Re: [Wengophone-devel] Build wengophone-2.2 / windows 2000 / visual studio c++ 2005 (msvc) notes

2008-01-27 Thread Darshaka Pathirana

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Hi Chris!

On 27.01.2008 07:11, Chris Botor wrote:

| I think the answer to my query is this, saw this on the tortoisesvn site
| I guessed you should resend the patch file in zip format.

Done![1] Hope it works now!

Thanks for pointing out!

~ - Darsha

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Wengophone-devel mailing list

Re: [Wengophone-devel] patchset wengophone-2.2 (r13252)

2008-01-27 Thread Andreas Schneider
Darshaka Pathirana wrote:




 Finally I was able to fully build the latest wengophone-2.2 revision
 with Visual Studio 2005 Express Edition!
 First of all I would like to refine my first post[1] with a few
 1. I used wengophone-2.2 (rev 13252) instead of (rev 13237)
 2. You actually you do NOT need to change the C:\Program
 Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\Common7\Tools\vsvars32.bat file for
 this project.
 vsvars32.bat actually only needs to be modified if you want to use the
 Platform SDK and/or DirectX SDK and want to compile your programs on the
 command line.
 So just let all of the given environment variables be set by the system
 and add the Include and Lib-paths as described in Visual Studio C++
 Ok. As promised I attached my patchset for revision 13253 of
 wengophone-2.2. I'll try to explain what happened and what I have
 changed. I also may have questions and I by no means think that this is
 the ultimate solution. So if you think you can pinpoint what could be
 done better I would be very glad!
 Basically you can follow steps 1 to 7 from my first post[1] except for
 my corrections above. Let's continue with the next steps:
 8. Patch the files
 As mentioned just apply my attached patchset
 (wengophone_2.2_r13252_dpat-2.diff). This can easily be done with
 TortoiseSVN. Right-click on the wengophone-2.2 folder, click Apply
 patch.. and choose the file. After that you will see a popup file
 patches. Just right-click on it and choose Patch all. Done!
 9. Configure wengophone (create Visual Studio Project files):
 9a. Run C:\Projects\wengophone-2.2\build\create_vcproj-VC80.bat
 You can actually just double-click on it. vsvars32.bat is called out
 of it. This should create the Visual Studio project files.
 10. Open the project
 The Visual Studio Solution is then located in the build-directory.
 After opening it you'll notice a popup The solution already conatains
 an item named 'lrelease'. That's not critical so just ignore it! (Maybe
 somebody knows how to get rid of it.)
 11. Build wengophone
 You can either build the whole solution, the project ALL_BUILD or the
 project WengoPhone. The safest bet would be to build the whole solution.
 Actually all of Visual Studio project files / properties are also
 rebuild (by some CMake-Magic) so it might be necessary to build
 wengophone a second time. In fact you have to rebuild those projects
 where you changed any of the cmake-files (or at least have to wait until
 the initial configuration is done and start over).
 After some time (go out and meet some friends ;) ) you should see a fine
 built wengophone.exe in your build-directory.
 12. Start it and have fun debugging...

Smaller patches than one big file would be nice.

 Additional notes on my patchset:
 - libs/3rdparty/qt4/CMakeLists.txt
 Since a version of Qt 4.x the DLLs of the lib are now ending with a 4.
 I have changed that accordingly.

Are you sure that this is the case for all released Qt version. Maybe the
others should stay in the code. I think if the file doesn't exist, it would
stop to work.

 - libs/owutil/util/CMakeLists.txt
 - libs/webcam/CMakeLists.txt
 - wifo/phapi-util/CMakeLists.txt
 The lib files of these projects are not created without these definitions.

I think this should be wrapped in an

if (WIN32)
endif (WIN32)

 - owbuild/owbuild/OWCreateProjectBinary.cmake
 This was tricky and I am still not absolutly sure about it. This patch
 now enables the post-build-copy-process to copy the DLL and PDB files
 from the correct directory (by taking the right buildtype (debug vs.
 release) into account). Maybe someone can take a special look at this
 one. Thanks!

Yes, the files should be copied to the build type directory (release, debug)

 - wengophone/src/buildid/CMakeLists.txt
 The Preprocessor Definition DD_BUILDID had two LL at the end (I
 don't know why) but they should be an integer. The patch fixes that.

#define FOO 42LL means that FOO is a long long.

Current date and time is for example 20070127132638, this doesn't fit into an
integer you need a 64bit variable. That's why the function in
wengophone/src/WengoPhoneBuildId.cpp returns a long long.

const unsigned long long WengoPhoneBuildId::getBuildId() {
return DD_BUILDID;

So #define DD_BUILDID 2007012713263LL is right!

 - wifo/owsl/src/core/owsl_address.c
 OWSL_FUNC_DEF (which is definded as __declspec(dllimport)) is already
 set in the header. No need to do that again.
 - wifo/phapi/CMakeLists.txt
 There two patches in here...
 1. The lib file is not created without this definition.

Should be wrapped into if (WIN32)

 2. The Visual C++ compiler option -D do strip the quotes on the
 command line[2] so this must be handled by a define in phapi.c.

That's bad, have you tried to escape them? There should be another way to do 



Re: [Wengophone-devel] Build wengophone-2.2 / windows 2000 / visual studio c++ 2005 (msvc) notes

2008-01-27 Thread Chris Botor
Hi Darsha,

It works the zipped format that you sent. thanks,

this is my latest output.


C:\openwengo\wengophone-2.2\buildC:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual
Studio 8\Common7\Tools\vsvars32.batcmake .. -G Visual Studio 8
Setting environment for using Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 x86 tools.
Subversion (svn) command line not found, it is recommended to install it
-- OS: Windows-5.1
-- Processor: x86
-- Compiler: C:/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio 8/VC/bin/cl.exe
-- Build type: Debug
-- Build tool: C:/PROGRA~1/MICROS~1/Common7/IDE/VCExpress.exe
-- Build directory: C:/openwengo/wengophone-2.2/build/debug
-- svn revision: 0
-- Time: 20080127234031
-- Found Boost version 103401: C:/Program Files/boost/boost_1_34_1,
am Files/boost/boost_1_34_1/lib/boost_python-vc80-mt-gd-1_34_1.lib;C:/Program
-- Found Qt-Version 4.3.3
-- Qt4 with ActiveX (QAxContainer) support off
Error copying file (if different) from C:/Qt/4.3.3/bin/QtCored4.dll
to C:/openwengo/wengophone-2.2/build/debug.
Error copying file (if different) from C:/Qt/4.3.3/bin/QtGuid4.dll
to C:/openwengo/wengophone-2.2/build/debug.
Error copying file (if different) from C:/Qt/4.3.3/bin/QtXmld4.dll
to C:/openwengo/wengophone-2.2/build/debug.
Error copying file (if different) from C:/Qt/4.3.3/bin/QtSvgd4.dll
to C:/openwengo/wengophone-2.2/build/debug.
Error copying file (if different) from
C:/Qt/4.3.3/plugins/imageformats/qmngd1.dll to
Error copying file (if different) from
C:/Qt/4.3.3/plugins/imageformats/qjpegd1.dll to
-- Crashreport activated
-- Found lrelease: C:/Qt/4.3.3/bin/lrelease.exe
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: C:/openwengo/wengophone-2.2/build

did you encounter that? can you also post your cmakecache.txt here

and I tried building it but it failed, lnk error in owutil something

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