Re: [Wengophone-devel] Still a compilation problem...

2007-01-04 Thread Dave Neary

Hi Tanguy,

Tanguy Krotoff wrote:

Thank you.

 I've improved a bit the error message about _INCLUDE_DIR is empty. At
 least this error message exists, *with CMake it does NOT exist*, CMake
 let you alone with this!!!

From what I can tell, that's because there was no obligation to define
INCLUDE_DIR or INCLUDES (although this is now policy for modules).

 Is there any example of a cmakefile using standard cmake and owbuild
 so that I can compare the benefits that the owbuild macros bring?

Thanks for that example.

I'm not completely convinced by the argument We have 100s of build
files, so we need a new API to refactor common code. I do believe that
owbuild can give compelling benefits to a project with lots of
dependencies and modules - what would be nice, for example, would be to
show very common situations where owbuild shortens cmakefiles or makes
them easier to understand.

In this situation, the tricky thing was figuring out all the indirection
which got me to the error message; I didn't know that I shouldn't use
FindAlsa.cmake, it wasn't clear to me that every find_package should
define INCLUDE_DIR or INCLUDE_DIRS, and I didn't know anything about
libs-3rdparty-cmakelists (or the fact that script in there get run
transparently across ow_add_public_include_dirs).

We need to do a better job explaining how owbuild's conventions diverge
from cmake's (if they diverge).

 I like to troll so let's troll well:

Well, I don't think I was trolling, but...

 It's like people saying: Java is shit, what is heritance, what is a
 class + private and public? do we need that anyway? these guys are
 stupid, I prefer the good old C (1)

Staying with the programming languages idea, it would be a little like
if I proposed that we write software in D. D's a lovely language,
advocates swear by it. Why wouldn't you want to use the best programming
language out there?

The problem is that if we started developing D, we'd have to teach all
the existing developers how to code D first. Our pool of volunteers
would be much reduced, because there just aren't a lot of D programmers.
And for those who want to learn D, there isn't much in the way of books
or documentation, so they're going to have a hard time doing it by trial
and error.

What you would have to do, which both Python and Ruby have done, is work
on getting interpreters and compilers included in distributions, start
advocating and writing software in the language, get books published on
the language, and try to catch a wave of interest (Ruby got it with Ruby
on Rails, Python got interest through Unix sysadmins). Then, when you
have a critical mass of programmers and documentation, propose writing
software in it.

Of course, if you're only writing software for your own use and
enjoyment, you can use any language you want.

Which brings us to OWBuild...

 The fact is:
 you want to build a software with a *lot* of dependencies (FFmpeg, Alsa,
 Gaim, cURL, IAXClient...) with a *lot* of internal libraries (Wenbox,
 IMWrapper, SipWrapper...) on 3 different OS (Linux, Windows, MacOSX)
 + of course you want to switch all libraries from static to shared (why
 the hell they invented .dll, .so, .lib, delspec export...)
 + you want to choose between svn repo/system 3rd party libraries
 + you want to compile each library separately (for example webcam or
 pixertool) + other stuffs like this
 then you will end up with something similar to OWBuild in the idea, if
 you are smarter than me your OWBuild will be better/easier/whatever else
 it will be a big mess.

We need to make a compelling case for owbuild. We need to be sure that
the abstraction layer works well, and we need to document how to use it,
so that other projects can use it. And then we need to work with other
projects so that they *do* use it. And if they're happy with it, maybe
we'll have to remove all the ow prefixes, so that it can be upstreamed
to cmake (if Brad King likes it) and then everyone can benefit from it,
and anyone who learns CMake will automatically be able to look at an
OpenWengo cmakefile, and know what's happening.

The first step in that is to make a compelling case for someone to learn
OWBuild. Just saying that it makes it easier to handle a ton of
dependencies doesn't help people understand what you mean by that any
better, nor does it make people believe it more.

A good way to make that compelling case might be to show, for some
well-defined project, which uses cmake now, how much shorter, more cross
platform and nicer their CMakeLists.txt are if they use owbuild. I know
this will take time, but it will be worth it for the adoption of owbuild

 Like we say in french faut pas jeter le gamin avec l'eau du bain

In English, we have the same: Don't throw out the baby with the

Re: [Wengophone-devel] Still a compilation problem...

