... well at least I think it is.

I’ve had a "cheapo" wh1080 system running for a few years with an RPi and weewx.

I’ve quite a few glitches over the years - lockups and communication dropouts 
sorted with fresh batteries and/or restarts. Silly readings have been tamed 
with +/- limits.

The latest behaviour is stumping me. Over the past few weeks I’ve been getting 
rain readings when no rain has fallen. Furthermore, these rain readings are 
"sensible" in the sense of being within normal rainfall levels around here. For 
example last week it recorded around 100mm per day for 3 days, which is what 
continuous heavy rain would produce.

Except it hasn’t actually rained for several weeks.

I’ve tried the following ...

disconnecting the rain sensor (tipping bucket) - it still records rain.

moving the remote unit closer (now within 5m of the console) - no difference.

changing USB cable (no change).

using a powered USB device (no change).

Any clues (please)

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