This a very old thread, but it still turns up in searches. Here's a simple 
way to do a crude version of what the original poster was doing. That is, a 
display of the most recent wind direction on the background of a compass 
rose, not a wind rose, showing history. May not work in all browsers, but 
hasn't failed me yet.

Add the following code to index.html.tmpl. I created a table with one row 
of two cells at the top of the page, put the masthead text in the left cell 
and this in the right cell:

<svg version="1.1" baseProfile="full" width="200" height="200" 
 <circle cx="90" cy="85" r="75" stroke="black" stroke-width="5" 
stroke-dasharray="1,12.08" fill="transparent" />
 <circle cx="90" cy="85" r="80" stroke="lightgray" stroke-width="10" 
fill="transparent" />
 <polygon points="90 35, 100 75, 140 85, 100 95, 90 135, 80 95, 40 85, 80 
75" fill="lightsalmon" transform="rotate(45 90 85)" />
 <polygon points="90 25, 100 75, 150 85, 100 95, 90 145, 80 95, 30 85, 80 
75" fill="salmon" />
 <text x="90" y="22" font-size="16" text-anchor="middle" 
 <text x="90" y="159" font-size="16" text-anchor="middle" 
 <text x="22" y="91" font-size="16" text-anchor="middle" 
 <text x="158" y="91" font-size="16" text-anchor="middle" 
 <circle cx="90" cy="85" r="20" stroke="black" fill="white" />
 <text x="90" y="90" font-size="16" text-anchor="middle" 
 #if $current.windDir.formatted != "   N/A"
 <polygon points="90 20, 95 65, 85 65" fill="black" 
transform="rotate($current.windDir.formatted 90 85)" />
 #end if

I hope someone finds this helpful, and that someone will improve on it.

On Friday, June 24, 2016 at 11:56:03 AM UTC-4, Panos Vatikiotis wrote:
> Well it worked for me too and thank you all! I could not find any roses so 
> i made some by photoshop so here
> they are:
> On Monday, 3 February 2014 16:18:12 UTC+2, gonk smith wrote:
>> ok, I got it work for low wind speed, eg < 1. ( I have a Fine Offset USB 
>> Weather station)
>> 1. I created 9 rose.png files on my pc, with rose0.png = north pointing 
>> compass picture, rose1.png = north/east pointing compass picture, etc. 
>>  With the exception of rose8.png, it is pointer-less picture of the compass 
>> as it represents no wind.
>> 2. I uploaded all 9 rose.png files to the folder "public_html"
>> 3. I placed this code (below) near the top of the file "index.html.tmpl" 
>> in the folder  /skins/ the bold is code that was already 
>> present, just to show exactly where I placed it. I worked out what the 
>> minus in front of the equals does... eg  #set $octant-= 8.  This is 
>> correct. I still had to change "*#set $bigdir=$winddir+360.0-22.5"* to 
>> *"**#set $bigdir=$winddir+22.5"*
>> *#errorCatcher Echo*
>> #def rose_file($winddir)
>> #set $bigdir=$winddir+22.5
>> #set $octant=int($bigdir/45.0)
>> #if $octant >= 8
>> #set $octant-= 8
>> #end if
>> $("rose"+str($octant)+".png")
>> #end def
>> *##    $Revision: 1669 $*
>> .
>> .
>> *.further down in the file index.html.tmpl*
>> .
>> 4. I Added this code into index.html.tmpl to check for low wind with 
>> stops the N/A problem, I placed it near the bottom of the tables for now..
>> * <img src="daywindvec.png"   alt="Wind Vector" />*
>>  #if $current.windSpeed.raw  < 1
>>  <img src="rose8.png"   alt="NA" />
>>   #else 
>>   <img src="$rose_file($current.windDir.raw)" />
>>   #end if
>> *  #if $day.radiation.has_data*
>> I hope this helps... and thanks a heap Tom is a very nice tool.

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