Re: [Wengophone-devel] news from wengo

2008-01-30 Thread Vadim Lebedev

Hi Tanguy,Tanguy Krotoff wrote:

On Jan 29, 2008 10:44 PM, Vadim Lebedev [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'm sure that we don't want to start a flame war,
I'm sure that in some aspects git is better than mercurial
The choice of  mercuriual is based on follownig:
1)  At mbdsys we're using mostly Mercurial so it is easier for us
2)  I was one of early contributors to Mercurial so i know the internals
much better tha those of git
3) I've good contacts in mercurial developper community so problem
solving will be easier

flame war != argumentation

What does it bring to contributors?
Why is it better to subversion?
In my experience ditributed VCS are better suited for decentralsed dev 
than centralised VCS
For more details i refer you to:

Do we need the functionnalities mercurial brings?
Is it easy to use under Windows? (since from what I see the only few
contributors/developpers that use OpenWengo are mostly under

One of the reasons MBDSYS choose mercurial over git 3 years ago is 
because at the time git was unavailabe for windows...  since than the 
situation became better with this respect  but still it seem that 
mercurail has advanatge on this front:
Another advantage is availablity of this:

Some people use already git
If somebody REALLY want to use git i think we can arrange  for some kind 
of gateway  (but a little bit later)

Change is good in general, but not every change.

If you want mercurial because it is only better for YOU or because it
is cool, fine. But then it is a dictature, not an open project :p (ok
it has been like this for a while...)

Well Tanguy as you know i was raised in Soviet Union,
so, naturally i'm inclined toward dictature  :)
I've already started construction of couple of Gulag outfits to intern 
there developpers who don't like my opnions

Tanguy what would be your sugestion about subproject/submodule structure
Would you volunteer to be maintainer  of any subsytem?


Wengophone-devel mailing list

Re: [Wengophone-devel] patchset wengophone-2.2 (r13252)

2008-01-30 Thread Darshaka Pathirana
Hi Andreas!

On 27.01.2008 13:35, Andreas Schneider wrote:

 Smaller patches than one big file would be nice.

Ok. I'll do that with the next patches (most probably after the tests
with Thomas revision 13255).

 Additional notes on my patchset:

 - libs/3rdparty/qt4/CMakeLists.txt

 Since a version of Qt 4.x the DLLs of the lib are now ending with a 4.
 I have changed that accordingly.

 Are you sure that this is the case for all released Qt version. Maybe the
 others should stay in the code. I think if the file doesn't exist, it would
 stop to work.

No. I am not sure when this was changed. I see three options:
- Find out in which version this was changed and let the CMake handle
  this two versions
- Some kind of if-file-exists in the CMake-File...
- Depend the project on Qt 4.3.3 (starting with revision  13255)

What do you think?

 - libs/owutil/util/CMakeLists.txt
 - libs/webcam/CMakeLists.txt
 - wifo/phapi-util/CMakeLists.txt

 The lib files of these projects are not created without these definitions.

 I think this should be wrapped in an

 if (WIN32)
 endif (WIN32)


 - owbuild/owbuild/OWCreateProjectBinary.cmake

 This was tricky and I am still not absolutly sure about it. This patch
 now enables the post-build-copy-process to copy the DLL and PDB files
 from the correct directory (by taking the right buildtype (debug vs.
 release) into account). Maybe someone can take a special look at this
 one. Thanks!

 Yes, the files should be copied to the build type directory (release, debug)


 - wengophone/src/buildid/CMakeLists.txt

 The Preprocessor Definition DD_BUILDID had two LL at the end (I
 don't know why) but they should be an integer. The patch fixes that.

 #define FOO 42LL means that FOO is a long long.

 Current date and time is for example 20070127132638, this doesn't fit into an
 integer you need a 64bit variable. That's why the function in
 wengophone/src/WengoPhoneBuildId.cpp returns a long long.

 const unsigned long long WengoPhoneBuildId::getBuildId() {
   return DD_BUILDID;

 So #define DD_BUILDID 2007012713263LL is right!

