On Monday, September 2, 2019 at 7:00:33 AM UTC-7, William Webb wrote:
> This is a perplexing problem.  I don't know enough about the structure of 
> weewx code or the Davis Monitor II driver to hazard a guess.  My station, a 
> Davis Monitor II, running on a Raspberry PI B+ appears to be working fine 
> without drama.  The PI has an IP assigned outside of DHCP on a Spectrum 
> Gateway router. I have always had stability issues between PIs and 
> Spectrum.  I have avoided the random disconnects by running this on the 
> hour as a chron task.
> #!/bin/bash
> sudo ifconfig wlan0 down
> sudo ifconfig wlan0 up
> sudo service networking restart
>  I let the setup run several days before enabling posting to Wundergound.  
> My data when views on the web site locally looked fine.  When I looked at 
> my data on WundergroundI discovered an anomaly with humidity.  After the 
> chron task ran the humidity read low for one reading.
> [image: Wu_report.jpg]
> This is beyond weird. Only pressure is off and it is only the first 
> reading after the network reconnect.  What could be wrong?  Have I 
> discovered some really subtle bug?  If you folks think so, I can repost on 
> the development forum.
> Bill - AB6OR

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