[Wesnoth-bugs] [bug #21697] MP synchronization not tracked well, creates minefield for add-on designers

2014-04-22 Thread Ignacio R. Morelle
Update of bug #21697 (project wesnoth):

 Open/Closed:Open = Closed 


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[Wesnoth-bugs] [bug #21697] MP synchronization not tracked well, creates minefield for add-on designers

2014-04-16 Thread Daniel
Update of bug #21697 (project wesnoth):

  Status:None = Fixed  
 Open/Closed:Open = Closed 


Follow-up Comment #6:

ok the last part is now fixed in 11c33d6e44743c5d0967e1d842820d9dba5a77f1


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[Wesnoth-bugs] [bug #21697] MP synchronization not tracked well, creates minefield for add-on designers

2014-04-16 Thread Daniel
Update of bug #21697 (project wesnoth):

 Open/Closed:  Closed = Open   


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[Wesnoth-bugs] [bug #21697] MP synchronization not tracked well, creates minefield for add-on designers

2014-03-17 Thread Daniel
Update of bug #21697 (project wesnoth):

 Assigned to: gfgtdf2 = gfgtdf 


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[Wesnoth-bugs] [bug #21697] MP synchronization not tracked well, creates minefield for add-on designers

2014-03-15 Thread Daniel
Update of bug #21697 (project wesnoth):

 Assigned to:None = gfgtdf2


Follow-up Comment #5:


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[Wesnoth-bugs] [bug #21697] MP synchronization not tracked well, creates minefield for add-on designers

2014-03-11 Thread anonymous
Follow-up Comment #1, bug #21697 (project wesnoth):

so you want to be able to call random or [unit] from lua filters?
the nomral rule is that you shall not change the gamestate during an
(possibly) unsynced event, which [unit] normaly does.
i argee that wesnoth.synchronized would be a useful feature, but could you
please give an example where lua functions can be invoked during ability
filters, which can happen at arbitrary times in the middle of other events


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[Wesnoth-bugs] [bug #21697] MP synchronization not tracked well, creates minefield for add-on designers

2014-03-11 Thread Eli Dupree
Follow-up Comment #2, bug #21697 (project wesnoth):

Simple: For some filter, I have a unit table (not a proxy unit) and I want to
check its movement cost on a particular hex using wesnoth.unit_movement_cost.
So I make a proxy unit with wesnoth.create_unit(), but that (by default)
desyncs the RNG.


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[Wesnoth-bugs] [bug #21697] MP synchronization not tracked well, creates minefield for add-on designers

2014-03-11 Thread Eli Dupree
Follow-up Comment #3, bug #21697 (project wesnoth):

Another one: You could have a complex menu that allows you to create and
customize a unit (possibly with some legitimately random elements), then
passes the unit to the other players as the return value of
wesnoth.synchronize choice.


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[Wesnoth-bugs] [bug #21697] MP synchronization not tracked well, creates minefield for add-on designers

2014-03-11 Thread Eli Dupree
Follow-up Comment #4, bug #21697 (project wesnoth):

For random numbers in ability filters specifically, it is probably wrong to
use them, but if my ability filter is complicated and calls other parts of my
code, and one of those parts uses random numbers, I want to see that as a
warning message right away rather than having it show up as an unexplained
combat OOS several turns later.

For random numbers in synchronize_choice (which is legitimate), it's possible
to use math.random currently, but it would be nice (and less confusing for
add-on developers) to be able to use the same syntax as for synced random


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[Wesnoth-bugs] [bug #21697] MP synchronization not tracked well, creates minefield for add-on designers

2014-02-19 Thread Eli Dupree

 Summary: MP synchronization not tracked well, creates
minefield for add-on designers
 Project: Battle for Wesnoth
Submitted by: elvish_pillager
Submitted on: Thu 20 Feb 2014 12:59:16 AM UTC
Category: Bug
Severity: 3 - Normal
Priority: 5 - Normal
  Item Group: Networking
  Status: None
 Privacy: Public
 Assigned to: None
Originator Email: 
 Open/Closed: Open
 Discussion Lock: Any
 Release: 1.11.9+dev
Operating System: Debian Linux



Currently, we have
- No warnings for using random, synchronize_choice, or global_variables in
non-synced events, except for OOS errors, which aren't very readable and (for
random things) may show up much later.
- An RNG state that can become desynchronized - for *all* future uses - from
just a single misuse in a non-synchronized context.
- Stealth features that can silently desync the game without the add-on writer
referring to them directly: generate_name, random_traits and random_gender.
(They default to true, and they can be invoked variously by [unit],
wesnoth.put_unit, and wesnoth.create_unit (possibly [unstore_unit]? I don't
know). It's quite nonintuitive to be able to break the game by creating a
private unit just to check something about it)
- No way for a WML or Lua script to check whether it's currently in a
synchronized context.

Running into these can be a major stumbling block for an add-on designer.

Of course, the designer can always desync the game by basing conditionals on
timestamps or controller= or math.random, and I don't propose removing those
features. But the engine could certainly track whether the current event stack
should normally be synchronized or not - which an add-on writer cannot know
(consider that an attack event could be invoked by the
era/scenario/modification from inside a side_turn_end event - you could say
it's irresponsible for someone to do that, but that requires a sophisticated
understanding of the networking system that we cannot, and *should* not,
expect from the average WML writer).

In the add-on I'm currently developing, I *attempted* to track synchronization
by setting a global lua variable at the beginning of each synchronized event
and unsetting it at the end. However, this did *not work* because lua
functions can be invoked during ability filters, which can happen at arbitrary
times in the middle of other events, and as a result, a process that should
have been safe (because I made it check the sync state and behave
differently if it wasn't synced) became unsafe. Looking back on it now, I
could have put it in a local variable that is passed around through every
function I use (but that would be cluttered) or I could do something
complicated with metatables (but again, I want these features to be usable by
the average scripter, not just someone with mad skills.)

I propose:
1) Whenever rand=, random_gender=, random_traits=, or generate_name= is used
in a context the engine can know isn't synchronized, two things happen: One,
it gives a result based on a *local* RNG state, so that the game doesn't
completely desync. Two, it issues a warning message - with a stacktrace -
unless the user also specifies allow_desynced=yes in the [set_variable] tag
or unit table that invoked it. The warning message would say something like
Warning: Using {key=value} in a non-synchronized context. If you know what
you're doing, set allow_desynced=yes
2) A lua attribute wesnoth.synchronized so that scripts can check the sync


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