Hmm... Strange. I've just recompiled owbuildid. Now it seems to work
with these LL at the end (with an warning though).
But thanks for clearifing this issue.

I have still one more questions:
At the beginning of build process I get:

-- Rebuild All started: Project: owbuildid, Configuration: Debug Win32 
Deleting intermediate and output files for project 'owbuildid', configuration 
Building Custom Rule C:/Projects/wp-2.2/wengophone/src/buildid/CMakeLists.txt
Subversion (svn) command line not found, it is recommended to install it
-- OS: Windows-5.0
-- Processor: x86
-- Compiler: C:/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio 8/VC/bin/cl.exe
-- Build type: Debug
-- Build tool: C:/PROGRA~1/MICROS~3/Common7/IDE/VCExpress.exe
-- Build directory: C:/Projects/wp-2.2/build/debug
-- svn revision: 13253
-- Time: 

I believe the date-time used by the BUILDID comes from the time field
which - in my case - is empty. What do I have to do get that value?
It seems that OWGetCurrentDateTime.cmake respectivly a output in
getcurrentdatetime.cpp but I fail to decode what's going on in
there. (Looks like the cpp is compiled and run out of the
cmake-build-process; does that work under Windows?)

(Just for reference: I always had the svn revision 0 until I installed
the command-line version of subversion. After that the svn revision
was detected correctly.)

 - wifo/owsl/src/core/owsl_address.c

 OWSL_FUNC_DEF (which is definded as __declspec(dllimport)) is already
 set in the header. No need to do that again.

 - wifo/phapi/CMakeLists.txt

 There two patches in here...

 1. The lib file is not created without this definition.

 Should be wrapped into if (WIN32)


 2. The Visual C++ compiler option -D do strip the quotes on the
 command line[2] so this must be handled by a define in phapi.c.

 That's bad, have you tried to escape them? There should be another way to do 






Yeah, I also do not like this solution. I've tried your suggestions
and a lot of other things but I was not able to get around it. Any
Visual C++-Crack who knows how to fix that?

 - wifo/phapi/phapi.c

 This is the second part of the -D-compiler-option problem of Visual
 C++. I was not able to get the SVN-Revision into it so it's set to 0.
 If somebody knows how to fix that (and knows how to include the svn
 command line in the build process) please let me / us know. Thanks!

 See above

Yes. I seems I need help by someone who knows what to do... Google
also did not bring up any workarounds.

 - wifo/phapi/test/client/wlm_password.h

 Altough I think this is just a test-project and not critical for
 wengophone I tried to fix this. I 

[Wengophone-devel] Re: build error in owutil

2008-01-30 Thread Darshaka Pathirana
Hi Chris!

On 29.01.2008 02:58, Chris Botor wrote:

 Did you encounter this on owutil build?

Oh yes! owutil was a tricky part of the build. Let's see if this is 
actually the same I've encountered...

 -- Rebuild All started: Project: owutil, Configuration: Debug Win32 --
 Linking to lib file: boost_signals-vc80-mt-gd-1_34_1.lib
 Linking to lib file: boost_thread-vc80-mt-gd-1_34_1.lib
 ..\..\..\..\libs\owutil\util\src\Date.cpp(27) : warning C4996:
 'localtime' was declared deprecated
 C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio
 8\VC\include\time.inl(114) : see declaration of 'localtime'
 Message: 'This function or variable may be unsafe. Consider
 using localtime_s instead. To disable deprecation, use
 _CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE. See online help for details.'
 Generating Code...
 Compiling manifest to resources...
 LINK : Debug\owutil.dll not found or not built by the last incremental
 link; performing full link

Hmm.. Here it seems, that owutil.lib is missing. Did you double-check 
that libs/owutil/util/CMakeLists.txt has the following lines in it:


(They should be added by my patchset though...)