2007-01-04 Thread Philippe BERNERY

Le 4 janv. 07 à 17:06, Tanguy Krotoff a écrit :

Because there are no good libraries/tools (or buggy bindings)  
available for the D language.

Do you know why Java was adopted so quickly by everybody? probably  
because of marketing from Sun yes, also because of the JVM,  
portability helped aswell but mainly because the set of libraries  
was simply AMAZING when released: xml, network, regexp, gui, ssl,  
thread, mutex... Using C you need to choose/intall/use 10 different  
libraries that are not always well designed/documented/tested or  
Using C++ you just need to install Qt and you have almost  
everything you need. That's why Qt is so nice and will be more and  
more popular over time!

In C++, the problem is same as in C, you need to install lots of  
external libraries to really code something. In WengoPhone we use Qt,  
boost, curl,... Qt is good but is not THE solution.

A language without good libraries worths nada, peanuts, que dalle
and I think D is dead if they try to create yet another language  
since what people need is a complete framework

And this is also why script languages work so well... They provide  
complete framework to do almost everything.

Future will tell us...


Wengophone-devel mailing list

Re: [Wengophone-devel] Still a compilation problem...

2007-01-03 Thread Dave Neary

Hi Philippe,

Philippe BERNERY wrote:
 Le 2 janv. 07 à 22:37, Dave Neary a écrit :
 CMake Error: portaudio: alsa_INCLUDE_DIRS and alsa_INCLUDE_DIR empty
 It seems alsa development files are now installed on your workstation.

Thanks for the answer, but...

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/src/wengophone-2.1$ dpkg -l libasound*-dev
ii  libasound2-dev1.0.10-2ubuntu4
ALSA library development files

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/src/wengophone-2.1$ dpkg -L libasound2-dev

So everything's installed fine. If I run find_package(alsa) it's found fine.

But FindAlsa.cmake doesn't set alsa_INCLUDE_DIR or alsa_INCLUDE_DIRS.
And in any case, FindAlsa.cmake doesn't get run before we call

I have attached a patch I used to work around the problem - it calls
PKGCONFIG for alsa, which sets alsa_INCLUDE_DIR, and the compile goes fine.

There may be a better way to fix this - I'm open to suggestions.

This shows one of the problems of using owbuild, though - it seems like
there are only 4 or 5 people who can start answering questions like
these - I spent a couple of hours tracking down this problem. By using
owbuild macros, rather than standard cmake, we're reducing the number of
people who can help when we have a problem, and increasing the learning
curve for new people coming into the project.

Is there any example of a cmakefile using standard cmake and owbuild so
that I can compare the benefits that the owbuild macros bring?


Dave Neary
OpenWengo Community Development Manager
Index: libs/3rdparty/portaudio/CMakeLists-internal.txt
--- libs/3rdparty/portaudio/CMakeLists-internal.txt	(revision 9083)
+++ libs/3rdparty/portaudio/CMakeLists-internal.txt	(working copy)
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
@@ -85,6 +87,8 @@
Wengophone-devel mailing list

Re: [Wengophone-devel] Still a compilation problem...

2007-01-03 Thread Philippe BERNERY

Le 2 janv. 07 à 22:37, Dave Neary a écrit :

CMake Error: portaudio: alsa_INCLUDE_DIRS and alsa_INCLUDE_DIR empty

It seems alsa development files are now installed on your workstation.


Wengophone-devel mailing list

Re: [Wengophone-devel] Still a compilation problem...

2007-01-03 Thread Tanguy Krotoff

Dave Neary wrote:
I have attached a patch I used to work around the problem - it calls 
PKGCONFIG for alsa, which sets alsa_INCLUDE_DIR, and the compile goes


There may be a better way to fix this - I'm open to suggestions.
This is a script that sets alsa_INCLUDE_DIRS (via function
ow_add_public_include_dirs()) since FindAlsa.cmake don't do it

All scripts inside libs-3rdparty-cmakelists were made because 
Find*.cmake are a bit messy: all the guys named their variables like 
they wanted, some defined _INCLUDE_DIR, others _INCLUDE_DIRS and of 
course sometimes like in FindAlsa.cmake case just nothing. Sometimes 
everything is uppercase, sometimes it is not (like original 
FindBoost.cmake for example)
So scripts from libs-3rdparty-cmakelists are supposed to solve this 
problem: everything looks and works the same


alsa was declared after portaudio so of course portaudio couldn't use 
alsa, simple as that (and this not particulary due to OWBuild, it's like 
using a variable without declaration: it simply does not work)

I've improved a bit the error message about _INCLUDE_DIR is empty. At 
least this error message exists, *with CMake it does NOT exist*, CMake 
let you alone with this!!!

