater, my 
interceptor -> acurite hub was no longer working due to weewx no longer 
being run as root and thus being denied permission to port 80. Here is my 
solution for getting the interceptor driver working with the fewest 

Ensure weewx is disabled:
> sudo systemctl stop weewx

Install authbind:
> sudo apt install authbind

Configure authbind to allow weewx:
> sudo touch /etc/authbind/byport/80
> sudo chown weewx /etc/authbind/byport/80
> sudo chmod 777 /etc/authbind/byport/80

Modifiy /etc/weewx/systemd/weewx.service as follows (changes in bold):
ExecStart=*authbind --deep* weewxd /etc/weewx/weewx.conf

Reload systemd manager config:
> sudo systemctl daemon-reload

Start weewx:
> sudo systemctl start weewx

Confirm no more errors:
> sudo tail -f /var/log/syslog

It took me forever to find the current weewx.service file as there are 
multiple copies scattered in several directories, and depending how you 
installed weewx the correct/currently used file may be in another directory 
so you may need to hunt and edit until the error stops.

Hopefully this helps others having similar issues!

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