 Embedding manifest...
 Performing Post-Build Event...
 Error copying file (if different) from
 C:/Project/wengophone-2.2/build/libs/owutil/util/owutil.dll to
 Error copying file (if different) from
 C:/Project/wengophone-2.2/build/libs/owutil/util/owutil.pdb to
 Project : error PRJ0019: A tool returned an error code from

Here it seems that the owbuild/owbuild/OWCreateProjectBinary.cmake 
patch has not been applied. owutil.dll and owutil.pdb (and 
owutil.lib) should be located in build/libs/owutil/util/debug/ (to be 
precise in build/libs/owutil/util/${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE} )
Could you double check that?

 - Darsha

Wengophone-devel mailing list

[Wengophone-devel] some thoughts on submitting patches

2008-01-30 Thread Darshaka Pathirana

After the (first) patchset I've submitted on this list for openwengo
I was looking around for some guidelines on how to submit patches

I was not able to find any information about submitting patches
neither in the openwengo-wiki nor in the archives of the
mailling-list. Did I miss something?

If found some guides from other projects:


In fact they can be summed up by these questions:

- How to create the patch?
- What should be the filename of the patch?
- How is the patch submitted?

The first question should be easy to answer:

- Use svn diff or create a patch with TortoiseSVN (or even use diff

The second question is not that easy. My suggestion (if anybody

- {OrigFilename}_r{svnrevision}_{patchName}-{patchVersion}.diff|patch

The third question is also not as easy as it seems:

As Attachment?
* gzipped?
* zipped?
* text?


What should be the subject?

[PATCH] - {OrigFilename}_r{svnrevision}_{patchName}-{patchVersion}

I also like the idea of [3] of adding a patch header on each patch,
but I may be wrong.

What do you maintainer and longtime contributors think? Is that too
much overkill or would you like to stick to some guidelines? I would
love to hear your opinions. Thank you!

 - Darsha

Wengophone-devel mailing list

Re: [Wengophone-devel] some thoughts on submitting patches

2008-01-30 Thread Chris Botor

I think it is better to submit is as an attachment because mail programs
has an effect on the file.


On Jan 31, 2008 1:33 AM, Darshaka Pathirana [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 After the (first) patchset I've submitted on this list for openwengo
 I was looking around for some guidelines on how to submit patches

 I was not able to find any information about submitting patches
 neither in the openwengo-wiki nor in the archives of the
 mailling-list. Did I miss something?

 If found some guides from other projects:


 In fact they can be summed up by these questions:

 - How to create the patch?
 - What should be the filename of the patch?
 - How is the patch submitted?

 The first question should be easy to answer:

 - Use svn diff or create a patch with TortoiseSVN (or even use diff

 The second question is not that easy. My suggestion (if anybody

 - {OrigFilename}_r{svnrevision}_{patchName}-{patchVersion}.diff|patch

 The third question is also not as easy as it seems:

 As Attachment?
 * gzipped?
 * zipped?
 * text?


 What should be the subject?

 [PATCH] - {OrigFilename}_r{svnrevision}_{patchName}-{patchVersion}

 I also like the idea of [3] of adding a patch header on each patch,
 but I may be wrong.

 What do you maintainer and longtime contributors think? Is that too
 much overkill or would you like to stick to some guidelines? I would
 love to hear your opinions. Thank you!

  - Darsha

 Wengophone-devel mailing list

Wengophone-devel mailing list

Re: [Wengophone-devel] Openwengo REPO conversion

2008-01-30 Thread Darshaka Pathirana
Hi Vadim!

On 25.01.2008 20:18, Vadim Lebedev wrote:
 Independently i'm struggling with the fact that mercurial does not
 support subprojects so
 i'd like to pickup your brains for suggestions on how to organize
 mercurial repos  for the openwengo project

I would like to help you but unfortunatly I am not (yet) completely
aware of the full source code. If you're able to give me some hints
and tell me what YOU mean by subprojects, that would be really

I also have some questions regarding the code policy:
- The openwengo-project holds internal copies of the source code of a
  various number of libraries. Will that change? Is that (still) a
  good idea?
- If splitting up the project, will the history of each file remain?
- maybe more... 

