I recently moved weewx 4.7.0 from CentOS 7 to  Rocky 8 and now I notice that I'm not getting any mail regarding low battery.
The log file reports that the battery is low
May 19 18:17:46 opus journal[1137920]: weewx[1137920] DEBUG weewx.engine: Loading service user.lowBattery.BatteryAlarm May 19 18:17:46 opus journal[1137920]: weewx[1137920] INFO user.lowBattery: LowBattery alarm enabled. Count threshold is 10 May 19 18:17:46 opus journal[1137920]: weewx[1137920] DEBUG weewx.engine: Finished loading service user.lowBattery.BatteryAlarm May 19 18:18:03 opus journal[1137920]: weewx[1137920] INFO user.lowBattery: Low battery status sounded at 2022-05-19 18:18:04 EDT (1652998684): {'txBatteryStatus': 1}

I've modified weewx.conf to include the battery alarm

report_services = weewx.engine.StdPrint, weewx.engine.StdReport, user.lowBattery.BatteryAlarm

    time_wait = 3600
    count_threshold = 10
    smtp_host = mailbox.sunny.beach
    # smtp_user = myusername
    # smtp_password = mypassword
    from = ws@########
    mailto = ##########
    subject = Time to change the battery!

This all worked in CentOS 7 but alas not in Rocky 8.

I looked at  the host mail log, but I don't see any attempt by weewx to send mail
I've set debug in weewx.conf to 1.
So how do I go about trouble shooting this problem?

Other than this mail problem all other mail from this host works just fine.


Unencumbered by the thought process.
 -- Click and Clack the Tappet brothers

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