I'm currently running Weewx 4.9.1 and using WeeWX-MQTTSubscribe to capture 
data from 2 separate RTL SDR's.  One of the RTL-SDR devices is listening on 
433.92 and is picking up weather data from a couple nearby weather 
stations.  One of the weather stations I'm listening to has a bad wind 
sensor, so I do not want the wind data from that station, the other station 
has good wind data so I do want that data.  These two stations are from the 
same manufacturer and fall under the same device decoding protocol ( [40] 
Acurite 592TXR Temp/Humidity, 5n1 Weather Station, 6045 Lightning, 899 
Rain, 3N1, Atlas).

The other RTL-SDR is listening on 915.00 in order to pick up pressure data 
from another sensor.

When using 
`rtl_433 -F json -M utc -R 40 | mosquitto_pub -t weather/radio -h localhost 

I receive all packets from both stations and pass that to the 
WeeWX-MQTTSubscribe driver where I have set up the various fields and map 
them to weewx.  For example, the wind data:

        unit_system = US

... snip ...
                name = windSpeed

                name = windDir

... snip ...

since both stations emit, for example, 'wind_avg_km_h', I don't have a way 
to filter out one of them (the bad one) so I end up getting some garbage 
data in the mix with good data.

My question is this: since these two stations are the same 'device decoding 
protocol' (40) is there a way to differentiate between the json data coming 
from the one vs the other?  The both have different [[[[id]]]] fields, the 
one I want has an ID of 3522 and the one I don't want wind data from is ID 

Essentially I want to keep data from both devices but exclude just the wind 
data from one of them.

Thanks much for any help you all can provide.


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