 - Darsha

Wengophone-devel mailing list

Re: [Wengophone-devel] patchset wengophone-2.2 (r13252)

2008-01-30 Thread Andreas Schneider
Darshaka Pathirana wrote:
 Hi Andreas!

Hi Darshaka,

 - wengophone/src/buildid/CMakeLists.txt

 The Preprocessor Definition DD_BUILDID had two LL at the end (I
 don't know why) but they should be an integer. The patch fixes that.

 #define FOO 42LL means that FOO is a long long.

 Current date and time is for example 20070127132638, this doesn't fit into an
 integer you need a 64bit variable. That's why the function in
 wengophone/src/WengoPhoneBuildId.cpp returns a long long.

 const unsigned long long WengoPhoneBuildId::getBuildId() {
  return DD_BUILDID;

 So #define DD_BUILDID 2007012713263LL is right!
 Hmm... Strange. I've just recompiled owbuildid. Now it seems to work
 with these LL at the end (with an warning though).
 But thanks for clearifing this issue.
 I have still one more questions:
 At the beginning of build process I get:
 -- Rebuild All started: Project: owbuildid, Configuration: Debug Win32 
 Deleting intermediate and output files for project 'owbuildid', configuration 
 Building Custom Rule C:/Projects/wp-2.2/wengophone/src/buildid/CMakeLists.txt
 Subversion (svn) command line not found, it is recommended to install it
 -- OS: Windows-5.0
 -- Processor: x86
 -- Compiler: C:/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio 8/VC/bin/cl.exe
 -- Build type: Debug
 -- Build tool: C:/PROGRA~1/MICROS~3/Common7/IDE/VCExpress.exe
 -- Build directory: C:/Projects/wp-2.2/build/debug
 -- svn revision: 13253
 -- Time: 
 I believe the date-time used by the BUILDID comes from the time field
 which - in my case - is empty. What do I have to do get that value?
 It seems that OWGetCurrentDateTime.cmake respectivly a output in
 getcurrentdatetime.cpp but I fail to decode what's going on in
 there. (Looks like the cpp is compiled and run out of the
 cmake-build-process; does that work under Windows?)

I'm not a windows user. If you're on windows, you're on your own :)

 (Just for reference: I always had the svn revision 0 until I installed
 the command-line version of subversion. After that the svn revision
 was detected correctly.)

Yes, that's how it is designed.

 2. The Visual C++ compiler option -D do strip the quotes on the
 command line[2] so this must be handled by a define in phapi.c.
 That's bad, have you tried to escape them? There should be another way to do 






 Yeah, I also do not like this solution. I've tried your suggestions
 and a lot of other things but I was not able to get around it. Any
 Visual C++-Crack who knows how to fix that?

We should create config.h files instead of passing defines via the
commandline. Maybe you want to do that :)

config.h.cmake and ConfigureChecks.cmake is needed. See srtp.

 I'll take Thomas' latest revision and work on that one. After that I
 will come back and let the patches be reviewed again...

That would be great. It would be great if Thomas would attend to this
discussion :)

  - Darsha

-- andreas

-- - cybernetic synapses

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Wengophone-devel mailing list

Re: [Wengophone-devel] Openwengo REPO conversion

2008-01-30 Thread Andreas Schneider
Darshaka Pathirana wrote:
 Hi Vadim!
 On 25.01.2008 20:18, Vadim Lebedev wrote:
 Independently i'm struggling with the fact that mercurial does not
 support subprojects so
 i'd like to pickup your brains for suggestions on how to organize
 mercurial repos  for the openwengo project
 I would like to help you but unfortunatly I am not (yet) completely
 aware of the full source code. If you're able to give me some hints
 and tell me what YOU mean by subprojects, that would be really
 I also have some questions regarding the code policy:
 - The openwengo-project holds internal copies of the source code of a
   various number of libraries. Will that change? Is that (still) a
   good idea?