This shows one of the problems of using owbuild, though - it seems
like there are only 4 or 5 people who can start answering questions
like these - I spent a couple of hours tracking down this problem.

By using owbuild macros, rather than standard cmake, we're reducing
the number of people who can help when we have a problem, and
increasing the learning curve for new people coming into the project.

ok so let's rewrite everything using CMake macros instead

Is there any example of a cmakefile using standard cmake and owbuild
so that I can compare the benefits that the owbuild macros bring?
+ all functions are documented inside:
yes documentation is not enough for the moment

I like to troll so let's troll well:

It's like people saying: Java is shit, what is heritance, what is a
class + private and public? do we need that anyway? these guys are
stupid, I prefer the good old C (1)

And to make it clear for everybody:
why do I have to learn driving a car?? you are so stupid guys! this is
too complicated, why don't you go by walk?

The fact is:
you want to build a software with a *lot* of dependencies (FFmpeg, Alsa,
Gaim, cURL, IAXClient...) with a *lot* of internal libraries (Wenbox,
IMWrapper, SipWrapper...) on 3 different OS (Linux, Windows, MacOSX)
+ of course you want to switch all libraries from static to shared (why
the hell they invented .dll, .so, .lib, delspec export...)
+ you want to choose between svn repo/system 3rd party libraries
+ you want to compile each library separately (for example webcam or
pixertool) + other stuffs like this
then you will end up with something similar to OWBuild in the idea, if
you are smarter than me your OWBuild will be better/easier/whatever else
it will be a big mess.
I take the bet no problem

Like we say in french faut pas jeter le gamin avec l'eau du bain
don't throw away the kid with the water from his bath

(1) and then you end up with something like GTK+ where they just 
re-invented a square wheel by implementing inheritance in C rather than 
to use a tool specially designed and studied to solve this particular 

please feed me!!! :D

Tanguy Krotoff [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Wengophone-devel mailing list

[Wengophone-devel] Still a compilation problem...

2007-01-02 Thread Dave Neary


I am still having an issue compiling the 2.1 branch from svn - the
configure step for portaudio fails with the following error:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/src/wengophone-2.1/build$ ./ debug
-- OS: Linux-2.6.15-27-386
-- Processor: unknown
-- Compiler: /usr/bin/gcc
-- Build type: Debug
-- Build tool: /usr/bin/make
-- Build directory: /home/dneary/src/wengophone-2.1/build/debug
-- svn revision: 9073
CMake Error: portaudio: alsa_INCLUDE_DIRS and alsa_INCLUDE_DIR empty
-- Configuring done
Generate graphviz: /home/dneary/src/wengophone-2.1/build/

I activated the compilation of Portaudio with ALSA support in
DefineWengoOptions.cmake at the svn root
by setting PORTAUDIO_ALSA_SUPPORT to ON by default.

The problem is this bit of OWBuild, in

foreach (loop ${ARGN})
if (NOT ${loop}_INCLUDE_DIRS)
if (NOT ${loop}_INCLUDE_DIR)
${loop}_INCLUDE_DIRS and ${loop}_INCLUDE_DIR empty)
endif (NOT ${loop}_INCLUDE_DIR)
endif (NOT ${loop}_INCLUDE_DIRS)
That gets called with alsa as an argument, but we never test
beforehand for ALSA, and even if we did, the ALSA CMake script doesn't
set either alsa_INCLUDE_DIRS or alsa_INCLUDE_DIR.

I'm still feeling my way around CMake - anyone able to point out the fix
for this issue in OWBuild?

I can attach DefineWengoOptions if you can't reproduce, just let me know.


Dave Neary
OpenWengo Community Development Manager
Wengophone-devel mailing list