Subprojects are for example owutil (ow macros for cmake), webcam, util etc.

Everything which is a external in subversion atm. 2.2 has no externals afaik.

 - If splitting up the project, will the history of each file remain?

I know only git and it imports the whole history of each file. I think hg will
do the same.

 - maybe more... 
  - Darsha

-- andreas

-- - cybernetic synapses

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Wengophone-devel mailing list

Re: [Wengophone-devel] some thoughts on submitting patches

2008-01-30 Thread Vadim Lebedev

Darshaka Pathirana wrote:


After the (first) patchset I've submitted on this list for openwengo
I was looking around for some guidelines on how to submit patches

I was not able to find any information about submitting patches
neither in the openwengo-wiki nor in the archives of the
mailling-list. Did I miss something?

If found some guides from other projects:


In fact they can be summed up by these questions:

- How to create the patch?
- What should be the filename of the patch?
- How is the patch submitted?

The first question should be easy to answer:

- Use svn diff or create a patch with TortoiseSVN (or even use diff

The second question is not that easy. My suggestion (if anybody

- {OrigFilename}_r{svnrevision}_{patchName}-{patchVersion}.diff|patch

The third question is also not as easy as it seems:

As Attachment?
* gzipped?
* zipped?
* text?


What should be the subject?

[PATCH] - {OrigFilename}_r{svnrevision}_{patchName}-{patchVersion}

I also like the idea of [3] of adding a patch header on each patch,
but I may be wrong.

What do you maintainer and longtime contributors think? Is that too
much overkill or would you like to stick to some guidelines? I would
love to hear your opinions. Thank you!

 - Darsha


Folks as we're going to to switch to mercuririal  i suggest you read:

I think it will be the best way to submit the patches for review


Wengophone-devel mailing list

Re: [Wengophone-devel] some thoughts on submitting patches

2008-01-30 Thread Andreas Schneider
Darshaka Pathirana wrote:


 - How to create the patch?

svn diff file  foo.patch

if you fix a bug in N source files of a module use.

svn diff file..fileN  foo.patch

Don't submit everything as one big patch.

 - What should be the filename of the patch?

I name them after the subject.

fix_gcc43_warnings.patch for example

 - How is the patch submitted?

Attach them to a bug or add them as an attachement to an email.

 The first question should be easy to answer:
 - Use svn diff or create a patch with TortoiseSVN (or even use diff
 The second question is not that easy. My suggestion (if anybody
 - {OrigFilename}_r{svnrevision}_{patchName}-{patchVersion}.diff|patch
 The third question is also not as easy as it seems:
 As Attachment?


 What should be the subject?
 [PATCH] - {OrigFilename}_r{svnrevision}_{patchName}-{patchVersion}

[PATCH] - Subject of the patch

Git has a special approach for commit messages, I think it is the same for hg.

The first line is a summary of the patch, max 60 chars. Then an empty line and
a description of the patch.

 I also like the idea of [3] of adding a patch header on each patch,
 but I may be wrong.

Yes, this makes it easier for the reviewer. I do that normally. With git you do

git-format-patch origin/master

and you get what you want. I hope hg can do the same.

 What do you maintainer and longtime contributors think? Is that too
 much overkill or would you like to stick to some guidelines? I would
 love to hear your opinions. Thank you!

git does everything which you asked for. Hopefully hg behaves the same. The
important thing is that you write good commit messages.

  - Darsha

-- andreas

-- - cybernetic synapses

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Wengophone-devel mailing list

Re: [Wengophone-devel] Openwengo REPO conversion

2008-01-30 Thread Vadim Lebedev

Andreas Schneider wrote:

Darshaka Pathirana wrote:

Hi Vadim!

On 25.01.2008 20:18, Vadim Lebedev wrote:

Independently i'm struggling with the fact that mercurial does not
support subprojects so
i'd like to pickup your brains for suggestions on how to organize
mercurial repos  for the openwengo project

I would like to help you but unfortunatly I am not (yet) completely
aware of the full source code. If you're able to give me some hints
and tell me what YOU mean by subprojects, that would be really

I also have some questions regarding the code policy:
- The openwengo-project holds internal copies of the source code of a
  various number of libraries. Will that change? Is that (still) a
  good idea?

Subprojects are for example owutil (ow macros for cmake), webcam, util etc.

Everything which is a external in subversion atm. 2.2 has no externals afaik.


- If splitting up the project, will the history of each file remain?

I know only git and it imports the whole history of each file. I think hg will
do the same.


The problem is that full conversion of svn to mercurial  generates 
repository of 300 Mb  (Orginal SVN is 700MB)

It is not practical i believe.

So i'm tending toward approach of not importing history, ands simply 
start from the current state of 2.2 branch and trunk


- maybe more... 

 - Darsha

-- andreas


Wengophone-devel mailing list
Wengophone-devel mailing list

Re: [Wengophone-devel] Openwengo REPO conversion

2008-01-30 Thread Tanguy Krotoff
On Jan 30, 2008 6:59 PM, Darshaka Pathirana [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 - The openwengo-project holds internal copies of the source code of a
   various number of libraries. Will that change? Is that (still) a
   good idea?

It was done for helping developing under Windows (and MacOSX in some way).
checkout svn, install Visual, boost, Qt and voila - everything was
compiling without other steps.

A http server (or maybe better, another hg repo) can be used to store
already compiled binaries of external libraries.

wifo still contains forked libraries (osip, exosip, ortp...) I think
this is the most urgent thing to do about libraries.

Tanguy Krotoff [EMAIL PROTECTED]
+33 6 68 42 70 24
Wengophone-devel mailing list

[Wengophone-devel] Link Error in some modules

2008-01-30 Thread Chris Botor
I kept on having this error on some modules any one has a fix on this?

-- Build files have been written to: C:/Project/wengophone-2.2/build
Compiling manifest to resources...
LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'QtUiToolsd.lib'
Build log was saved at
desktopservice - 1 error(s), 0 warning(s)
== Rebuild All: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 skipped ==

Hi Darsha, yeah some how the tortoise did not patch all the files, kinda weird

Wengophone-devel mailing list

Re: [Wengophone-devel] Openwengo REPO conversion

2008-01-30 Thread Ralf Schlatterbeck

On Wed, Jan 30, 2008 at 07:40:02PM +0100, Vadim Lebedev wrote:
 The problem is that full conversion of svn to mercurial  generates 
 repository of 300 Mb  (Orginal SVN is 700MB)
 It is not practical i believe.
Hmm, I'd say size shouldn't matter too much. I'm in favour of retaining
all the history. These days 300 MB isn't much (fits on a CD ;-)

On Wed, Jan 30, 2008 at 06:59:49PM +0100, Darshaka Pathirana wrote:
 On 25.01.2008 20:18, Vadim Lebedev wrote:
  Independently i'm struggling with the fact that mercurial does not
  support subprojects so i'd like to pickup your brains for
  suggestions on how to organize mercurial repos  for the openwengo
 I would like to help you but unfortunatly I am not (yet) completely
 aware of the full source code. If you're able to give me some hints
 and tell me what YOU mean by subprojects, that would be really
That disclaimer applies for me, too.

 - If splitting up the project, will the history of each file remain?

If you split the project into sub-projects and later refactor something,
then files might move from one sub-project to another. In that case
history for the moved files is probably lost (or can hg retain history
when moving from one repo to another? I know svn can't.).
So this *might* mean that we're back to old CVS days when moving files
for restructuring the repo can't be done in certain cases (umm in *all*
cases for cvs :-)...

So when really deciding to split, future refactoring should be kept in

Whats wrong with keeping a big project with subdirectories containing
individual subprojects?

Just my .02

Dr. Ralf Schlatterbeck  Tel:   +43/2243/26465-16
Open Source Consulting  Fax:   +43/2243/26465-23
Reichergasse 131www:
A-3411 Weidling email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
osAlliance member   email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Wengophone-devel mailing list

Re: [Wengophone-devel] Openwengo REPO conversion

2008-01-30 Thread Vadim Lebedev

Ralf Schlatterbeck wrote:

On Wed, Jan 30, 2008 at 07:40:02PM +0100, Vadim Lebedev wrote:
The problem is that full conversion of svn to mercurial  generates 
repository of 300 Mb  (Orginal SVN is 700MB)

It is not practical i believe.

Hmm, I'd say size shouldn't matter too much. I'm in favour of retaining
all the history. These days 300 MB isn't much (fits on a CD ;-)
The problem, is that in DVCS's like mercurial  when you create a branch 
you clone the whole stuff.

So it quickly becomes expensive.

That said we can keep the SVN version indefinitly in Read Only mode for 
reference or i can publish folly converted

mercurial repo for browsing

Wengophone-devel mailing list

[Wengophone-devel] Link-Problem with Debian multimedia libs

2008-01-30 Thread Ralf Schlatterbeck
I'm trying to build wengo 2.2 branch against etch packages from (newer multimedia packages not found
in core debian etch) and fail with missing symbols on the final linking.
(Thanks to Darsha for helping out with cmake details).
Missing symbols are img_resample_init, img_resample, img_resample_close,
img_convert normally found (in stock debian) in libavcodec installed
from libavcodec-dev.

Is this a change in libavcodec api that wengo hasn't followed yet?
Should I go back to the debian etch libs (which *do* have these

Dr. Ralf Schlatterbeck  Tel:   +43/2243/26465-16
Open Source Consulting  Fax:   +43/2243/26465-23
Reichergasse 131www:
A-3411 Weidling email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
osAlliance member   email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Wengophone-devel mailing list

Re: [Wengophone-devel] Link-Problem with Debian multimedia libs

2008-01-30 Thread Andreas Schneider
Ralf Schlatterbeck wrote:
 I'm trying to build wengo 2.2 branch against etch packages from (newer multimedia packages not found
 in core debian etch) and fail with missing symbols on the final linking.
 (Thanks to Darsha for helping out with cmake details).
 Missing symbols are img_resample_init, img_resample, img_resample_close,
 img_convert normally found (in stock debian) in libavcodec installed
 from libavcodec-dev.
 Is this a change in libavcodec api that wengo hasn't followed yet?
 Should I go back to the debian etch libs (which *do* have these

ffmpeg api has changed you need libswscale and swscale.h


-- andreas

-- - cybernetic synapses

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Wengophone-devel mailing list

Re: [Wengophone-devel] Openwengo REPO conversion

2008-01-30 Thread Vadim Lebedev

Andreas Schneider wrote:

Vadim Lebedev wrote:

Andreas Schneider wrote:

Darshaka Pathirana wrote:

Hi Vadim!

On 25.01.2008 20:18, Vadim Lebedev wrote:

Independently i'm struggling with the fact that mercurial does not
support subprojects so
i'd like to pickup your brains for suggestions on how to organize
mercurial repos  for the openwengo project

I would like to help you but unfortunatly I am not (yet) completely
aware of the full source code. If you're able to give me some hints
and tell me what YOU mean by subprojects, that would be really

I also have some questions regarding the code policy:
- The openwengo-project holds internal copies of the source code of a
  various number of libraries. Will that change? Is that (still) a
  good idea?

Subprojects are for example owutil (ow macros for cmake), webcam, util etc.

Everything which is a external in subversion atm. 2.2 has no externals afaik.


- If splitting up the project, will the history of each file remain?

I know only git and it imports the whole history of each file. I think hg will
do the same.


The problem is that full conversion of svn to mercurial  generates
repository of 300 Mb  (Orginal SVN is 700MB)
It is not practical i believe.

Only one branch or of the whole repo?

My wengophone git repo of the the 2.2 branch has 88 Mb.


Whole repo

2.2 Branch in mercurial is around 80 MB

That's just fine with the whole history.

It would be much smaller without the binary-libs.



Wengophone-devel mailing list

Re: [Wengophone-devel] patchset wengophone-2.2 (r13252)

2008-01-30 Thread Thomas Monjalon

Andreas Schneider wrote:

Darshaka Pathirana wrote:

I'll take Thomas' latest revision and work on that one. After that I
will come back and let the patches be reviewed again...

That would be great. It would be great if Thomas would attend to this
discussion :)

I committed some modifications on wifo which are inspired from Darsha's 
ones. But I don't work on Windows and I have never built WengoPhone with 
MS Visual 2005.

When I will have time, I will try it and I will give you feedbacks.

Wengophone-devel mailing list

[Wengophone-devel] wengophone 2.1.2 dmg crashed on MacOsX 10.5

2008-01-30 Thread Mac OS
Hi, group

I got wengophone crashed on my new macbook.

here is the report:

Process: WengoPhone [379]
Identifier:  com.openwengo.WengoPhone
Version: ??? (2.1.2)
Code Type:   X86 (Native)
Parent Process:  launchd [74]

Date/Time:   2008-01-30 22:05:41.905 +0800
OS Version:  Mac OS X 10.5 (9A3115a)
Report Version:  6

Exception Type:  EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGBUS)
Exception Codes: KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE at 0x
Crashed Thread:  0

Thread 0 Crashed:
0   QtCore0x01d188d1 QLocale::name() const + 61
1   com.openwengo.WengoPhone  0x000203d2
QtLanguage::getLocaleFileName() + 164
2   com.openwengo.WengoPhone  0x00020690
QtLanguage::getQtLocaleFileName() + 28
3   com.openwengo.WengoPhone  0x0002071f
QtLanguage::loadLanguageFromConfig() + 49
4   com.openwengo.WengoPhone  0x0002157c
QtLanguage::QtLanguage(QObject*) + 314
5   com.openwengo.WengoPhone  0x00016e82
QtWengoPhone::initThreadSafe() + 94
6   com.openwengo.WengoPhone  0x00266937 boost::_bi::bind_tvoid,
boost::_mfi::mf0void, QtWengoPhone,
boost::_bi::list1boost::_bi::valueQtWengoPhone*  ::operator()() + 43
7   com.openwengo.WengoPhone  0x00266a63 boost::function0void,
std::allocatorvoid ::operator()() const + 75
8   com.openwengo.WengoPhone  0x00093384
QObjectThreadSafe::event(QEvent*) + 34
9   QtGui 0x01f172f9
QApplicationPrivate::notify_helper(QObject*, QEvent*) + 319
10  QtGui 0x01f1caa3
QApplication::notify(QObject*, QEvent*) + 1197
11  QtCore0x01d6bf04
QCoreApplication::sendPostedEvents(QObject*, int) + 586
12  QtGui 0x01f562c9
QEventDispatcherMac::processEvents(QFlagsQEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag) +
13  QtCore0x01d69b85
QEventLoop::processEvents(QFlagsQEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag) + 55
14  QtCore0x01d69dce
QEventLoop::exec(QFlagsQEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag) + 146
15  QtCore0x01d6d181 QCoreApplication::exec() +
16  com.openwengo.WengoPhone  0x000151d8 main + 1728
17  com.openwengo.WengoPhone  0x994a _start + 216we
18  com.openwengo.WengoPhone  0x9871 start + 41
Wengophone-devel mailing list